Art & poetry is like chocolate and fine red wine… I love exploring older writing; it feels as though I’m stumbling through dusty tomes of forgotten...
Here is a list of all of the posts in this series so that you can look at the graphic illustrations and read the poem in...
Bonus video poetry reading… if this doesn’t load properly you can find it here. It Was Not Death, For I Stood Up,By Emily Elizabeth Dickinson...
The sixth and final in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem. And feel free to check out more...
The fifth in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem. And feel free to check out more of Jennifer...
The fourth in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem. And feel free to check out more of Jennifer...
The third in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem. And feel free to check out more of Jennifer...
The second in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem. And feel free to check out more of Jennifer...
The first in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem. And feel free to check out more of Jennifer...