"2 Fathers" is an episode of the supernatural drama Evil: David and Kristen investigate an ancient demonic sigil and Andy comes home.
Agatha All Along is the latest Marvel Universe show on Disney +. For those who didn’t watch Wandavision, Agatha was the antagonist. She was a witch...
It goes without saying but we’re not talking about the Disney version here. Frozen is a 2010 movie about a trio of skiing enthusiasts who get...
Evil's Vatican III is an episode of the supernatural drama Evil. The assessors investigate a potential possessed serial killer.
We just can’t get enough of spiders here on Nightmarish Nature… so here are some more creepy spider facts for you to consider, outside of the...
Evil is a supernatural drama created by Michelle King and Robert King; this review covers Let X=9. The assessors investigate a prophet.
Evil is a supernatural drama created by Michelle King and Robert King; this review covers "October 31." The assessors review an exorcism.
Evil is a supernatural drama created by Michelle King & Robert King; this review covers Rose390. The assessors investigate a troubled boy.
When a family trials a next-generation AI home assistant they get more assistance than they bargained for.
3 Stars is an episode of the supernatural drama, Evil, created by Michelle King and Robert King. The assessors learn of demonic obsession.