Howling III: The Marsupials is a horror comedy directed by Phillippe Mora. This PG-13 film stars Barry Otto, Max Fairchild, Imogen Annesley and Dagmar Bláhová. As...
Released in July of 2019 and based on the comic book series by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, The Boys came onto the scene and took...
Alright, buckle up, mofos! The dragons is back, and oh boy, do they mean business. With the premiere of House of the Dragons, our thirst for...
We’ve reached the last episode of John Carpenter’s Suburban Screams. And now that I’ve seen the entire season, I’d like to say something directly to John...
I thought about featuring some sort of Father Nature bit for Father’s Day, but having already explored Perilous Parenting I decided to focus on more creepy...
Released in May of this year, You Like It Darker is the latest short story collection by Stephen King. In the afterward King says. “You like...
Episode five of John Carpenter’s Suburban Screams was one of the best kind of horror stories. It is a dark, eerie tale of a mean house...
Today for Father’s Day I want to celebrate one the best dads in horror ever: Herman Munster! Herman Munster of television celebrity is a perfect example...
Someone is stalking the children of Fairfax, Virginia. He comes bearing an axe. He comes from the forest. He comes in the night. He comes dressed...
Revisiting the creepy faux fingernail art, I made a couple of goblins… They then ransacked my house. This is their story, as told by myself, Jennifer...