Isaac Thorne’s “Tab’s Terrible Third Eye” is a gripping psychological horror that delves deep into the fears and anxieties of childhood, blending supernatural elements with raw...
Supernatural is not strictly a show about witchcraft. Or, is it? Sam, Dean and John Winchester are not witches. Or, are they? When you watch Supernatural...
Remake vs Original: Episode Two I come back with the second episode in our Remake vs Original series. This exists in attempt to learn more about...
Gothika isn't a horrible movie, but it seems it had more potential. Let me explain.
"Break a leg out there."
Haunted By Robert Howell For years I have been telling people of the haunted house I once lived in. Most people just laughed, some believed and...
“The Demon of Memes” is the second episode of Evil’s season 3, created by Michelle King & Robert King available through Netflix & Paramount+
“The Devil does wear beautiful gloves.”
We are nearly there, dear readers! This is our two-part finale of the mystery thriller series Monastery. While our group of makeshift detectives have gone through...
“The Demon of Death” is the season 3 premiere of the supernatural drama Evil, created by Michelle King and Robert King.
I always had a fascination for horror that explores real-life themes against a supernatural backdrop. Courtney Summers is a very versatile author. Her work ranges from...
Jim first solo short dives into Nick Frost’s terrifying taxi thriller ‘Black Cab’ on this week’s Streamin’ Demons, awarding it 4/5 Cthulhus. Discover why this nail-biting...
“Real monsters are people, and I’ve seen them”
“C is for Cannibal” is the season 2 finale of the supernatural drama Evil. The assessors investigate a man struggling for long pig cuisine.
A supernatural horror where the ghosts, surprisingly, aren't the most terrifying aspect.
“D is for Doll” is an episode of the supernatural drama Evil. The assessors investigate a demonic infestation.
“I is for IRS” is the eleventh episode of the supernatural drama Evil. The assessors serve the IRS to investigate a Satanic church.
“O is for Ovaphobia” is the tenth episode of the supernatural drama Evil's second season. The assessors investigate RSM Fertility.
“U is for U.F.O.” is an episode of the supernatural drama Evil. The assessors investigate a potential U.F.O. sighting.
Wicked City (1987) is a dark fantasy horror animation following a world at the brink of war as mortals and supernatural being clash.