Prepare thyself, brave adventurer! In a time ripe with peril and filled with daring tales of glory, you are invited to embark on Lord of the...
“Fallen cities are adorned with statues of star-beings, cultists manifest their fervour into reality, and belligerent unions prepare for a cosmic invasion. Familiar landscapes are overrun...
“You walk the streets both badge and boogeyman. This city fears you. Resents that it needs you. Refuses to accept that you’re here to stay. And...
Free League Publishing, a Swedish role-playing game and artbook publisher of award-winning titles such as Forbidden Lands, MÖRK BORG, Alien RPG, and Tales From the Loop,...
“The Loop’s presence was felt everywhere on the Mälaren Islands. Our parents worked there. Riksenergi’s service vehicles patrolled the roads and the skies. Strange machines roamed...
Tales From the Loop is a board game from Free League publishing based on the art book of the same title by Simon Stålenhag. In it,...
Free League Publishing recently released Tales From the Loop, a sci-fi adventure board game based on the popular art book by Simon Stålenhag. I had the...