Taboo (2017) is a drama set in 1814, created by Steven Knight, Tom Hardy and Chips Hardy, and distributed between BBC, HULU and FX.
The final episode of Dracula Season 1 does what it can to wrap up all the plots but in the end, it leaves a sour taste...
Following the amazing first episode of Dracula, Episode 2 feels like a letdown. “Blood Vessel” is the perfect name for this episode. Set on a ship,...
From Mark GatissĀ andĀ Steven Moffat comes a new captivating adaptation of Count Dracula in BBC’s new gothic horror series. As we stand here in the year 2020,...
Nothing says Christmas quite like… Vampires. More specifically, Dracula. THE vampire himself. And BBC’s Dracula has just released their latest entry, due in December, into the...