Boar (2017) is a creature feature horror film directed by Chris Sun. This unrated film stars Nathan Jones, Bill Moseley, Steve Bisley, Christie-Lee Britten, and Simone...
A Dark Song (2016) was a supernatural horror film written and directed by Liam Gavin. This unrated film starred Steve Oram, Catherine Walker, Susan Loughnane, and...
Backcountry (2014) was a survival horror film written and directed by Adam MacDonald. The R-rated film starred Missy Peregrym, Jeff Roop, Eric Balfour, and Nicholas Campbell....
Vermis I: Lost Dungeons and Forbidden Woods is a graphic novel by Plastiboo. The team behind the work includes Plastiboo as the artist, Hollow Press as...
Howling: New Moon Rising (1995) was a supernatural horror collection of scenes directed by Clive Turner and Roger Nall. This R-rated film starred John Ramsden, Ernest...
Howling VI: The Freaks (1991) is a supernatural horror directed by Hope Perello, starring Brendan Huges, Brace Payne and Michele Matheson.
Howling V: The Rebirth (1989) is a whodunit directed by Neal Sundstrom, starring Philip Davis, Elizabeth Shé, and William Shockley.
Howling IV: The Original Nightmare (1988) is a supernatural horror film directed by John Hough and Clive Turner.
Howling III: The Marsupials is a horror comedy directed by Phillippe Mora. This PG-13 film stars Barry Otto, Max Fairchild, Imogen Annesley and Dagmar Bláhová. As...
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (2019) is a tactical role-playing video game developed by Cultic Games, evoking Lovecraftian horror.
Ashen (2018) is a souls-like action RPG developed by A44 and published by Annapurna Interactive available across all platforms.
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995) is a point-and-click horror game based on Harlan Ellison’s award-winning short story.
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022) is a horror comedy directed by Halina Reijn. This R-rated horror film stars Amandla Stenberg and Maria Bakalova.
Asvins (2023) is an Indian Tamil-language supernatural horror film; the directorial debut of Tarun Teja Mallareddy.
Prince of Darkness (1987) is a horror film written and directed by John Carpenter; the second installment of the "Apocalypse Trilogy."
The Twin (2022) is a psychological horror film directed by Taneli Mustonen, starring Teresa Palmer, Steven Cree, and Tristan Ruggeri.
Devil’s Pass (2013) is an R-rated sci-fi horror film inspired by the real-life Dyatlov Pass Incident and directed by Renny Harlin.
The Golem (2019) is a folk horror film directed by Doron and Yoav Paz, starring Hani Furstenberg and Ishai Golan.
Vesper (2022) is a science fiction horror film directed by Krstina Buozyte and Bruno Samper, starring Raffiella Chapman.
Barbarian (2022) was an R-rated horror thriller film written and directed by Zach Cregger, starring Georgina Campbell and Justin Long.