Published in April 2023, Catriona Ward’s novel, Looking Glass Sound, continues her tradition of crafting intricate narratives that defy easy categorization. Like her acclaimed The House...
Wicked City (1987) is a dark fantasy horror animation following a world at the brink of war as mortals and supernatural being clash.
Released in 2023, Late Night with the Devil is a found-footage movie about a late-night host who’d do anything to have the top-rated show. Don’t worry,...
“B is for Brain” is an episode of the supernatural drama Evil. The assessors investigate new brain mapping research.
Like I said before, I’m really getting into the spirit of the season this year. So reconsidering The Mourners yet again, and haunting the faith a...
Evil: “S is for Silence” is an episode of the supernatural drama. The assessors investigate two miracles of a potential saint.
We’ve reached episode six of Marvel’s Agatha All Along. And finally, we’re getting some answers. Yes, if you’ve been waiting to find out who Teen really...
Oldboy (2003) is a South Korean film adaptation of a Japanese manga of the same name. Directed & co-written by Park Chan-wook.
“C is for Cop” is an episode of the supernatural drama, Evil. The assessors assess police misconduct during an unarmed shooting.
“Z is for Zombies” is an episode of the supernatural drama Evil. The assessors investigate Father Mulvehill's spiritual exhaustion.