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“:)” by Tim Boiteau

Finn: 🙂

Zoe: What happened 2 u? I called and texted a ton of times earlier this wk…

Finn: 🙂

Zoe: Ur phones broken douche. Back from the mountains yet?


Finn 🙂

Zoe: Okaaaay good 2 know. Txt me when ur back in town. Parents wont be back til Sun wink wink

Finn: 🙂

11:50 PM

Piper: HIST term paper finished n still have 48 hours of spring break left. Jelly?


Zoe: I hate u.

Piper: What’s ur progress?

Zoe: 2 sentences. Can stretch it 2 like half a page with title & name & all that … 🙁

Piper: Lol a page half full way of thinking ;D

Zoe: Kill me plz


Piper: Come over and work w/me. Still need 2 do BIO reading. Ill get ma barista on = ice mochas!

Zoe: Mb tomorrow. Finn just pulled into the driveway…

Piper: Sigh … l8r sexy

Zoe: L8r

11:55 PM


Zoe: Come up. Kitchen doors unlocked.

Finn: 🙂

Zoe: This is getting old Finny boy.

Finn: 🙂

Zoe: Not 2 mention creepy. R you coming n or not?


Finn: 🙂

Saturday, 12:07 AM

Zoe: Where r u?

Finn: 🙂

Zoe: Can you stop this fucking game


Finn: 🙂

12:11 AM

Zoe: Christ im freaking out

Piper: Lover boy trouble?

Zoe: Something weird is going on here. Finn pulled into the driveway 15 mins ago. I told him 2 come in but he never did. When I went down 2 see what was taking so long his car was empty not just empty but open. He left al the windows and doors open the engine running there was mud all over the pedals and floor. It was so rank I almost puked and there was this dark dried stain on the driver side headrest. Maybe blood. Dunno.


Piper: Shit. U call 911?

Zoe: Fuck no. What if hes drunk or high or something. I don’t wanna get him arrested.

Piper: Ok just calm down. Im sure its fine. Mb he stumbled into the bushes outside. Hes probably out cold in your yard or something.

Zoe: I doubt it. When I texted him before he kept replying with a 🙂 every time.

Piper: Def high


Zoe: I tried calling out 2 him, texted him again after I found the car. Same thing. 🙂

Piper: Weird

Zoe: Right? Wtf? Did you talk 2 any of the other guys? Zac or Trey? R they back yet?

Piper: Talked to Lucy earlier today. Said she hadnt heard from Zac or any of the others but she said cell receptions spotty in the mts. And nonexistent in the caves. She didnt sound too worried.

Zoe: Yeah I texted him Mon and Tues and he didnt reply til tonight with that fucking smiley.


Zoe: Shit I just heard something

Piper: Like what?

Zoe: A door creaking. Brb.

12:15 AM

Zoe: Finn r u in the house?


Finn: 🙂

Zoe: I’ve got ur keys.

Finn 🙂

Zoe: Quit fucking around!! Im calling u. Pick up.

Finn: 🙂


12:19 AM

Zoe: Fuck fuck fuck

Piper: What’s happening

Zoe: Finn isn’t answering his phone. Just playing the stupid 🙂 game.

Piper: He’s not in the house?


Zoe: I dunno. Couldnt hear his phone ringing but it could be on silent. I found a flake of mud in the front hall. Could b from his car.

Piper: Call the cops, call 911

Zoe: Yeah ok ok l8r

Piper: L8r

12:42 AM


Zoe: Finn?

Zoe Hello?

Zoe: Finn please answer me. Im worried about u.

12:50 AM

Piper: Everything ok?


Zoe: Patrol car came by, 2 cops.

Piper: What they do?

Zoe: Came in, took a look around, took a statement, checked out Finn’s car.

Zoe: They didn’t take much interest in the stain. Pretty old they said, if it even was blood.

Zoe: I showed them the texts and they thought he was prob playing a practical joke. I txted Finn in front of them, but all a sudden he stopped replying. Maybe he passed out or whatever. Fuck I felt like such an idiot.


Piper: Shit Zoe ur being too hard on yourself. U were scared. Least its over now.

Zoe: Ugh Im having a vodka shot and going to bed.

Piper: Night

Zoe: Night

1:35 AM


Zoe: Is that u Finn? Did you turn on the TV downstairs?

Finn: 🙂

Zoe R u ok?

Finn: 🙂

Zoe: Ur not hurt r u? I saw the blood. Fuck come up here, I’m scared shitless, come up here, plz come up, please please stop this


Finn: 🙂

9:44 AM

Piper Morning sexy you survive the night?

Zoe: 🙂



Tim Boiteau lives in Michigan with his family. He is a Writers of the Future winner, with fiction appearing in Deep Magic, Kasma Magazine, and Dream of Shadows. His debut novel, The Drummer Girl, is out now in hardback and e-book.

Tim Boiteau, Author

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Original Creations

Peeping Toms Comic Book Collage Crystal Art by Jennifer Weigel



So I happened upon this very cheesecake-heavy premiere issue of Extremes of Violet, complete with pinups by some of the comic book greats of the time, and decided to make some Peeping Toms collage art by incorporating the voluptuous vixen into various crystal pieces to create a sort of fishbowl effect centered largely on her bosom (which is unavoidable).

Each of the Peeping Toms is shown from three angles because of how much the pieces shift as the light plays off the crystal. I started with these star forms.

pinup comic collage art in crystal bowl
pinup comic collage art in crystal bowl

The second bowl was even a bit iridescent, and violet at that!

Next I did a series of really perky busty bowls, which really get the feeling across that you are looking through the tiny peephole in a door as well as exemplifying the content even more. Note: these are shown in two rows with side details as well, so there are a lot of pics here…

pinup comic collage art in crystal bowl

I experimented a little and tried a couple of other scenes, like the portrait, as well. She’s staring back at the Peeping Toms…

I also tried this more square bowl form.

pinup comic collage art in crystal bowl
pinup comic collage art in crystal bowl

And finally, I found this little heart, which is my personal favorite of the group.

These works are a continuation of my Creepy Comics collage series, shown on Haunted MTL here.

Creepy Comics 1

Creepy Comics 2

Creepy Comics 3

Creepy Comics 4


Creepy Comics 5

Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.
Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.

Feel free to check out more of Jennifer Weigel’s work here on Haunted MTL or on her writing, fine art, and conceptual projects websites.

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Original Creations

Zombie Christ – Second Coming Art by Jennifer Weigel



So I probably should have taken a before picture, but I found a faux wood stained plaster Jesus statue and turned it into Zombie Christ. Because it’s the second second coming. Or something. It’s kind of an offshoot of my nail polish paintings reappropriating thrift store art

Anyway without further ado, I present…

Zombie Christ remake statue by Jennifer Weigel
Zombie Christ remake statue by Jennifer Weigel

I was a little concerned that I made him too green at first, but I’m happy with the finished result. This statue just looked so anguished. It’s eyes had been closed but I like them better open and even painted them with blacklight reactive nail polish so they will stand out even more and be interactive in other ways to add creepy factor.

Another view of sculpture
Another view of sculpture
From the top...
And taking it from the top…

Sadly I don’t have a blacklight anymore or I’d share a picture that way too. Oh well. I’ll leave you with a fun detail shot instead.

Zombie Christ detail with eyes
Zombie Christ detail with eyes

Next time I may make him more gray than green though. We shall see…

Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.
Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.

Feel free to check out more of Jennifer Weigel’s work here on Haunted MTL or on her writing, fine art, and conceptual projects websites.

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Original Creations

Jennifer Weigel Art Collection Highlights Part 3



So it’s been awhile since we’ve looked at some of the things I have gathered, so I thought I’d bring back my art collection for another round… Here are the first and second highlights in case you missed earlier explorations.

Art Collection highlights

From left to right: M Pena Windstone Editions bat-winged flap cat, bone mask by Terry and Susan Wright, wood cat in skull by labcreature, real hair art by myself, pencil drawing of Barbarois Elder for Vampire Hunter D anime cel

Art Collection highlights

From left to right: Barbarois Elder for Vampire Hunter D anime cel, Turn Me Royal portrait of my father and stepmother as Frankenstein’s monster and his bride, painted horse skull

Art Collection highlights

Left to right: Overgrowth by Ellie Bradley, heart by TenderFlesh, praying devil girl by Torman’s Treasures

Vintage plastic Jack O LAntern

And a vintage plastic 2-foot Jack O Lantern I got at a yard sale and have kept on display on his very own stool in the living room since. So happy.

Anyway, there are some more highlights from my art collection, as it is always growing and evolving. I have lucked into several of these pieces at antique and thrift stores or acquired them from the artists or more. And yes, I still have Da Ting the taxidermy shih-tzu from the first of these posts.

Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.
Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.

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