Fatal Frame 5: Fourth Drop Gameplay
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3 years agoon
Daphne FamaI have high hopes for Fatal Frame 5: Fourth Drop Gameplay. Last drop we were with Ren and Rui, who went back to the inn to find a memorial photo album. But this drop, I suspect, will be a lot more intense.
Character Cheat Sheet
- Yuri Kozukata – An orphan rescued from suicide by Hisoka, who can see “spirit traces”, like Hisoka. She’s in possession of the Camera Obscura, the camera that can combat ghosts. She can see shadow traces of people and items, and is using that to try and find the missing Haruka.
- Hisoka Kurosawa – Yuri’s mentor who runs an antique shop. She also reads fortunes and finds missing items and people by following their traces… but went missing on Mt. Hikami while looking for Haruka.
- Fuyuhi Himino – Employed Hisoka and Yuri to help her find her friend, Haruka. But while on Mt. Hikami was put into a trance and forced to commit suicide. Her spirit is now bound to Mt. Hikami.
- Haruka Momose – Fuyuhi’s missing friend. We suspect that she might be in the Shrine of Dolls but it’s unknown if she’s alive or dead.
- Ren Hojo – Ren is an author who lives with his assistant, Rui, at the base of Mt. Hikami. He often calls Hisoka Kurosawa to find things with her Shadow Reading.
- Rui Kagamiya – is the assistant to Ren Hojo.
Just to catch you up
We shift back to Yuri. Previously, Yuri went up Mt. Hikami to help Fuyuhi, who came in search of her missing friend Haruka. Unfortunately, before we could find Haruka Mt. Hikami and the Blackwater Maidens who haunt it claimed Fuyuhi. But we found clues that indicated Hisoka, Yuri’s teacher and guardian, is also on the mountain. And that Haruka might still be alive, somewhere in the Shrine of Dolls nestled in the mountain.
Determined to bring Haruka home alive, Yuri returns to the Shrine of Dolls…
Heading back up the mountain trail, Yuri catches a Shadow Trace of Haruka and snaps a picture. Doing so makes the afterimage of Haruka vanish, but a note appears where Haruka was standing.
In it, Haruka writes:
“I awoke to the sound of water.”
“I awoke to the sound of water. Should I press on, or go back? This is the point of no return. If I want to see Fuyuhi again…”
Does this trace know… that Fuyuhi is dead? Or did Haruka believe that Fuyuhi was on Mount Hikami, and that’s why she came?
Returning to Mount Hikami
Yuri continues her climb upward, reaching the Purification Pool. There, in its waters, a Maiden in white appears deep in contemplation. Yuri catches a photo of her, and learns that she’s a Wistful Shrine Maiden. Yuri’s quick hands are rewarded with Haruka’s second note.
“I came here because of the sunset.”
“I came here because of the sunset. It was so beautiful, it made me want to cry. It was the same sunset I saw when I survived. The sun seemed to sink into the mountain. I had to come and see it. Melting away into the waters of the mountain seems natural… It seems right. I feel like the others are telling me to. The ones who didn’t survive. The sunset is drawing closer. Or maybe I’m drawn to it.”
It seems that those who are close to death, who are suicidal or who have survived a near death experience in the past, are drawn to Mt. Hikami as if it exudes a siren song.
But once Yuri puts down the note, she’s immediately assaulted by several bloody-eyed Maidens. With Yuri’s newly updated camera, it’s an easy fight. And with them defeated, she touches them for a Fatal Glance and sees the Maidens last moment. Their brutal murder at the hands of a man who hated their all-seeing eyes.
We head up the path towards the Unfathomable Forest. Just down the path is the bridge to the Doll Shrine. And across it we see an image of Haruka.
Snapping it, Yuri see her standing, waiting. Unfortunately, the bridge is still out. But going to its edge, she see the corpse of a slaughtered maiden floating down stream. Taking a picture causes her to shimmer and fade into the water.
Unfortunately, there’s no choice but to delve back into the wild labyrinth of the Unfathomable Forest. And at the first junction, Yuri finds a strange leather mask. Touching it, Yuri sees the memory of a man with a camera, maybe ghost hunting.
He sees a noose. But before he can be lured into suicide like Fuyuhi, he sees the man who massacred the Blackwater Maidens plunging through the woods towards him. Moments later, the mask owner is slaughtered too.
I can’t help but to shiver at this. I once got lost in Aokigahara forest in the winter, which inspired this forest. And while I never saw a noose, the forest absolutely gave me the creeps.
Yuri drops the mask but it’s too late. A howl pierces through the woods and the man who slaughtered the maidens is headed right towards her, wielding his bloodied blade.
This is the first time we’ve gotten such a good look at him. And god, does he look insane. Tattoos cover his face, and his hair is a wild shock of white. But what’s important here is that he wants to kill Yuri, and he comes in swinging.
He’s far tankier and deadlier than anything we’ve fought so far. When he extinguishes his torch he turns invisible, and as he reaches the end of his health he bursts into a pyre of flames, still hellbent on killing the camera wielding girl.
But he goes down, and Yuri’s finally able to touch his ghostly essence.
In his last moments, he, like many others, came to Mt. Hikami to commit suicide and was tended to by one of the Blackwater Maidens. But once she glanced at his face and saw everything—his mind and the secrets within—he went mad. He slaughtered her and the rest of the maidens to ensure that no one would know his secrets.
With ever maiden dead, he returned to the body-filled pool of purification where he set himself on fire and cut his own throat.
I can’t really say I sympathize. What sort of terrible secrets wash he hiding that warranted such a slaughter?
Yuri continues onward, scrounging through the undergrowth for items. There’s film and herbal medicine galore. Drawing closer back to the main path, three wandering shrine maidens walk in single file, incandescent and lovely.
They vanish, and following them down the path Yuri sees that they’re now lying across the ground. The tattooed man gouging out their eyes.
Creeping closer, the images of the maidens and their murderer dissipates. But just a few feet away is another of Haruka’s notes.
It reads:
“Fuyuhi didn’t see the sunset.”
“Fuyuhi didn’t see the sunset. Only I could see it. That’s why I had to go alone. The light of the setting sun lives on in the mountain. I wish Fuyuhi could’ve seen it.”
How sad. Even though it led to their deaths, I think Fuyuhi would have liked to have seen the sunset with Haruka, too.
Reaching the entrance of the Shrine of Dolls, a trace of Haruka wanders towards its side, away from the main doors. She sings the Song of Memories, which Fuyuhi held so dear.
She might still be alive. But no part of me wants to go into this shrine.
Entering the Shrine of Dolls
Yuri slides open the side door and a child-sized doll greets her from the corner, staring down at a doll on the floor. They seem too lifelike.
I hate this shrine already.
Edging forward, more dolls stand in the hallway. Yuri presses on and one collapses to its knees. In the next room, there’s a doll discarded on the stairs. Ignoring the basement for now, Yuri heads into the next room, which is full of dolls and items.
Amongst the items is a lens and another note from Haruka.
The note reads:
“Ever since we survived, I’ve felt like every day could be my last.”
“Ever since we survived I’ve felt like every day could be my last. I feel closer to Fuyuhi than ever. It’s nice sharing secrets with her… Sharing my guilt. We often talk about the past. I remember a lot of things from back then…
Like how her face was the first picture I drew in kindergarten. We split the sheet of paper and drew each other. I remember growing taller than her, and how she stayed at my house while hers was being renovated. We often talk about that kind of stuff.
Most of all, I remember singing the Song of Memories at kindergarten graduation. I looked over at Fuyuhi and she was already looking at me, waving.
Whenever I hear that song, it makes me want to go back there… to that time.
My whole life has been flashing before my eyes. Of all the moments, that’s the one I want to keep on living over and over, forever.”
The notes continue to be some of my favorite moments in the Fatal Frame series. It makes the shadow of Haruka worth chasing. Yuri turns and sees a trace of Haruka, crouching down behind the dolls, near an altar.
Yuri crouches down to investigate and finds a wooden grate beneath it. It’s locked, but there’s no doubt that that’s where Haruka went. Yuri just needs to find a way to open it.
But as she stands up to leave, she realizes there’s someone else in the room with her.
A little girl with white hair.
We’ve seen here before, haven’t we? She was the girl sacrificed in Ren’s dream. But she’s here now and she’s giving off nothing but bad vibes.
“I know you want to die. Before you do, how about a game?”
This white hair girl challenges her to a game of hide and seek. Yuri must find a hidden effigy of herself. If she doesn’t, well… we’re not told what happens, but I suspect it’s nothing good.
The ghostly children we saw when we first came to Mt. Hikami briefly surround her before running off, and the white haired girl disappears. Where could it be hidden?
Heading downstairs into the waterlogged basement, Yuri finds shelf after shelf filled with dolls. Amongst them is a maiden like the one we encountered in the tutorial. She’s unmistakable because her top is open and her breasts are bigger than her head.
We make it to the other side unscathed, and find a book called The Doll Memorial. The book states that the shrine was built on top of the river. Dolls depicting those who passed would be placed in the river to be washed away, serving as a memorial.
No wonder the lower level is flooded. Heading into the main shrine room, there’s a man hunched over, his face masked, a black box on his back. The watchful eyes of three large dolls, obscured by thin bamboo blinds, stare down at him like little gods.
Moving into the side room, Yuri’s attacked by a doll for the first time, and I hate it. But this attack is just the first of many. Fortunately, these dolls go down with a single shot.
Through this room Yuri’s finally able to go outside, and if you asked me to draw a map of the shrine under the threat of death, you’d have to kill me. That place is a maze.
But outside, things have changed. The trees are filled with dolls, hanging from nooses.
It’s a disorienting, terrifying sight. One of the creepiest of the game. But once we take a picture of the right hanging doll our effigy is revealed.
The ghost children who accompanied the white-haired girl attack Yuri in a repeat of Drop Two. But they mostly circle around her, and the most efficient way to time it is to wait so they’re all in the same shot together. Sometimes they’ll even stand in a group for you.
Returning to the Shrine of Dolls
With effigy in hand, Yuri returns to the shrine, entering through a door that used to be locked. Inside is a doll crafting room, filled with pieces of dolls that looks too much like a serial killer’s slaughter house. Here we find another book titled Shrine of Dolls.
In it, the book states that the old dolls that fille the shrine contain tiny teeth, bones, and small bundles of hair tucked away inside.
Oh. Okay. So it kind of is a slaughterhouse. But you’re ramming the body parts inside of dolls. Okay.
These dolls are believed to contain the souls of deceased children who were offered to the shrine in a ritual. The cave below the shrine, known as Womb Cavern, also houses several human remains. This cavern, the writer believes, is where the bodies were disposed of.
But now that cavern has been renovated into a storage place for the old dolls.
So… that’s the water-logged area Yuri has been slogging through. The storage room for all these ritually killed children. Things are just getting worse and worse.
Another book nearby details the writer’s dreams with a group of children. In that dream, they’ll play Spirited Away, where they must seek out hidden effigies of themselves. If you’re the last to find your effigy, you’ll be spirited away.
The second game is called “Ghost Marriage”. In this case, everyone hides their dolls, except one person called the “Outsider”. That person then chooses a partner of the opposite sex and searches for their doll.
The owner of a doll that is found is “bound”, or married, to the Outsider. But if the Outsider finds the wrong doll, then the owner of that doll becomes the Outsider instead.
Well, we now know what sort of game the white-haired girl was playing with us. Hopefully Yuri found hers in time.
Returning downstairs into the doll storage area, Yuri finds a man standing in the water. I don’t know who he is or why he’s down here. It’s a difficult fight but we’re able to press on… until we meet the tutorial maiden again. And this time she isn’t passively waiting to dissolve into the water.
She attacks, but she’s easier than the man we dealt with a few moments before. And as we touch her ghostly essence, we see an image of her and four other maidens, standing hand in hand, facing a great tidal wave of black. She and the others succumb to it, sinking into the black waters.
Finally through the storage room, Yuri heads back into the doll room where she was first challenged to the game. Yuri sets her doll on the shrine, and the white girl appears again.
But it doesn’t seem like she wants to play fair, because she immediately attacks us. And she’s so much more annoying than the children we fought outside. But she goes down, and something clicks beneath the doll display. The wooden grate that prevented Yuri from following Haruka is finally open.
Descending into Womb Cavern
She slides down it, into the dark, and lands in a cave.
It seems not all of Womb Cavern has been converted into a storage room. This place is still its original stone, with water reaching up to Yuri’s thighs.
The tunnel splits into two and we see a man carrying a reliquary on his back. He warns someone, Yuri? Himself?, not to succumb to the black waters.
He vanishes but his voice echoes on. “It springs forth from the Netherworld. It is the Netherworld itself.”
“It springs forth from the Netherworld. It is the Netherworld itself.”
Or was it the black hair of the women who drowned in these waters that turned the water obsidian?
Looking down the path he took, the tunnel is well-lit with electric lights. Some semblances of modern civilization. We go down the left instead and see a trace of Haruka.
We can hear her saying:
“I need to take my heart… into the water… to the depths… Deeper, and deeper, and deeper…”
We step further into the room to see a pool filled with black boxes. They’re ornately decorated, their lids shut. Except for one, which has an arm protruding through its cracked door. Yuri opens it, to see who’s arm it might belong to.
It’s Haruka.
Yuri touches her, and sees Haruka, overcome with visions of a sunset. She’d been following the sunset this entire time, blind to her path through the woods, the Shrine of Dolls, and eventually here, into the Womb Cavern.
Lured as if by a trance to the black box, where a Blackwater Maiden forced her inside, filling the box with water. But she’s alive.
“Fuyuhi?” Haruka asks, as she stares disoriented up at Yuri. “I’m melting.” She collapses into Yuri, who falls back into the water, unable to hold her weight.
But Haruka’s escape from her almost coffin triggered something terrible. The nearby black box springs open and a woman slides out in a gush of water, screaming, like a terrible birth.
The battle is fast and violent. Once she’s down, Yuri touches the woman’s essence and sees an image of the masked men carrying holy relics on their back. They’re forcing a woman inside the box, who screams and begs for them to let her go. The box is thrown into the dark water and opens, her crushed body floating upward. The box was too small to contain her body, and so her bones were broken to fit.
Did she escape now and attack Yuri and Haruka because she was angry that she was never rescued? We’ll likely never know. But now her box is filled with dark water, with something like hair floating on its surface.
Yuri introduces herself and promises to get Haruka out of this cave and back to safety.
Back in the doll shrine, Haruka follows us through its labyrinth of doors and halls. She murmurs to herself about how she needs to apologize to Fuyuhi, repeating over and over that she’s sorry. If you played other Fatal Frame games, you know this isn’t a good sign. It’s possible she’s still possessed.
Outside the Shrine of Dolls
Outside the shrine, we can hear the Song of Memories. Is it Fuyuhi singing? Haruka runs off, following it. Yuri must follow Haruka’s trace again before it’s too late.
In the distance, Haruka calls for Fuyuhi and then speaks to her.
But if she’s found Fuyuhi, does that mean she’ll see Fuyuhi kill herself? If she does, will she be compelled to commit suicide too?
But as Yuri gets close, she finds that it’s not Fuyuhi. It’s the ghost that tricked Fuyuhi into committing suicide. Yuri takes them down, and finally, we’re able to leave for the mountain with Haruka in tow.
Back at the antique shop
And with Hisoka gone, Yuri calls for Ren and Rui instead, while Haruka rests in one of the spare bedrooms.
They ask Haruka why she was there, on the mountain, in the womb cavern. All Haruka can say was that she saw the setting sun, and it drew her in. She became a part of it, as if she was melting.
She demands to see Fuyuhi, saying she can hear their song. The Song of Memories. No one responds. No one has the heart to tell her what happened to Fuyuhi.
Rui promises that she and Ren will be over at the antique shop as often as possible to support Yuri until Hisoka comes back.
Yuri finds Ren in Hisoka’s office, asleep. But he’s caught in a nightmare.
Yuri touches him and sees his dream. In it, Ren is a child, holding a knife against the back of the white-haired girl. Did he kill her?
He wakes up and he and Rui leave.
Now it’s just Yuri and Haruka alone in the antique shop. But as Yuri has her bath, she leans back into the water and is surrounded by black hair. It pulls her under, submerging her, and when she rises again she’s on the inside of one of the black boxes in the Womb Cavern.
She bangs her fists desperately against the lid, only for a face to rise out of the waters in front of her.
But it was just a dream. She wakes with a start on her bed in the antique shop, fully clothed but soaking wet. She’s certain that her dream was similar to what Haruka experienced.
Wanting to know more she goes to Haruka’s bedroom. But Haruka isn’t there. Yuri checks the security cameras and sees Haruka leaving, followed by Fuyuhi’s ghost, that is luring her back to the mountain.
Whoo! Okay, now we’re finally playing a Fatal Frame game. Fatal Frame 5: Fourth Drop Gameplay is my favorite, by far. I was so tired of the dumb inn, of the tutorial, of all that. But the Shrine of Dolls was exactly what this game needed to bring the claustrophobic atmosphere that Fatal Frame games are known for.
I will say, some of the fear was reduced by having the children-sized dolls have their kimonos open so you could see their chest. Like, why? If you want to mingle horny and horror, do it in a cool way. Like, Silent Hill-ish. Look at Asphyixia!
Anyway, that’s my pet peeve.
Otherwise, the battles are more challenging. The aesthetic is on point. The lore, as always, is immaculate. Like, gorgeous, love it. Love the obscene child-killing rituals, the forcing people into boxes. Don’t know what’s happening, don’t care. It’s really cool. It was also a huge mistake to play this game past midnight, I don’t know what I was thinking.
5 out of 5 Cthulhu heads. First one in the series!
Time: Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.
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- Hardcover Book
- Ito, Junji (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
Last update on 2025-01-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
The random generation and variety make each playthrough different. You might acquire a devastating katana in one playthrough only to bleed out unceremoniously in another.
While not a terrifying gaming experience, WORLD OF HORROR strives to provide an eerie and intense experience. At this, the game is a success. The weird and unnerving collide to invest the player in this strange world.
Tired Tropes and Triggers
Body horror deserves a mention, but the aesthetic and pixels doesn’t particularly evoke realism. Regardless, many designs evoke body horror.
Aside from this, here are some points of consideration. First, WORLD OF HORROR uses JRPG turn-based combat, which seems a point of division among some gamers. However, there are enough interesting mechanics and complexities beyond clicking an action and waiting your turn.
- Hardcover Book
- Ito, Junji (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
Last update on 2025-01-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Second, WORLD OF HORROR isn’t a cult detective. You’re experiencing events and choosing how your character responds. Some sage wisdom I heard for WORLD OF HORROR is to focus on the whole campaign instead of a single case. Failing a case isn’t a game over, so prioritize your character’s longevity.
What I Dislike About WORLD OF HORROR
Only a few issues hindered my experience. Some scenarios replay on a single case, let alone a playthrough, which becomes repetitive. Some scenarios have multiple solutions to add variety or require perks to access new options, but that’s not always true. This issue makes the randomization taxing at times.
This next issue is likely a bug or an oversight. After losing my reason (sanity), I found myself still able to investigate despite the game claiming that means death. An unrelated event finished me off, but I can’t help but assume this is a bug.
Final Thoughts
WORLD OF HORROR has its quirks but earns massive replay value and surprising depth. It’s a unique and ambitious indie title worth the price. If Junji Ito’s style or cosmic horror is your particular brand of horror, WORLD OF HORROR delivers an experience you’ll likely enjoy. Though this combination synergizes well, few games combine these elements successfully. (4.5 / 5)
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