These photographs are from the first of a series of figure modeling sessions I did for a local art center. The skeleton is a very good...
I grew up in a small but comfortable house in northeastern Maine. The backyard overlooked the ocean from a short, rocky outcrop. The front faced onto...
Fashion Zombies was created for a St. Louis, Missouri (USA) zombie-themed art exhibition called Expired. The final version was meant to be more-printer friendly, but here...
“The Haskell Playhouse” by Taylor Roth A playhouse was commissioned for little Lucy Haskell for her fifth birthday but she never got to play in it...
The Art of Denny Marshall
A circuit or leeches–I can’t decide and my mind knows that I can feel those buggers crawling on me now (tape worm faces with leech suckers….)...
Part childhood demon, part Mr Burns–this black and white masterpiece from Denny Marshall brings all that is weird back into scared reality. – Jim Unidentified Legend...
The Family Swing by Claire Lawrence Claire Lawrence is a writer and visual artist. She has been published in Canada, the United States, United Kingdom and...
Giana LaSpina is an aspiring artist from Nashville, TN who has a soft spot for horror and B-movies. When she isn’t writing or doing art, you...
It’s raining artwork here at HauntedMTL and we hope you have some acid protect as Denny is back with his tripout horror show! – Jimbo Denny...
Frankenstein Alive, Alive! By Berni Wrightson and Steve Niles I know what you’re thinking. A sequel to Mary Shelley’s classic? In graphic novel form? Kill it...
Welcome to the first installment in an ongoing series spotlighting original horror creations. The first piece we have is an illustration titled “Summon” by UrbanKnightArt on...