Happy Mother’s Day to the Queen of Everything… nothing gets by you. Artwork description: A Happy Mother’s Day card featuring a picture of a Nefertiti doll...
Well, you won’t get rid of me that easily… Ha ha, I lied about coming to the end and the afterlife in the Creepy Comics Collages...
Wow, I can’t believe you’ve stayed the course through four whole strange story posts of these creepy comics collages. But this is the final frontier, the...
We’re ba-ack… Are you ready for the next creepy comics collages graphic story overload? After the last time and the intermission I wasn’t sure I’d see...
Let’s take a brief intermission from the creepy comic collages to talk about my show opening next weekend shall we… I have been involved in menstruation...
Continuing our creepy comics saga, here is the next installment of our graphic art story… Creepy Comics Story 3: Toxic Relationship (always by your side) “Case...
Since I already planned to continue the Creepy Comics collages on Easter, I will post a special Easter basket today for Good Friday. This is called...
I recently came into a handful of comic books. OK so maybe there was an antique mall, a 10 for $3 sale, and a bunch of...
Dead art… It’s a thing that happens, sadly. Typically found at thrift and antique stores or dumpster diving or by the side of the road. But...
Revisiting my last St. Patrick’s Day post, what’s a wolf to were? I grimaced as I remembered the previous St. Patrick’s Day. I had been shot...
So this isn’t a review but more just some thoughts… I have to admit that I actually like the She Wolf music video by Shakira. Maybe...
Mail art doesn’t typically cross over into horror, although it can do so from time to time. Like on Haunted MTL as part of my Great...
In our last installment of the art show preview, the eye drawing has it… All-seeing works by Jennifer Weigel go to show you gotta watch where...
And we’re back! Here’s more marker drawing from Jennifer Weigel, continuing our exclusive preview of works for her upcoming show… This time we’re diving into full...
Valentine’s Day is coming, so we’re taking a brief break from Marker Drawings to give you Oblivion, a different kind of love story… A well-dressed middle-aged...
This month we are going to explore more fun marker art from Jennifer Weigel, starting with black and white line drawing. Jennifer is getting ready for...
I had heard tale that The Elves dwell in these woods. Many underestimate The Elves; they have a fondness of heart for Tolkienesque Middle Earth fantasy...
I have been getting ready for a jewelry show in February and thought I’d share some of the fun eye candy necklaces I’ve been working on....
Revisiting my costume modeling work, like my previous witch and skeleton sitting, I participated in a Living Wax Museum as part of No Craft Left Behind...
It’s that time of year again, and regardless of what you celebrate with the coming of winter I want to wish you the happiest of holidays...