The Last of Us series is winding down with only three episodes left. Directed by Liza Johnson and written by Neil Druckmann, “Left Behind” adapts the...
Joel reunites with Tommy in The Last of Us‘ sixth episode, “Kin.” It was written by Craig Mazin and directed by Jasmila Žbanić, who take us...
This science fiction thriller explores what it means when money is valued over everything. Wealth means there are no consequences… Watch the official trailer below —...
Howl is a 2015 supernatural horror film directed by Paul Hyett. It is currently available to Amazon, Shudder, RedBox, Vudu & other services.
The Turing Test is a first-person puzzle game developed and published by BULKHEAD. You are awakened abruptly from cryo-sleep in orbit above Europa. Tasked with finding...
Belzebuth is a 2017 supernatural horror film directed by Emilio Portes. As of the now, the film is available for free on Shudder & DirectTV.
The Lair is a 2022 creature feature film directed by Neil Marshal. The cast includes Charlotte Kirk, Jonathan Howard & Hadi Khanjanpour.
“The Outwaters” is available to stream now, exclusively on ScreamboxTV! The found footage subgenre is one that requires specific taste and often comes under much scrutiny...
“In the distance, she heard her husband in the backyard call for her , but she was not that woman anymore, that mother and wife. She...
“Dread washed over me. Had she been sitting there, watching me sleep, the whole night? Her skin gleamed like candle wax in the light; then she...
“Endure and Survive,” The Last of Us‘ fifth episode, released Friday, February 10 (a couple days early because February 12 was Super Bowl Sunday). This episode...
Skinamarink is a 2023 supernatural horror directed by Kyle Edward Ball with a limited release for Shudder & AMC+ subscribers.
Ellie and Joel get stuck in Kansas City in The Last of Us‘s fourth episode, “Please Hold to My Hand.” The episode was written by Craig...
Are their traditions innocent or are they darker than they seem? The Plot Harry, short for Harriet, is a British writer gaining popularity after the publishing...
Writers Seth Reiss and Will Tracy have outdone themselves with the plot of “The Menu.” Spoilers ahead! The Plot Yes, chef! Tyler and Margot are attending...
“You walk the streets both badge and boogeyman. This city fears you. Resents that it needs you. Refuses to accept that you’re here to stay. And...
Making new friends can be difficult, but can it really fall into psychological horror? You bet! Buddy Simulator 1984 was released in 2021 by Not A...
They all have a past, but who is out to get them? The Plot Jenna, Donnie, and Nico share a troubled past. They were all orphans...
The sweet putrid stench of love lingers through the air which can only mean one thing…Valentine’s Day and its annoying little winged cherub mascot, Cupid, is...
Horror Noire is a horror collection that includes “Daddy,” “The Lake,” “Brand of Evil,” “Bride Before You,” “Fugue State,” and “Sundown.”