As we near the end of season one of Netflix’s The Watcher, many things have changed for our characters. One thing, however, has stayed the same....
This episode of The Watcher was perhaps my favorite so far. Not because anything especially exciting or heartfelt happened. But finally, finally, Dean gets a tiny...
Episode four of The Watcher was really hard to, well, watch. Everything and everyone is piling onto Dean in this one, and it isn’t even our...
Please don’t forget to go back and check out Eve’s spooky piece yesterday if you missed it. An ornament, so fair and fine From Christmases long...
Gotterdammerung means twilight of the gods. Welcome, Killer Queens, to American Horror Story Murder House-, no wait. Sorry, it’s just that The Watcher feels so much...
Horror and comedy blend like chocolate and peppermint. Both because they’re a great combination and because they’re all but impossible to avoid during the holidays. Sometimes...
In watching this episode of Netflix’s The Watcher, I felt one emotion beyond all others. Absolute fury. We pick up with the Brannock family just where...
Released in 2021, The Advent Calendar is a French Christmas horror film. Full disclosure, I didn’t realize it was a French film when I started watching...
It’s day two of 12 Nightmares of the Holidays. If you missed it, please check out Jennifer Weigel’s scary good story. The package wasn’t meant for...
Released in October of this year and claiming to be based on real-life events, The Watcher was one of many projects Ryan Murphy launched in two...
There’s been some argument online recently as to whether or not the 1984 classic Gremlins is a Christmas movie. This is of course a ridiculous argument,...
Christmastime is here, and it’s time for a barrage of holiday movies. While most of these tend to be all about love, warmth, and dogs in...
Released in October of this year, Mr. Harrington’s Phone is based on a novella by Stephen King. It was part of a collection called If It...
I am going to warn you now, Killer Queens, that the finale of American Horror Story NYC was heavy. It was incredibly hard to watch. It...
We’ve reached the second to last episode of American Horror Story NYC. And it has been a hell of a ride. Some people have called this...
After the last episode of American Horror Story’s surprising and bloody climax, I suppose we were due for a slower episode with Fire Island. It would...
Episode seven of American Horror Story NYC came in hot. And it just got hotter. We start with Gino and Patrick going to rescue Henry. And...
American Horror Story has always been great at the back story. The all so important flashback episode that explains everything that’s going on. All through this...
After watching American Horror Story NYC, I only have one complaint. We didn’t see Sam once the entire time. That injustice aside, this was a great...
After the end of the last episode of American Horror Story, NYC, I had a pretty clear expectation of what was going to happen in this...