Dark Nights with Poe and Munro is the third full-motion video (FMV) game by D’Avekki Studios. The game is one of D’Avekki Studio’s FMV trilogy which...
Willy’s Wonderland is a horror comedy directed by Kevin Lewis in 2021. Distributed by Screen Media Films, this movie leans on both Nicolas Cage’s particular brand...
Midnight Mass: Book V: Gospel is the fifth episode of Mike Flanagan and Netflix's new supernatural thriller series.
Sweetheart is a 2019 horror movie directed by J.D. Dillard, distributed by Universal Pictures, and produced by Blumhouse Production.
Join the Streamin’ Demons where we discuss the borrowed – Witness Infection (2021), the old – Dead of the Nite (2013), and the new – Uncle...
Danse Macabre by Stephen King is a college course in horror that you can carry around in your bag. Or on your tablet. It explores the...
A complicated fever dream of a novella that follows McGlue as he’s arrested for the murder of his best friend in 1851. McGlue is a drunk...