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Welcome to our exclusive interview with acclaimed horror author, Isaac Thorne. Known for his spine-chilling narratives and masterful suspense (check out Hell Spring now!!), Thorne has carved a niche in the literary world that leaves readers clinging to every word. Today, we delve into the depths of his horrifying imagination, exploring the forces that inspire him, his unique writing process, and the stories that have left countless readers sleeping with the lights on. Prepare yourself as we step into the darkness of Thorne’s world, a realm where fear is the only certainty.

Sorta Legit Transcript

Hey, everyone Jim Phoenix here and boy am I excited for this new. What’s crack and this one I’ve been waiting for for our author series for a while it is probably the person I thought of first when I said we’re gonna do author series. It’s none other than Isaac Thorne if you’ve done anything at all in horror. You should know his name. He’s got housepring already out. It’s almost legal to drink in some areas or legal to date freak out, you’re old I don’t know one of that too but isaac. Thank you so much for coming over I bet you’re regretting it already like my. Looks legal to drink now. What? No how are you doing sir.

Isaac Thorne
Ah I’m doing Well thanks for ah for having me here. It’s ah it was ah quite a job to get us on the the same schedule but we did it and and we’re here now.

Yes, yes, it was it was for for those that don’t follow social media that much we we kind of tag team covered and not in the cool way in a very weird awkward way like I got call I can’t do it like oh that’s 5 will will schedule and then a day that day. The day of same thing like oh I just came down with it. How how it’s like a little virus I guess that goes around through the computer waves now. But I’m so glad it worked out both of our voices willing will kind of hold up now I have to o admit I do remember I do remember you? Ah, ah. A young strapping author who is already well established by the way. But my mind a young strapping author submitting to I think was was it ricky’s backyard or was that or was it haunted Mtl then.


Isaac Thorne
Now it was it I so it it wasn’t haunted Mtl but it was haunted mtl by the time. Yeah, ah but by the time it got into the publication. It was haunted mtl. Yeah.

That was Rookie’s backyard. It got into the publication.

Isaac Thorne
Yeah, that was ah a little ah short story called Dead rights that ah has never been published anywhere else since as a matter of fact, it’ll probably end up in a collection someday. But but yeah, ah.

That writes.

Wow, that’s.


Isaac Thorne
I was happy to have it in in haunted Mtl I Love that that story I thought it was funny and and you guys apparently did too.

It was It was brilliant. No it was. It was absolutely amazing because if you ever have to get the other end of this tick with being a publisher you get a lot of stuff going. Oh the slush piles get like really slushy sometimes I saw this like oh my God This is like really good.

Isaac Thorne

This is amazing me not googling. Anyone’s name at all I like boy he’s got a career going for me if he he can take this far and then later on I I see the name pop up on Twitter im like oh okay, okay, right, right? right? right? ah.

Isaac Thorne
Ah I appreciate that? yeah.


Yeah, yeah, it’s a brilliant I felt like I just discovered Michael Jordan this is awesome like oh no, he plays for the bulls already really the five five championships are ready really, but who knew so you have the talent. Yeah.

Isaac Thorne
And dead rights was ah oh thank you. Thank you very much dead Rights was one of those that that actually it it was kind of a rarity in in Idea. You know it was one of those things that just basically comes to you fully formed and um and you write it down and and usually my stuff doesn’t work that way I’ll start with a yeah you know a scene um an idea for a scene and then work around.

Um, yeah.

Isaac Thorne
That for the short stories at least. But yeah dead rights.

Okay, that’s interesting. You’re saying that. So this came forbably formed dead rice just popping your head.


Isaac Thorne
Yeah, yeah, and it ah I don’t know why I usually my stuff is is somewhat influenced by the news current events you know, ah politics ah culture things like that.


Isaac Thorne
And um I don’t remember what was going on. Um, when I wrote it but but there there was some I remember there being some kind of news influence there and I’m like oh it wouldn’t it be funny. You know if if ah if this ah. This guy working in a University Morgue studying anatomy ah fell in lust with the corpse on his table and then she sat up and called him out on it. You know.

See That’s okay, that’s what brought me to it because maybe it’s my generation but was very aware of this one of my friends. Their father owned him ah are mortuary and this is when the.

Isaac Thorne


The mortuary people were sleeping with the the dead and getting caught apparently like I don’t know who’s catching them but they’re in getting caught with it like the Snl Ski like we absolutely do not have sex with our cadavers that was the whole Snl skit for a bit so I read that like oh my god it’s like that ski it’s like that’s good for like.

Isaac Thorne
O god.

Isaac Thorne

You know the the 90 s I love it and you’re like that’s what I think to dereha I yes, the the news this must have been oh man well pre covered so it go back to about 5 years and then probably what between. 2015 to 19 to 18 ish. Maybe so it’s probably a lot of scandals. Yeah, so a lot of the the sexual. Ah this the scandals kept breaking you know, breaking wide open. Ah.

Isaac Thorne
Yeah, 18 probably yeah.


Isaac Thorne
The Weinstein thing and all that. Yeah.

Me too might have been Weinstein. Yeah was starting to crack open so there we there we have it is the I see you see something on the news or is is it earworm and its thing it’s like wouldn’t it be funny if this happens like wouldn’t that like little twist a little twist of the the truth of the truth of the story and.

Isaac Thorne

That’s an amazing way of of doing it I’ve I have heard from other authors who said they have the entire story I’m usually one of my other entire story in my head like even even unfortunately in the novels and screenplay in which gets really heavy and it’s it’s insane. Ah, but that and the the this.

Isaac Thorne


Scene stars like he had a scene then he’s write the story around the scene or you see what the scene takes you do you ever try to force a character in and see with like what would happen if I do this hat You know this guy gets in there.

Isaac Thorne

Isaac Thorne
Yeah I’ve learned I’ve kind of learned that I can’t force a character to into any situation. The character doesn’t want to be as soon as I start trying to to force it it. It starts to read that way.

Right? yes.

Um, yes, absolutely and you did you learn it. How’d you learn it? How did you learn it. You try it. You try it The pick of we Alpad before? yeah.


Isaac Thorne
You know what? I mean Um, if you read that right? Yeah, actually yeah I mean I’ve I’ve gone back? Yeah, you know you go back to well especially in my first drafts. Um.


Isaac Thorne
Because even the short stories I I you know rewrite and and rewrite several times but but you can when you read it especially in the first draft you can tell oh I was trying to make this something that the character obviously didn’t want it to be so cut.


Isaac Thorne
You know and or replace with ah with something else.


That’s that’s pretty good advice I think it’s things that we think intrinsically we can do and then we find out. No no, no, you can’t like we think like oh this is possible like I can make my characters do what I want.

Isaac Thorne
You can’t right? yeah.

And the character fights back like oh yeah I Guess you’re right? It’s it’s plot driven not care, got it plot driving. So we we find this out. There’s anything else you did in your past as a writer that you discovered a better way of doing.

Isaac Thorne
Um, not necessarily a better way. There are things I’ve stopped doing or stops trying to do like yeah when I um when I write my novels I I tried originally to do outlines. Um.

Right? really.


Isaac Thorne
Because a lot of people. Yeah, a lot of people I admire were were like outlines outlines you gotta outline it and once you outline it once you have all your ideas and and scenes and characters and everything in that outline The writing is easy. Well, the problem is I don’t have.


Isaac Thorne
The story fully formed enough to create an outline from it. Um, like ah especially I mean you wouldn’t I wouldn’t outline a short story anyway. But but with the novels once I have the idea and and I know I have kind of a sketch in my head of.


Um, right.


Isaac Thorne
Of what I think is going to happen. Well, as soon as I try to outline that and think I have a good solid outline when I start writing it. It goes somewhere else. So I ended up being what they they call a seat of the pants. Um, writer you know more? so. when I when I do the long fiction I do instead of trying to outline from the beginning. Um, before the first draft I take the first draft and I create an outline from that when it’s done. Yeah, and that way.

Oh really, this is pretty interesting.

Isaac Thorne
That way when I do the rewrites I can see the holes I can see the places where the the dots don’t connect I can see things that that you know started to go somewhere and never did um and that way I in right? in other words I use an outline to fix.




Isaac Thorne
More than I use it to create.

I I laugh because I find I’ve given my own novel coming out. Ah shortly and I I found the same things where you write it and like this is great in your head they start outlining like oh this character appears like once for a.

Isaac Thorne
Right? exactly.

3 pages like why is this person even here story what? why is this even a thing. What what am I doing so the it’s that the it like the ah you doing like a post on on the postmortem on the outline on the first draft and trying to outline that way.

Isaac Thorne
Ah, yeah, yeah, absolutely.


But that’s and then do you then? ah pin them to scenes or how do you move things around.

Isaac Thorne
Um, what I usually do. Um once I have that that outline is I might move um, a chapter here there you know I might see something that that I think well this.


Isaac Thorne
Really should have happened earlier for this character to be in this place. You know later on or or maybe you know this character wouldn’t be having these revelations yet because not enough you know has has occurred to guide them to to.

Um, right.


Isaac Thorne
Whatever conclusion it is. They’re coming to so I might move chapters around and and if you do that Then you you do have to do some some rewriting in the chapters as well to make sure you don’t have any you know leftovers there where somebody’s somebody’s reading.

Um, yeah.

Isaac Thorne
Um, and they it it sounds like something just happened when it actually happened days ago now you know, um.

Right? And that and that’s the thing. Especially we start moving around so tell me this is not in freshen your mind anymore. So you really have to be careful with that. Yeah.

Isaac Thorne
Right? Yeah, exactly and that’s why it pays to um to not only do that outline for me but also to reread and and review multiple times and put some space in the days. Ah, between those like I finish a first draft I I won’t look at it for a week or 2 um, and then when I go back to it to do that right? when I go back to it to do that outline. It’s all fresh. You know, um.


Right? Put it in the freezer was that now.

Isaac Thorne
And then ah same thing after rewrites you know I’ll I’ll go through it again and I actually I have a um application on my laptop that I used to to have it read the manuscript aloud. To me while I wear headphones because I’ve also discovered that I can catch a lot of crap that way that I don’t catch by reading it writes.

Um, really.

Because you’re not gap filling. Yeah, whenre when when you’re especially when you’re reading your own work your mind Gap fills it just skips over stuff and because you you wrote it’s like you know what you mean, but it satsate’s silent in the paper though.

Isaac Thorne
Yes, exactly yep, right? Yeah I mean you mean the reader can’t see what I’m thinking you know.


What’s on papers different from what’s in your headd. That’s the that’s the issue. Yeah so I love it right? Yeah, if only if only next year the next new food and that’ll be horrific for me for technology now. So.

Isaac Thorne
Ah, yeah.

When you’re doing something like housering and I know housepring is the one that’s your almost one year old. Oh look at that almost one year old I Remember that first came out I remember like I saw that the the the cover like oh that’s a cool that’s cover man actually probably text is like like that’s a cool.

Isaac Thorne
Um, yep, yeah.

Isaac Thorne
That cover. Yeah, that cover has has generated a lot of eyeballs and a lot of comments and and hopefully a lot of the sales I’ve gotten of that that novel. It’s ah.



Isaac Thorne
It’s actually my I have 1 cover designer who’s done most of the covers for my my books and that includes the the short stories that I put out as singles. Um and she and I actually usually table together at at local cons.


Isaac Thorne
Um, because she has her own you know, art and coloring books horror and fantasy themed that she sells um and ah yeah, she Ah, she just knocked it out of the park with hell spring it. It is my favorite of.

Um, oh that’s amazing.


Isaac Thorne
Of the cover. She’s done for me I actually have a ah print of that hanging on my wall. You know, framed print because I yeah I Absolutely love that cover.

Really that’s but that’s awesome. I’m so glad you brought up your wall because one of the things I’ve seen and I’m on your website right now which is isaacthor and which if you are an author I I’m not guilty I’m not doing this but mine’s coming if you’re an author I strongly suggest getting your own website because it gives you that 1 big step towards your readers that you won’t get just from doing ah Amazon’s

Isaac Thorne

And this is something I saw on your Instagram it was the the mailing room I believe you’re you’re doing like the whole mail. Yeah, and I’m looking at sign paperbacks if you go to sign paperback and please correct me if I’m wrong is 1999 right now.

Isaac Thorne
Um, yes, yeah.


Isaac Thorne
That’s correct. Yeah.

And if you go to Amazon the paperback file a signature 1999 so what you know it’s like it’s no brainer. What would rather do like get it from the author of a signature on it or you know Amazon you you this is a brilliant move.

Isaac Thorne
Yeah, it.

So what? what led you? What led you to this.

Isaac Thorne
I pricing a book when you’re an indie author and it’s always been kind of a hand-wringing thing for me because I I you know I want some profit from it. But when you’re an indie. Um, especially if you’re.


Oh yeah, yeah.

Isaac Thorne
The print stuff if you’re doing print on demand. It is more expensive short term to print on demand the per copy um, ah Print cost is higher than if you you know went to your local offset printer and had them print a thousand of course.


Isaac Thorne
Then you have a thousand sitting in your basement you know, um.

That was what I got to got thousand copies. Yeah you you have a castle you you build cardboard box castles out of um, that’s what we used to do my castle.


Isaac Thorne
Ah, right? So so the pricing is is always you know a little bit of ah of a hand-wringing thing for me but I figured if I at least if I price it the same as I sell it for retail.

Isaac Thorne
I can include stickers I can include Bookmarks I can include a signature and these little things that also have cost to them but not so much cost that that it’s you know, completely taking away the the profit.

Um, right.

Isaac Thorne
And right and the ah the customer um gets more for their money as a result and I I enjoy doing that I like being able to to provide them with something that they’re not going to get buying it through Amazon or.

You’re not getting your Hopa margin. Yeah.



Isaac Thorne
Or Barnes and I will and that’s not that I’m not happy when someone buys it through you know another channel um bookshop dot org you know, indie bookshops. Ah I’m a big fan of but but if I can give them a little something extra. Um. Even I have custom packaging that I send the the physical books in that has my little evil bunny character on it. So yeah, yeah, so right? exactly.

Really oh man so we see like that includes 2 free evil bunny stickers like on you one these now I got ah I’d buy for me is like the book probably already have but the bunny stickers I do not.

Isaac Thorne
Um, yeah.

It’s like a $20 bunny sticker like ah, it’s $10 each I’ll do it I’m crazy that way give me those buddies look I’ll think buy stickers all days. Sir. So I like how you’re packing this up, you’re you’re making you’re making it both a business but not so much. Is that like like an Mba kicking in. It’s it’s a business because you want to give the reader something more and and I making sense. Okay, yeah, and I know.


Isaac Thorne

Isaac Thorne
Yeah, exactly exactly?? Yeah absolutely and I mean if if I wanted and the thing about being an indie as well is is if I was doing this because I wanted to. Retire from it then that’s a fool’s Errand you know there’s There’s no way that I as an indie author without the the vast. Um, you know pocketbook of of a traditional publisher I’m gonna. Make enough doing this in the way that I do it to you know quit my day job. Um, so that’s not the reason I’m doing now that’s not saying an indie author can’t there are indie authors who have but that’s not me. Um I think.


Isaac Thorne
You know number one. My audience is too niche and I’m just I’m not I’m afraid if I try to make it my entire work life that the fun will leave. You know.

It’s the old Hunter Thompson thing when a young writer’s like I want to write for a living. It’s really fun like I give him the quote from Thompson’s like writing is a lot like sex. It’s only fun for amateurs. You don’t hear any old horrors giggling and and that’s like.


Isaac Thorne

Like when you when you make it your fulltime Gig is like the the joy starts straining you know, but okay so I I see I see I see where you at I mean this is one of the things I was like Wow you’re and by the way for those who don’t know and it’s shame I You don’t know not knowing but you.

Isaac Thorne
Um, yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Isaac Thorne could go full time. My opinion. You could go full time and this is your old gig and that’s it because you’re writing spectacular. Your imagery is outstanding. The pacing is wonderful. Everything you want to. Not only teach in a writing class but things that you can’t quite teach unless you know it’s repetition. You just kind of like have to learn it. You just have to learn it by master crafting it. You’re there. You’re already there and well I appreciate you putting out good works.

Isaac Thorne
Um, well I appreciate that I appreciate that.


Like it’s mutual appreciation that way absolutely and then not only are you there but you understand the indie game. You understand what is what it’s like to apps I will say okay I’ll ask I’m only gonna say so. Have you thought about going to a I don’t I use a traditional publishing of vernacular like ah the external indie meaning a small publisher.

Isaac Thorne
A small press. Um I have considered it I have considered it occasionally but there’s also a part of me that actually yeah.

Um, yeah.

Just offload it.

Isaac Thorne
And and there are times when I desperately want to do that, Especially if they’re willing to take over stuff like social media. Um, you know which I’m ah I’m all over. But oh my god.


I don’t know how you do it I have no idea you’re my inspiration for social media like like you got like 5 points 2000000000 followers what like what.

Isaac Thorne
That well Twitter twitter I was able to build pretty quickly over a couple of years years ago I well x now whatever um but I don’t think I could do it now and and my other social media. Um.

Um, yeah.

Isaac Thorne
You know they’re not not paltry but they’re nowhere near um the number of of Twitter followers I managed to to build over that time. That’s 1 reason I’m sad to see what’s happening to it because I have a feeling I’m eventually gonna have to leave. Um.

To yeah I know that was the I evolve them I like Twitter the most as well used to and it’s just it’s more and more painful every time I look at it.


Isaac Thorne
But yeah, yeah, yeah.

And I’ll I’ll have to ask because I see it on your profile is is your Tiktok feed as painful as mine trying.

Isaac Thorne
I I have attempted to curate my I I have attempted to curate my my Tiktok feed so that it is mostly ah like cats you know? um.

Like you must’t use tik to like I used to pick Tikt Tock I did do want know.

There you go there, you go? Yeah smart Oh man I wish I was that smart I wish I was that smart I was like I was doing old man playing basketball again that was me I was like yeah.


Isaac Thorne
Yeah, cats and dogs and and particularly talking cats you know? ah.

Welcome to gens I’m out of shape. Oh boy that was a horrible. What what thing you used to be good at you’re really horrible now mind’s breathing like fuck like like that that’s like I 2 videos I think that but so we are both in the i.

Isaac Thorne
Um, yeah.

Yeah I I am there with you. It’s the you have to live social media and God I know some people who are marvelous at social media and they love social media and they eat it up I ain’t one of them and I always thought you might be because how hard you see you look like you’re working very hard I mean just.

Isaac Thorne
I am Yeah yeah I am yep yeah and I I don’t think I don’t think my work would have gotten um as out there as it is without.


You know the the retweets and the yeah so you’re doing that because you have to oh wow.

Um, right.

Isaac Thorne
Ah, Twitter in particular in the beginning if that Facebook I’m bad at um I I’ve never really um, never really become enamored of Facebook the way some folks have I’m I’m on it rarely? um.


Isaac Thorne
And a lot of that is just you know things I’m copying from from Twitter and and just reposting there. Um, but I I never really never really found my my legs there you know, um.


Um, yeah.

Isaac Thorne
Instagram I’m slightly better at um, but ah yeah I mean yeah yeah, that’s where I that’s where I post my ah my shipping station and my pops and.

I like your Instagram because I get to see your world. You know I get to see the picture is like oh this is very visual pops. You know that shipping honestly I saw that shipping saving like.

Isaac Thorne
Yeah, if.

Oh that is it. That’s what I have to do I to get off my butt and it’ it’s very inspiring so for your house spring. Yeah how a spring you say you may be doing another convention about house spring or we kind of kind of toy coming from Hell spring.


Isaac Thorne

Isaac Thorne
Yeah, is there’s a a book. There’s a book blog tour coming up in October for health spring and um, the the tour manager that I’ve I’ve been working with for a year over a year now

I know I did the course.


Isaac Thorne
On this book is just amazing in connecting ah with people and getting people to read it and and review it and and buy it. Um, so we’re we’re doing another one on this october. So so you’ll probably hopefully. Bc in hell spring on some book blogs and and much more on your social media feeds that not that I don’t post enough about it already. But.


Well heck if you don’t you always post more and that’s the thing you are a so kind and generous to us haunted empty L is like it blows me away every time like like is he just like really just. Spoke of my ass right now is that like no, it’s like oh Wow, this is very kind of you. Oh Wow and I see retreating stuff and listening and just blows me away man.

Isaac Thorne
now I yeah now I love you guys I love you guys I know and I listen to a lot of podcasts but and and they’ve come and gone over the years um you know and I don’t stick with. With all of them. But but you guys I’ve I’ve stuck with there are some core you know other podcasts that I’ve I’ve stuck with and I love your microfiction that you post on. Yes.


The microfictions but the the insitwes you know what helps ah especially for longevity of both podcasts and microfiction liquid I v so if you go liquid I and I’m kidding I’m not going to drop a plug inmi interview. But like what I be like the 1 times the legit thing you’re not talking about ewwas right now. It’s like now you’re pulling away? Yeah, but this is my point when you were you’re using social media even though you see it as part of a job for an author when I I agree it it is. You’re not just pushing book book book book book. You’re also pushing other people you’re talking, you’re engaging. You’re watching the last drivein you’re you’re tweeting at this, you’re you’re doing the cat video. You’re doing this you’re doing this photo it’s it’s it’s engaging you’re not just doing It’s not the echo chambers like to here it is you know press play and let it recycle through.

Isaac Thorne


Isaac Thorne
Um, yeah.

Isaac Thorne
Yeah, yeah, and I well I think that’s important. Yeah I think it’s important to do that and I well and I’ll tell you I’ll tell you when I first landed on on Twitter back. It’s probably 2015

You are absolutely engaging with people which I think is a missing step. Yeah, it bus to.


Isaac Thorne
I think was when I started my account on there of 1 of the first people who followed me and I followed back is is ah a guy called the bleeding critic. Um. He wears a ah clown mask and he does you know reviews of of movies video reviews of movies and books and one of the things that he always said um at the end of his videos was you know, make sure you. Ah, follow and like and engage you know with and he would promote other accounts. You know, saying like follow engage with this this account. It’s a cool account. So so he kind of started me down this road of of keeping up.


Um, yeah.

Isaac Thorne
Engagement and and actually you know talking to people and and responding to to other people and and helping them. You know, become more visible as Well. Um, and I do think it’s it’s important to do that. Otherwise you’re all, you’re doing is. Promoting and and people are going to ignore that after a time you know? yeah.

Yeah, they suss set up pretty quickly, especially nowadays it’s it’s why influencers only go so far once the Botox wears off, it’s over you know because they they didn’t build. They didn’t it sounds mean but they don’t didn’t build an honest.

Isaac Thorne

Like relationship with her followers is is a 1 way you know and this way you build it and I think we both watched the last drive and I’m pretty sure we’ve we’ve seen shoulder tweets on that I think that’s what they do really? well like people like that.


Isaac Thorne
Right? Yeah, exactly.

Isaac Thorne
Yeah, yeah, thank you.

Do it really? Well, you do it amazingly well and I think it goes off into why people should buy housepring First of all, if you want an autograph copy. There’s still some stuff right? There’s there’s a autograph. Okay, if you want an autograph copy of hell spring I’m feeling cocky ah hard back.

Isaac Thorne
Yes, absolutely.

Why not? why not get the heart back out. So I want I want to see this suck anyway, if you want to autograph copy ah of how was bringing the hard back hard back. You can kill someone with this probably don’t please don’t see your lawyer first I actually don’t see it lawyer. It’s illegal to kill anyone you want period haunted empty yale it’s on us, you go tweet at us you dm us you x thread us Tick I don’t even know what Facebook messaging I don’t know whatever is you make it known with your address and we will send out one the paid to you that that’s how it is how spring the very first 4 people I like number 4 kind of weird that way.


Isaac Thorne

Get a copy of hellring and everybody else by yourself by yourself. Go to ISAACTHORNEDotCom get yourself some house spring. It is awesome sauce and there’s even a I’m ultra jealous. There’s an audible book I’m so jealous.

Isaac Thorne
Um, um of not of hellspring yet. Um my my yet. Yeah yeah, the other books.

Have no idea not if yet. Okay so I’m not jealous of you yet? Okay think yet is it coming out. How’s that how’s that working for you.

Isaac Thorne
Um, the the other books are all in audio format. The narrator of the Gordon place is is actually hopefully going to be able to do the the audiobook edition of of hell spring I wanted. I had hoped to be able to get him on it. Um, in time to to have them both. You know, sort of released around the same time. Unfortunately, he was already overwhelmed with projects. So it’s it’s in his queue.


Um, right.

Isaac Thorne
And hopefully hopefully will be coming soon.

Did you ever think about doing yourself doing the reading years.

Isaac Thorne
I I have my I actually have my short stories in audio format. Or yeah, they’re mostly narrated by me. Yeah, yeah.

I was say for the shorts. Yeah right? Yeah yeah, that that’s it’s always the thing because authors usually can do the best of inflections at the same time if for a novel that that’s a lot but that’s gonna take some time.


Isaac Thorne
Um, yeah, yeah, um.

But that’s like I can hear you glen fondinele. Ah, you just Hire Matt Barry there you go I hear you can do some stuff when he’s not being a vampire so you know what this has been a wonderful chat I thank you so much for a time we actually went over a little bit.

Isaac Thorne
Bad. Yeah.

I think for time and again if you want Hellring first 4 on us autograph hard copies. Why not you do some have our copy autographer. Okay yes, first 4 ah graph our copies. Why not.

Isaac Thorne


Ah, give us Dm slide us in no bra blemo. We’ll get them out to quannie’s last but check out the site check them out on all the socials. It’s actually pretty cool. We follow them. Ah sir I’m gonna find your Tiktok now and your pinterest. Go hunt your pinterest take ax down. That’s woman do after this but thank you very much for everything sir isaac r thorne everywhere. That’s a very long name isaac r thorne everywhere. Oh but no, that everywhere was that part of it. Space. Okay.

Isaac Thorne
Ah, eyes it’s isaac R Thorne everywhere. Absolutely Yes, it’s isaac R Thorne space everywhere.

Like that’s a off play law name. Go follow them. It’s it’s entertainment is what well worth it and you’re going to learn something if if you are a horror fan. You had to follow if you’re a writer who wants to learn a trade follow them. Do just this follow you go learn Iler I Still learn a lot Honestly God I learned lot from you. So I Want to say thank you for that and thanks for coming and as it bye. Everyone.

Real skull. Don't ask. You wouldn't believe it if I told you.

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Fireside Chat 2025: Apparently I Don’t Exist



Good news to my nonbinary pals – we no longer exist!

“But Brannyk,” you may be thinking, “what am I supposed to do now that I am no longer a real being? How shall I spend my days?”

Unfortunately, the government has not released a handbook for this occasion, so I thought we could brainstorm together.

picture of handbook for the recently deceased from beetlejuice but deceased is crossed out and it's got a sticky note that says "no longer existing as per some jackass"
I’m sure it’s lost in the mail…


nonbinary ghost in a haunted rave party

There are some benefits to being a ghost, for sure.

No rent or insurance payment. No corporate job, no cleaning cat litter, no AT&T trying to sell you another line after repeatedly telling them that you just want to make sure that your autopayment is on, but they’re all like, ‘Why would you pass up such a bargain on a second line? Are you an idiot? Why wouldn’t you need another phone line?‘ and so you have to tell them, “Because I’M DIVORCED, ASSHOLE, THANKS FOR REMINDING ME OF THAT!”


Ahem. I digress.

Yeah, you may not be able to venture out, much like Adam and Barbara in Beetlejuice. You may need to put up with someone else crashing your place and moving around all of your shit. Or Ryan Reynolds trying to sell you Mint Mobile. Or some toxic couple taking your creepy doll that you spent years on trying to possess.

Or, my absolute biggest pet peeve, when you’re practicing for the ghost speed chair-stacking championship and the normies just don’t appreciate your cool skills.

But the advantages are that you get to stay home, watch tv, stack your chairs and hope whoever buys your house/visits your creepy woods/gentrifies your neighborhood is a cool person, too. 2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

It’s a good choice, but has a lot of drawbacks.



Look, if you’re not going to exist, go big or go home, I’d say.

monster that's super cool with a SWAG hat, because they got that rizz
got that literally…

Monsters are cool. They play by their own rules. Sometimes they cause havoc. Sometimes they come around and help people. Sometimes they work alone. And other times, they have a lot of friends. Sometimes they just need some affirmation. And sometimes they’re…in high school, apparently?

The cool thing is that they come in all shapes and sizes.

attack of the crab monsters
Look at that face and tell me they’re not having the time of their life
The Monolith monsters
These are literally just rock monsters
Monstroid cover - it's a weird monster
You can be…whatever the fuck they are
Monster in the closet
….No. I’m not making the joke.

Monsters are generally misunderstood. Some have their fans. Others are hated.

So basically, just like people, except with more tentacles.

The only downsides are that you might be too big or too “ick” for some people (these can also be pluses), you may have a taste for human flesh (no judgement), or the biggest issue – there are too many choices.

You could get stuck trying to figure out what kind of monster you are. If you’re not into labels, it’s an absolute nightmare. Or if you’re like me, it’ll be like standing in Subway for 15 minutes trying to figure out what toppings and dressings you want while the “sandwich artist” is openly judging you.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

I like the customization, but it can be a bit too overwhelming.


Hear me out. I know it seems a lot like the monster category, but it’s not quite.

a cryptid monster in the woods with nonbinary flags

Cryptids are weird and mysterious. They keep to themselves. They have people who are fascinated by them and post on Reddit about them. Some have people making documentaries about them.

They’re like monsters’ quieter cousin who reads books in the corner at family gatherings. They collect shiny things they find by the side of the road. Sometimes they’ll steal a peanut butter sandwich or two.

Ever so often, they might scare a human just by existing or by politely asking for their stuff back.

Each one kinda has their own goals and priorities. Their own hangouts and interests. But unlike monsters, they’re not looking to rock any boats-

Beast of Legends has a big ass octopus
oh, uh…

Never mind, I stand corrected. 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

I like the freedoms of being a cryptid and also dig the cottage-core vibe I get from them.


I know it’s hard right now. It’s going to be hard. You may not exist to some assholes, but you are real. You have real feelings and thoughts and dreams. You have a real future. You have real decisions. Real actions that affect this world.

You have the real ability to wake up tomorrow and choose to exist. And for whatever reason you choose. Use it. Ghosts and monsters and cryptids are powerful, just like you are, even when you don’t feel like it. They have a place in our human world, just like you do. You make this world interesting and important.

You are part of this world, you are real, and you are not alone.

The horror community is one of acceptance, diversity, creativity and passion. In these times, it needs to be. We need to rely on each other. We need to cultivate and protect each other, as much as we need to protect ourselves.


And it looks like I’ll be coming out of my own cryptid hovel I’ve spent the past few years in to remind you that. My job isn’t done. Not by a longshot. And neither is yours.

You exist to me. Today, tomorrow, and forever.

Be safe out there, friends.

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Movies n TV

Smile 2: A Poor Rate Second.

“Break a leg out there.”



Smile 2, a psychological supernatural horror, released in October 2024 just in time for Halloween, sees director Parker Finn (Smile, Laura Hasn’t Slept) return with a sequel starring Naomi Scott (Aladdin) as pop star and recovering addict Skye Riley. While Smile 2 boasts a talented cast, it ultimately falls short of its predecessor, offering a familiar storyline with minor variations and a predictable finale. The film attempts to introduce a new method to combat the parasitic ‘Smile Entity’, but this addition fails to elevate the sequel beyond a pale imitation of its chilling predecessor.

The Plot.

Smile 2 begins shortly after the end of the original; just six days after Rose Cotter’s death. During a short interlude scene, we watch as the now cursed Joel attempts to pass the Smile Entity on by killing one criminal in front of another. The plan backfires spectacularly, inadvertently passing the curse onto an innocent bystander named Lewis Fregoli.

The film then shifts gears, introducing Skye Riley, a singer and performer making a triumphant return to the spotlight with a comeback tour after a tumultuous past. During a candid interview on the Drew Barrymore Show, Skye opens up about her struggles with addiction and the devastating loss of her boyfriend in a car accident. Her sobriety journey, however, faces a severe setback when she seeks pain relief from her old high school friend, the unwitting Lewis Fregoli. In a chilling turn of events, Lewis takes his own life while Skye watches, passing the Smile Entity onto her.
Unaware of her new cursed existence Skye gets on with rehearsing for her tour, but she begins to notice that strange things are happening. People are smiling at her in an unnatural way and she becomes the target of anonymous attacks and aggressions. When text messages begin to arrive from an unknown number, Skye decides to get some answers.


Let’s not beat about the bush. I found Smile 2 difficult to finish and was struggling at about the hour-and-a-half mark to stay awake. That being said it’s worth watching because everyone needs to see the 3-minute scene of the ‘smilers’ chasing Skye through her apartment. This was possibly the creepiest thing I’ve seen on a screen.  The buildup, the synchronicity of the movement of the actors and their positioning, the camera work, and the lighting. I have rewatched it several times and it doesn’t get old. If you are only interested in watching this, fast forward to the 123-minute mark and get ready to be impressed.


Where do I start?

My primary concern with Smile 2 is its striking resemblance to its predecessor. The narrative follows a familiar pattern: an attractive woman fleeing a supernatural force, grappling with hallucinations, experiencing a mental health decline, and culminating in the revelation someone close to Skye was the Smiling Entity after all. This repetitive structure diminishes the film’s impact.


While the introduction of a new method for shedding the entity initially offered a glimmer of hope this concept wasn’t fully realized. It just served to add names to the line of people that the entity has infected in the past.

Furthermore, the film’s pacing suffers from excessive focus on Skye’s musical career. Scenes showcasing her stage rehearsals and music videos, while intended to establish her identity as a performer, feel unnecessary and detract from the narrative momentum. Yes, we understand she’s a performer, you told us, you don’t need to prove it. These scenes appear to artificially inflate the film’s runtime, suggesting a lack of confidence in the core story.

The Final Take.

Ultimately, Smile 2 fails to expand upon the established lore of the franchise. The film’s conclusion feels contrived, with a blatant setup for a third installment. Hopefully, if a ‘Smile 3’ is inevitable, the creative team will bring fresh ideas and avoid simply retreading familiar ground.

2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

Both Cthulhu’s granted for that one scene.


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Movies n TV

Goosebumps, Stay Out Of The Basement Pt 2, could have just been one part



We’re back again with Goosebumps The Vanishing, episode two. A story too big for one episode, apparently.

Or, maybe this is just a nod to the fact that Stay Out Of The Basement was a two-part episode in the original 1995 show. Either way, after seeing this episode, we could have kept it to one.

The story

We begin this second episode with Anthony investigating the parasitic plant taking over his body. Rather than, I don’t know, going to the hospital, he’s decided to phone a colleague and send her some samples from the bulb he pulls out of his arm with a handheld garden trowel.

David Schwimmer in Goosebumps The Vanishing.

Meanwhile, Devin is having his own worries. He’s haunted by what he saw in the sewers. So, he gets CJ to go with him to investigate. What they find is more of the tendrils of the plant that dragged him down through the manhole last episode.


I sure would have liked to see more about that.

Instead, we see Devin pivot to flirting with a newly single Frankie. Because teenage hormones I guess.

Meanwhile, Trey is having a terrible day. First, his girlfriend leaves him. Then, Anthony breaks his car window.

Needing a way to deal with his frustration, Trey decides to break into the Brewers’ basement. There, he starts wrecking up the place. Until he meets the plant creature and has an unfortunate accident.

What worked

The big difference between this episode and the last is the increased gross-out factor. This episode had some straight-up cringy moments. From the tendrils waiving from Anthony’s arm to the whole goat he brings home to feed his new pet, this episode was skin-crawling gross in the best way possible.


The series is called Goosebumps, after all.

What didn’t work

Unfortunately, that’s where my praise ends. This episode, unlike the last, just wasn’t that great.

To start with, there was a lot of unnecessary drama between characters who are not in danger of being eaten by a plant from the inside out.

 Francesca Noel in Goosebumps The Vanishing.

I especially disliked the focus on the Frankie/Trey/Devin love triangle.

Now, I don’t hate it. This part of the story adds extra emotional depth to the show. We can see why Trey would be especially incensed by his girlfriend falling for the son of the neighbor he’s feuding with. But it would be more enjoyable if it wasn’t so cliche and dramatic.


I hate the way Trey tried to gaslight Frankie. It makes me dislike him when he should be a sympathetic character. I hate how whiny Devin is every time he talks to Frankie. And I hated the impassioned speech Frankie gives after Devin asks her why she was with Trey.

Listen, I understand what we’re going for here. Devin and Cece are not struggling financially. They’re doing alright, and their new friends here in Gravesend are not. We kind of got that without Frankie claiming that her socioeconomic status is why she’s dating a bully and gaslighter. It felt out of place. It felt like pandering. It certainly didn’t feel like something an eighteen-year-old would say. I hated it.

Finally, there was a moment near the end of the episode that irritated me. I don’t want to give too much detail because I wouldn’t dare ruin an R.L. Stine cliffhanger. But, well, it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

I get that we’re watching a show about a carnivorous plant that is going to wreak havoc on this family and neighborhood. I understand the suspension of disbelief. Some might even say I am a little too generous with it. So I can buy into a teenager being absorbed by a plant and turned into a monstrous version of himself.

I can’t buy into what happens at the end of this episode. It doesn’t make sense with the rules established. It certainly doesn’t make any sort of scientific or logical sense. It is a lazy moment meant to further the storyline but threatens the structural integrity of the season.


All in all, this wasn’t the best episode of Goosebumps. But it’s only the second episode. Honestly, the season has plenty of time to go either way.

2.5 out of 5 stars (2.5 / 5)

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