It has been a long few years since fans of the ‘Evil Dead’ franchise have been able to delve into the grisly world of the Necronomicon,...
January 2023 Shudder and AMC+ release schedule.
Yaaaaawn. Hey, everyone. Hope you’re all ready in time for Halloween and getting spooky– Huh? What’s that?…Halloween is over? November is gone? But-! But what about...
This episode of The Watcher was perhaps my favorite so far. Not because anything especially exciting or heartfelt happened. But finally, finally, Dean gets a tiny...
Sacrifice (2020) is a Lovecraftian thriller directed and written by Andy Collier and Toor Mian, starring Erik Lundin and Dag Soerlie.
Another Christmas has come and gone and with it we approach the final days of 2022. Presents have been vigorously unwrapped from under our trees as...
Between Les Yeux Sans Visage and The Brain That Wouldn’t Die there is Corruption. Not chronologically of course; Les Yeux came out in 1960 and the...
Episode four of The Watcher was really hard to, well, watch. Everything and everyone is piling onto Dean in this one, and it isn’t even our...
The Gathering is a 2002 supernatural horror directed by Brian Gilbert, starring Stephan Dillan and Cristina Ricci.
Vincenzo Natali’s Cube remains a brilliant film yet, for me, it never comes across as overly smart. Basically, a dumb-ass could perfectly enjoy this film and...
Rose: A Love Story is a 2020 romantic thriller directed by Jennifer Sheridan and written by Matt Stokoe, starring Matt Stokoe and Olive Gray.
Distorted is a 2018 psychological thriller directed by Rob W. King, starring Christina Ricci and Brendan Fletcher.
Tone-Deaf is a 2019 dark comedy thriller written and directed by Richard Bates Jr, starring Amanda Crew and Robert Patrick.
Netflix’s Wendell & Wild is kind of like being given an elegantly wrapped gift and knowing for sure there is something amazing inside that you’re going...
Werewolves Within is a 2021 comedic horror mystery directed by Josh Ruben, staring Sam Richardson and Milana Vayntrub.
Two years ago, Haunted MTL brought you 13 short stories dedicated to the holiday demon titled the 13 Days of Krampus. We are continuing our tales...
Gotterdammerung means twilight of the gods. Welcome, Killer Queens, to American Horror Story Murder House-, no wait. Sorry, it’s just that The Watcher feels so much...
In the spirit of the holidays, I am reviewing the very American 1964 sci-fi cult classic Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. You may be familiar with...
Horror and comedy blend like chocolate and peppermint. Both because they’re a great combination and because they’re all but impossible to avoid during the holidays. Sometimes...
Move over Jerry Lewis, we’ve got a new king of worthy causes. Joe Bob Briggs brings the heat enough to melt even Doc Payne’s black heart...