Kittie, Jen, and Cynthia have been best friends since grade school. They are now married (Kittie and Cynthia) and divorced (Jen) with kids. When Will, a...
The Plot In Elle Marrās latest release The Family Bones, we follow Olivia, a member of the notorious family of Eriksens. The Eriksen clan are known...
Are their traditions innocent or are they darker than they seem? The Plot Harry, short for Harriet, is a British writer gaining popularity after the publishing...
They all have a past, but who is out to get them? The Plot Jenna, Donnie, and Nico share a troubled past. They were all orphans...
Keeping it all in the family, Julia Bartzās The Writing Retreat is the debut novel of the sister of Andrea Bartz, author of We Were Never...
The Plot āA brilliantly genre-bending, mind-twisting answer to the question How far would you go to save your child?ā ā Ruth Ware, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jen...
Half-hidden by forest and overshadowed by threatening peaks, Le Sommet has always been a sinister place. Long plagued by troubling rumors, the former abandoned sanatorium has...