A look at the paranormal with a professional amateur. Not What You Expect Since Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones turned them into heroes the Men...
“Sweet Tooth” by Tiffany Promise It didn’t seem that late on Halloween eve—the frothy, mossy stink of recently-scooped pumpkin still permeated the air—but only the goth...
Herb Hiders by Denny Marshall Denny E, Marshall had had art, poetry, and fiction published. One recent credit is interior art in Midnight Echo #14. See...
Army Men Around the House by Gareth McGorman Gareth McGorman is a scale modeler living in Toronto who commands a small army of 1:35 scale soldiers....
Frank’s Hideaway by Bryan Fontenot Last week I received word that Frank had died in a bar fight, his throat cut by another man. Frank wasn’t...
The Thing In The Bell Tower by Alex Taylor I knew it was no tornado that brought Ashland to the dust. Despite what I heard,...
Damian is a lifelong documentary photographer who originally hails from Newark, Delaware. Damian earned a bachelor’s degree in English and Anthropology from Boston University and boarded...
The Reconstructivist by Emma Parrella I take a step out the door, and my foot sinks about an inch into the grass. We’ve had night and...
On Your Life by Julia Wren “Ready in 5…4…3…2…” a younger woman with a raspy voice in an all-black outfit says to a crew member...
Wicked Pieces by Mary Leoson The crone’s skin sagged like a melting candle. It hung in drips rolling off her face—molten, dying. The eyes were marbles...
Among The Flayed by Ben Spencer Mygento sold their agrochemical seed steroid under the trade name “Sorocom,” but after a year on the market, a period...
“Wherever You Go, There You Are” by Kelli Allen Wherever you go, there you are -“Where I lay my head is home.” –L. Ulrich and J....
Welcome to our ongoing series spotlighting original horror creations. This time we have is an illustration celebrating Halloween by Julie Devin, creator of the webcomic Monster...
A circuit or leeches–I can’t decide and my mind knows that I can feel those buggers crawling on me now (tape worm faces with leech suckers….)...
JICAMA by Laura J. Campbell “I about had a heart attack checking my social media account this morning,” Meredith Stemple said, stirring her vodka-and-orange juice...
Opaque by Matias F. Travieso-Diaz Even in the early days, before the city expanded deeply into the suburbs, the property was an anomaly. It was a...
Hazzard Manor by Dawn Coen It was a cold December morning in Los Angeles. The sort that made Margaret grateful she no longer lived in the...
The Rat by Ben Gartner Marie DesJardin killed her husband with a shotgun, but it wasn’t murder; it was mercy. Pierre DesJardin was a scientist, eager...
Day 14 Dani placed a finger to her lips and pulled her hand away from Sandy’s mouth. “Sandy, I need you to help me here.” She...
Part childhood demon, part Mr Burns–this black and white masterpiece from Denny Marshall brings all that is weird back into scared reality. – Jim Unidentified Legend...