Released in March of this year, Ghostbuster’s Frozen Empire is the latest in what is now a four-part series that began in 1984. And, unlike most...
Episode two of John Carpenter’s Suburban Screams was more true crime than supernatural. It was the horrific, dark tale of a serial killer who escapes from...
Launched in October of 2023, Suburban Screams is the latest project by acclaimed horror master John Carpenter. It’s a true crime/unsolved mystery series covering events that...
We’ve now reached the end of Fallout, season one. As I mentioned during the last review, I was heartily concerned that this show, like so many...
Episode seven of Amazon’s Fallout is the penultimate episode. This is often when a series goes off the rails and starts to mess things up. After...
Amazon Prime’s Fallout has continued to be a suspenseful delight. And with the last episode’s dramatic cliffhanger, I was certainly looking forward to this one. Thankfully,...
Episode four of Amazon’s Fallout wasn’t the best-liked. Of course, that’s relative to the rest of the season. While this is the second-to-last-ranked episode, it’s still...
Episode four of Amazon Prime’s Fallout was a great one for character development. It was also great because one of my personal favorite actors was involved....
The finale of American Horror Story Delicate aired last night. And if you were watching along with us on Threads, then you already know that it...
Episode three of Amazon Prime’s Fallout continued the themes we’ve seen so far, with an added twist. With comedy and gore already blending, the story has...
Last night’s episode of American Horror Story Delicate was wild. From its star-studded start to its powerfully quiet finish, I was enthralled through every moment. Let’s...
Episode two of Amazon Prime’s Fallout was equal parts funny and bloody. This almost always leads to a good time. The story We begin this episode...
Launching with worldwide excitement, Fallout is based on the extremely popular game series of the same name. Fans of the series have waited with anticipation and...
Episode seven of American Horror Story Delicate was a classic AHS flashback episode. If you were excited to see what Preecher had to say to Anna...
American Horror Story Delicate returned last night with the episode titled Opening Night. After a wait of six months due to the SAG strike, we finally...
Released in August of last year, Mister Magic is written by author Kiersten White. And I’m going to give you the warning that I wish I’d...
We’ve come now to the final episode of Goosebumps, season one. And, as often happens, the ending just couldn’t live up to the rest of the...
After last episode’s spectacular ending that honestly felt like a season finale, I was apprehensive about this episode. I was expecting this one to feel slow,...
Episode eight of Goosebumps felt more like a season finale. Frequently when shows do this, it leads to a lackluster final episode in which it feels...
This episode of Goosebumps is named after the Choose Your Own Adventure spinoff books. Also known as my favorite way to spend an afternoon as a...