“C is for Cop” is an episode of the supernatural drama, Evil. The assessors assess police misconduct during an unarmed shooting.
“Z is for Zombies” is an episode of the supernatural drama Evil. The assessors investigate Father Mulvehill's spiritual exhaustion.
Death Becomes Her (1992) is a surrealist dark comedy directed by Robert Zemeckis. This PG-13 movie stars the iconic legends Meryl Streep, Bruce Willes, and Goldie...
Evil: “E is for Elevator” is an episode of the supernatural drama. The assessors investigate a missing person.
“F is for Fire” is an episode of the supernatural drama, Evil. The assessors investigate a pyromaniac for potential demonic possession.
“A is for Angel” is an episode of the supernatural drama, Evil. The assessors investigate a potential angelic possession.
“N is for Night Terrors" is an episode of the supernatural drama, Evil, created by Michelle King and Robert King. The assessors assess a friend of...
"Book 27" is an episode of the supernatural drama series, Evil. The assessors investigate a demonic infestation.
"Justice x 2" is an episode of the supernatural drama series, Evil. David provides spiritual counseling. Kristen attempts to keep a killer in prison.
"Room 320" is an episode of the supernatural dram show, Evil. David recovers from an attack as Kristen and Ben attempt to find the attacker.
7 Swans a Singin' is an episode of the supernatural drama series, Evil. The assessors investigate a case of mass hysteria.
If you’re looking for a page-turner to add to your October TBR search no more, Mason Coile has you covered with his new novel William, released...
Exorcism Part 2 is an episode of the supernatural drama series, Evil. The assessors testify on a botched exorcism.
"2 Fathers" is an episode of the supernatural drama Evil: David and Kristen investigate an ancient demonic sigil and Andy comes home.
Evil's Vatican III is an episode of the supernatural drama Evil. The assessors investigate a potential possessed serial killer.
Evil is a supernatural drama created by Michelle King and Robert King; this review covers Let X=9. The assessors investigate a prophet.
Evil is a supernatural drama created by Michelle King and Robert King; this review covers "October 31." The assessors review an exorcism.
Evil is a supernatural drama created by Michelle King & Robert King; this review covers Rose390. The assessors investigate a troubled boy.
3 Stars is an episode of the supernatural drama, Evil, created by Michelle King and Robert King. The assessors learn of demonic obsession.
Vermis II: Mist & Mirrors is a graphic novel by Plastiboo, acting as the "official guide for a game that doesn't exist."