Death Becomes Her (1992) is a surrealist dark comedy directed by Robert Zemeckis. This PG-13 movie stars the iconic legends Meryl Streep, Bruce Willes, and Goldie...
If you or someone you love is suffering from thoughts of self-harm, please know that you are loved and valued. Here’s a website to go to...
El Conde (2023) is a Chilean dark comedy directed by Pablo Larraín. This R-rated film politically satires and criticizes Augusto Pinochet.
“Solving the following riddle will reveal the awful secret behind the universe. Assuming you do not go utterly mad in the attempt. If you already know...
Tone-Deaf is a 2019 dark comedy thriller written and directed by Richard Bates Jr, starring Amanda Crew and Robert Patrick.
The Greasy Strangler Before you call BULLSHIT ARTIST on High Art Camp, this was a surprise pick from Parzz1val. Dave Davis, author of The Dead Life...