Death Becomes Her (1992) is a surrealist dark comedy directed by Robert Zemeckis. This PG-13 movie stars the iconic legends Meryl Streep, Bruce Willes, and Goldie...
Evil: “E is for Elevator” is an episode of the supernatural drama. The assessors investigate a missing person.
Smothermoss: A folk horror fairytale dragged through the mud.
So I’ve decided to revisit some of my bereaved Gothic celebrity drawings and resurrect The Mourners, since we’re in the thick of spooky season… And I’m...
“F is for Fire” is an episode of the supernatural drama, Evil. The assessors investigate a pyromaniac for potential demonic possession.
Hello everyone and Happy October! It’s time for some spooky goodness and terrifying treats. And of course at HauntedMTL, it’s our favourite time of the year....
We’ve reached episode five of Marvel’s Agatha All Along. And after last week’s bombshell reveal, I expected some serious answers. I’m happy to say we got...
“There was a horse that gave birth. There was a baby. There was a tree. There was a price.”
Released in 2011, Grave Encounters is one of the better-liked-found horror movies by both critics and horror fans alike. At least, that’s the opinion of the...
The gorse bush seemed taken aback. It bristled and exclaimed, “A bush!” “I am so very sorry, my Lord, I can explain,” the goblin cleric bowed...