Based on the novel by Donald Ray Pollock, The Devil All The Time is an ambitious, 138-minute feature that follows three different storylines all packed tight...
Plot For fans of Cormac McCarthy, Ron Rash, Donald Ray Pollock, and Stephen Graham Jones is William Gay. An Appalachian gothic writer, Gay’s prose shines in...
“Real monsters are people, and I’ve seen them”
“The problem with family is that they know where all the levers are that make you move. They’re usually the ones who installed the levers in...
The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs returned for its annual Christmas special on December 15th. As is tradition, the episode also serves as a charity...
It is 1990s indie night at The Last Drive-In, and we’re here to cover the fun, COVID-be-damned. The review/recap this week might be lacking a little...
I finished reading Andy Davidson’s “The Boatman’s Daughter” in mid-March, but I’m already declaring it one of the best novels of 2020. And I’m not alone...
Welcome back to Haunted MTL’s extensive recap and review series for Swamp Thing on DC Universe. Sadly, this is where it ends. Swamp Thing was canceled early on in the...
Join Streamin’ Demons and special guest Court Court as we countdown the most iconic Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes of all time! Get ready for the...