Boreal: an Anthology of Taiga Horror is a collection of twenty-two haunting tales that dwell in the deepest darkest woods and frozen wastelands, edited by Katherine...
We are nearly there, dear readers! This is our two-part finale of the mystery thriller series Monastery. While our group of makeshift detectives have gone through...
I always had a fascination for horror that explores real-life themes against a supernatural backdrop. Courtney Summers is a very versatile author. Her work ranges from...
Released in September of this year, Lucy Undying is the latest release by horror author Kiersten White. This is the same author who brought us Hide...
You can’t beat a good old haunted house story. One of the classic tropes of the genre, it allows for some old-school spooks while providing some...
As summer approaches, there’s nothing quite like reading a book with warm campy vibes. It’s especially true if you’re lying on a sunny beach. Nicole M...
Dear readers, the time has come for some answers. At least, that’s what the teaser for the new installment of Monastery says. As usual, it delivers...
Released in August of last year, Mister Magic is written by author Kiersten White. And I’m going to give you the warning that I wish I’d...
Hello again dear readers. Today we are looking at yet another instalment of Monastery. Once again, I’ll be eating my words. Every time I think the...
“One of the Angels walked past the group meeting room. It was not, of course, a real angel in biblical terms. It was a visual approximation...
The newest installment of Monastery is a packed bag of goodies. It’s nearly impossible to discuss everything that happens in this episode, but I’ll give it...
“It’s amazing how long it can take someone to die. Or to be exact: how long it can take someone to die if you’re careless. Most...
J. Pagaduan’s Tales from 3 AM is a collection of wonderfully witchy wisdom and wit that touches on eerie energies, fairy fickleness, and supernatural spirits. Building...
Published in September of this year, Holly is the latest novel from the undisputed king of horror, Stephen King. I was excited when I heard that...
The time has come for another installment of our resident mystery novel Monastery. We continue to follow our set of characters trying to uncover the secrets...
Spooky season is upon us and it feels as good time as any to dive into some creepy books. Monastery is a serialized novel formatted as...
“In the distance, she heard her husband in the backyard call for her , but she was not that woman anymore, that mother and wife. She...
“Solving the following riddle will reveal the awful secret behind the universe. Assuming you do not go utterly mad in the attempt. If you already know...
They Were Here Before Us is a 98-page novella-in-pieces by Eric LaRocca and independent horror publisher Bad Hand Books. Eric LaRocca is a Bram Stoker Award®-nominated...
The Picture of Dorian Gray is a Classic neo-Gothic literary novel that has been revived and revisited in so many homages, from literature to music to...