Join Jim Phoenix in this special bonus episode of Streamin’ Demons as he dives into the intriguing documentary “A Cursed Man” and shares his thoughts on...
As Box is trapped in the wilderness after a plane crash for their soccer team… Wait, that’s the plot line for Yellowjackets. We mean, join us...
Continuing my series exploring YouTube with Ask a Mortician and Obsolete Oddity, I will now focus on Maya Deren, since many of her films can be...
This is a companion story to my Lighter Than Dark advertisement from Feb. 3, Best Friends Forever. Misty glanced at her phone. It wasn’t like...
Artwork description: A newspaper-styled advertisement from one of those rag mag newspaper clippings, like the National Enquirer back in the days of BatBoy. A faceless feminine...
My editors love this genre–a period occult tale. We think Emily’s work is quite well-done and has some beautifully written lines in it. Lines that will...