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After the 5 Star high of the Fourth Drop, I’m super excited to get into Fatal Frame 5: Fifth Drop Gameplay!

Who are all these people?

  • Ren Hojo – This drop’s POV character. Ren is an author who lives with his assistant, Rui, at the base of Mt. Hikami. He’s become obsessed with his dream in which he believes he kills a young, white-haired girl, and postmortem photographs of shrine maidens from Mt. Hikami. Could there be a connection?
    Rui Kagamiya – the organized assistant to Ren Hojo. She lives him with and accompanies him on his increasingly dangerous forays onto Mt. Hikami.
  • Kazuya Sakaki – Ren’s friend since high school, who works in the city. He was helping Ren collect postmortem photographs when he suddenly cut contact. Recently called Ren to tell him he was getting married. But to who?
  • Keiji Watarai – a folklorist obsessed with the rituals conducted on Mt. Hikami. He moved there to learn more but he, and the house he lived in on the mountain, have vanished into the mists.
  • Yuri Kozukata – An orphan rescued from suicide by Hisoka, who can see “spirit traces”, like Hisoka. She’s in possession of the Camera Obscura, the camera that can combat ghosts. She can see shadow traces of people and items.
  • Hisoka Kurosawa – Yuri’s mentor who runs an antique shop. She also reads fortunes and finds missing items and people by following their traces… but went missing on Mt. Hikami while looking for Haruka.
  • Haruka Momose – Rescued from Mt. Hikami, but still drawn there by the allure of some suicidal siren song.

There’s more and more characters each time. I think this might be the widest cast in any Fatal Frame game yet.

To catch you up

Last drop we rescued, however briefly, Haruka. But Ren is still obsessed with the postmortem photo album recovered from the inn. This album, compiled by Keiji Watarai, a folklorist who settled on Mt. Hikami, seems to bring trouble wherever it goes.

First Keiji vanished. Then the inn keeper’s father. Then the inn keeper himself. Will Ren follow suit?

Ren’s home

Back at home, Rui has secured a video tape that might shed some light on the whereabouts of Keiji Watarai. Ren settles in to watch it, and the images are immediately familiar.


This is Shrine of Dolls, and the underground tunnel of Womb Cave. But the image flickers, and now a cabin fills the screen.

Fatal Frame 5: Fifth Drop Gameplay, Keiji Watarai's house
The house that vanished into the mists.

“I don’t remember seeing this house before.”

The person recording the video enters, cautious. “Doesn’t look like anyone’s lived here in awhile.”

Dirt and grime cover everything. And yet, there are items on the table. It looks as if someone vanished, rather than moved. An old rotary phone sits on the corner, and as they pass it chimes once, briefly. The explorer jerks away, not wanting to pick it up. I can’t blame him.

He passes a living room, and at its center is a massive black box.

The same type of box that Yuri found Haruka in.


But he doesn’t investigate it. He goes towards the stairs, moving fast and jerky. His panic is obvious without him saying a word. He climbs the stairs, panning the camera across a room with a hole in its floor. A man stands in the closet, his face dark with decay. But he doesn’t react. Does he even see him?

A little further in he finds a room filled with books. This is undoubtedly Keiji’s study. In the storage room off its side is a ladder, leading up into an attic. And against his better judgement the cameraman mounts the stairs.

His breath trembles as he lifts the camera up. Only to see a man crawling across the floor towards him, blood streaking his face. The cameraman screams and the screams and the footage sizzles and cuts out.

Ren grabs the report Rui’s written about the video. It reads:

“This folklorist, Keiji Watarai, went to the mountain due to his obsession with the mysteries of the sect living there. He then went missing, as mentioned in the diary, and rumors about what happened to him abound.


They say that he didn’t just die or go missing, but rather he stumbled on something the mountain wanted kept hidden, and so his entire house as swallowed up by the mist.

This is the origin of Mt. Hikami’s more recent stories of a haunted house.

While the veracity of this is unclear, I looked into a video tape, left behind by someone who stumbled across the house. The video is apparently famous in occult circles.

I contacted the publisher, and received the following response:

Dear Rui Kagamiya,


Thank you for contacting us.

The tape was found near a river on Mt. Hikami. It’s unknown who filmed it. There were many sections too damaged by water to be usable, and so we took what was left and edited it together.

The master copy of the video was confiscated by the police. They conducted a search of the mountain, but were unable to find who shot the film, or even the house’s location.

We advise you not to look into this on your own.”

Ha. As if they’re going to listen to you, film publisher.


As Ren puts down the report the phone rings.

Ren answers and is surprised to hear it’s his friend, Kazuya Sakaki. He hasn’t been able to get a hold of his friend in awhile, but Kazuya scarcely seems to hear him.

The point of view shifts, and we see Kazuya standing in an old house. His face and voice distant.

“I’m getting married,” Kazuya announces.

“What, you are?” Ren says, shocked. He stammers a congratulations. He asks if he knows the bride and Kazuya continues, as if in a trance.


“Ever since I saw her picture…”

Fatal Frame 5: Fifth Drop Gameplay, Kazuya informing Ren about his new fiancee.
She secrets black water and men still love her. What’s her secret?

Black water creeps towards his shoes. The windows behind him are boarded up. This… doesn’t look good.

The voice of a woman floods the phone.

“Will you die with me?” she asks.

Beside Kazuya a grey faced, black-lipped woman stands, staring at him. The line cuts.

Shaken, Ren hangs up, staring down at the phone as he tries to comprehend what Kazuya has told him. The ghastly, feminine voice on the phone.


But he doesn’t deviate from his plan. He has to find Keiji’s house. The cameraman seemed to follow the same path Yuri took when she found Haruka. He’ll have to go to the Shrine of the Dolls, through the wooden grate, and descend into Womb Cave. From there, perhaps he’ll be able to find it.

Before he takes a step outside the door, he finds Rui’s journal. Moral quibbles aside, he peeks inside, to try and get insight into what Rui’s been afraid to say aloud.

“Mr. Hojo often cries out in his sleep.”

“Mr. Hojo often cries out in his sleep. He won’t tell me much, but it seems like he has a recurring dream, about a ceremony from his childhood.

As a young boy, Mr. Hojo said he spent a summer with relatives at the base of Mt. Kagiroi. He’s mentioned playing in an old house and in a shrine on the mountain, and some kind of festival he went to.

Is he dreaming of that ceremony? I went to festivals as a child, but all I remember is having a good time.


He often cries “don’t look at me!” in his sleep.

He’s always had a hard time with people staring at him. He especially dislikes it when women look at him for too long.”

Huh. Sounds pretty familiar to someone else. A tattooed face murderer, perhaps. Did the white-haired girl have the same ability as the shrine maidens, or is Ren just overcome with guilt at having her look at him before he kills her?

Shrine of Dolls on Mt. Hikami

Ren and Rui set out to the Shrine of Dolls, arriving unscathed. But they linger outside the shrine.

Fatal Frame 5: Fifth Drop Gameplay, the Shrine of Dolls
Why are we here again. Why would we ever go back.

Ren follows the path Yuri takes through the side door. He opens it, and the dolls that were standing guard when Yuri was here last are gone. So are the dolls that filled the hall.

Their absence is almost more disorienting than their presence. They’ve moved. I don’t like that they’ve moved.


Rui, lagging behind Ren, hears the wordless sounds of something almost indistinguishable. Is it a child? Beckoning her to play? She turns, following the noise, into a doll display room. There on the floor is the white-haired girl, laying beside an effigy.

Fatal Frame 5: Fifth Drop Gameplay, white-haired girl "pretends" to be dead.
What a delightfully morbid little brat.

“Don’t talk to me. I’m not supposed to talk to the living.”

“Don’t talk to me. I’m not supposed to talk to the living,” the white-haired girl warns.

She’s so petulant and bratty. It’s hard not to like her.

She opens her eyes, sighing. “A man at last. You are a man, are you not?”

“I’m a girl,” Ren states, shocked but indignant.



“I am!”

“I see. In that case… Let us play.” The girl holds up the faceless doll, nearly identical to the one she had for Yuri.

“This is an effigy. Of you. … No. I’ll make you into an effigy.” She creeps closer to Rui, her scarlet eyes full of malicious intention.

Down the hall Ren, realizing that Rui isn’t behind him, turns back and enters the doll room that Rui was in moments before. But now Rui’s nowhere to be seen. It’s just the ghost children, who surround him.


“It’s playtime! You’re the groom, now find your bride!”

They run off, vanishing through the walls.

Ren stares after them, perplexed. He has no idea what’s going on but he needs to find Rui. Opening the nearest door, he descends into the waterlogged storage room. Dolls still fill the shelves but there’s a new book amongst them, too.

A soiled notebook, belonging to a priest who once lived here.

It reads:


“The children are playing. Sometimes I wake up at night, feeling their presence. The following morning, dolls that I know I’ve put away have moved someplace else.

The more this happens, the more clearly I hear the sounds of playing, and the more often I have dreams where I’m there among the children, playing with them.

I think my late daughter is one of them.

Last night, I felt like I as being watched. I awoke to find a white-haired girl staring at me.

She said, “Don’t worry. Your daughter is playing with the doll you fixed.” After that, she disappeared.


Those eyes… It’s like she could see everything. She even seemed to answer the very question that was on my mind.”

Ah, so the white-haired girl has the same ability as the Blackwater Maidens. Maybe that’s why Ren was so frightened to have her look at him when he killed her all those years ago.

Ren works his way through the shelves, finally reaching the stairs on the other side. On the other side of the shrine, he encounters a sheer, ghostly sphere, hiding in a small room. When he takes a picture of it, it transforms into one of the hiding children, who leaps at him before running away.

Fatal Frame 5: Fifth Drop Gameplay
Found you! You creepy little bastard.

I guess that’s one child down, two more to go.

Down another hall we hear a small voice and find another hidden girl. That’s the second.

As we search for the third, we find another one of the priest’s diaries.


It reads:

“Today’s dream was stifling. It was night, and several men carrying burning flames spent a long time exploring the area underneath the main shrine.

They carried a huge reliquary underground, burying it where no one would ever find it.

The white-haired girl was sleeping inside the box.

She was waiting for someone, but it wasn’t me. I didn’t have what she wanted. I remember feeling so incredibly sad when I woke up.”


Ahh. So, does Ren have what she wants? We’ll have to wait see.

The third ghost is close by, hiding in a hole.

Now where do we go? In the flooded sanctum here the three large dolls are enshrined Ren finds another notebook, which wasn’t there just a few minutes before. But this book, with its shiny leather, is familiar.

It’s Rui’s journal.

Quickly, Ren flips through it, hoping for a clue.


“Mr. Hojo has started acting strangely. It’s like his mind is completely elsewhere. This all started when he saw that photo. He’s usually on the lazy side, but now he’s obsessed with tracking down these photos.

I have to go with him, if only make sure he doesn’t wander off willy-nilly.

Would he put this much effort into searching for me if I went missing, I wonder?”

Woof. Rui doesn’t have a very high opinion of him, does she? But it’s hard to blame her.

But Ren believes that if he uses her diary, he can see where Rui’s been taken. Does that mean, he, too, has a spiritual sense like Yuri and Hisoka?


A vague white mist glimmers at a door, and we follow it into a narrow room. Where it’s concentrated Ren takes a photo. Rui materializes, the Camera Obscura materializing her back into the living realm.

Fatal Frame: Fifth Drop Gameplay, found Rui
Was she hidden in the realm between life and death, like the photo album in the inn?

“You… you really came for me.”

“You alright?”


But she really doesn’t sound alright. She keeps getting picked on by all these ghosts. Still, Ren isn’t ready to give up and go home yet. Not when they’ve come all this way. He needs to find the Veiled House.

He and Rui head back towards the doll room here she was first spirited away. But a man with a reliquary on his back attacks them. As he collapses into ether, Ren reaches out to touch him.


We see his last moments, as he contemplates the black waters, the box on his back forcing him to bow.

“My body. Lost to the depths… of the Black Water…”

He seems to have thrown himself into a lake of water. Perhaps he, like so many others, couldn’t resist the allure of that place. It’s hard to feel sorry for him.

Inside the doll room, the white-haired girl is sitting on the doll display.

Ren is taken aback. He remembers her immediately. And she clearly remembers him. She stares at him intensely, contemplating him for a moment.

White-haired girl knows Ren and gave him a token before she died.
She’s so disappointed in him. But I would have tossed that token too.

“You didn’t keep it with you. My token… Did you lose it? But, our promise…”

She turns, disappointed, away from him before vanishing into the ether.

Ren says nothing. He just goes to the wooden grate beneath the doll display and enters Womb Cavern.

Womb Cavern

“Th-thanks… Y-you know, I… I’ve been waiting,” Rui stammers, sounding chilled.

“Hmm?” Ren asks, clearly confused. Not turning around to look at her as he works his way through the waterlogged tunnel.

“For… for someone to choose me. I’ve been waiting… so long… for you.”



“What are you talking about?” Ren demands.

“I… It’s not important. I understand now…”

“… Well, I don’t understand it at all.”

“The girl… She’s been waiting too. For the person with her token.”



It seems that more than just a murder happened during Ren’s childhood. But that, too, seems to be blacked out of his memory. But more pressing, is Rui possessed?

They reach the main cave, and the pool is still filled with black boxes. In the center, the women who attacked Haruka and Yuri attacks. Her arms swing wildly and blind towards Ren, but soon she vanishes. In her wake is an Iris key.

It occurs to Ren now that there is a woman in each of the boxes that fill this cavern. But he has the key to the metal door that leads out of this place. And he doesn’t linger, quickly unlocking it so they can leave.

And outside the cave, they find it. The Veiled House. The vanishing home of Keiji Watarai.


The Veiled House

“Is… is someone there?” Rui asks, as they approach it, cautious.

It looks decrepit and long abandoned. Just like in the video they’d seen. But the moment they step inside it’s undeniable – this is surely the house that Kazuya called from. I recognize that boarded up window. And that phone, that started the explorer in the video. That must have been the phone that he used to call Ren.

So, he’s here in this house, somewhere.

“It’s just like that video..” Rui murmurs, her head swinging back and forth, nervous.



Ren heads up the stairs, and catches a glimpse of Keiji staggering through the halls, towards his study.

“This box… is there something inside of it? What lies within… and what is its purpose?” Keiji’s voice drifts out of his study. “Have others been submered elsewhere on this mountain too?”

There are countless books here, but they are all unreadable because of water damage.

We see another trace of Keiji in the hall, murmuring to himself. He seems entranced.

Keiji Watarai mumbling to himself about a maiden

The TV in the sitting room is on, its monitor full of white static. A tray with two teacups and tobacco sit on a dusty table. It feels as if someone’s been here recently.

Ren approaches the phone, and it rings.


“Ren. You’re… too late… I… I’m already…”


“Really? Was that him?” Rui asks, shocked.

Rui spots an old photograph on the floor by the phone and picks it up, giving it to Ren.

“This is just like the picture you were looking at.”


Ren stares dumbfounded at the photo. It’s the precise same postmortem photo he had in his photo album. The photo of a beautiful shrine maiden.

Did Kazuya come here because of it?

Keiji’s spirit appears in the hall behind them, stumbling away. He mumbles something almost too quiet to hear:

“The living and the dead… Bound by ceremonies of Ghost Marriage.”

“The living and the dead… Bound by ceremonies of Ghost Marriage.”

So, he married a dead girl. But why are all these men obsessed with her? These photos seem to have a siren effect, similar to the call to the suicidal Mt. Hikami has. But why? Why are they luring men here?


Near the phone there’s a hole in the floor. Beneath it is dark, murky water. But there are traces of water on the floor, as if something had been dragged into it.

We follow Keiji’s trace and hear him murmuring. “The photo… she’s smiling at me. The photo’s smiling at me.”

His ghost vanishes into the next room, and Ren follows him. Here the room is filled with shelves of books. And still Keiji talks to himself.

“The picture… From the moment I let her draw me in, the union was already complete. I must go. I can’t just keep waiting until it’s too late. Even if I risk ruin…”

Until what’s too late, Keiji? He’s giving us more questions than answers. But amongst the shelves we find one of his books, filled with notes on Mt. Hikami. It reads:


“Here on the mountain, water is considered the source of the soul. A person’s soul is then said to return to water upon death, rather than moving on to an afterlife.

Those ready for death would gather at the mountain and return their lives to the water.

Water connects everything.

I’m glad I came here. The people on this mountain have a yearning for death. That is to say, they have a yearning for water, and a yearning for nature.

Life and death are both connected to water.”


There’s a cassette tape with the notepad, but the label has been left blank.

Fortunately, we can listen to it now. Ren plays it, and Keiji’s voice fills the room.

“The shrine maidens use the water as a conduit between the living and the dead. Those who come to the mountain are transfixed by death. To die is to return to the water. The water is connected to everything. The shrine maidens glance into the souls of the dying, taking on their final memories. Then the shrine maidens become the Pillars, and those memories are submerged into the water.

If water really is connected to everything, then this mountain, overflowing with water, must also be overflowing with death.”

Well, he isn’t wrong. There’s a lot of water and a lot ghosts.


At Keiji’s desk, Ren sees the trace of the missing folklorist standing, looking down. He takes a photo and Keiji vanishes, leaving in his stead two notebooks.

The first reads:

“I saw this silhouette of a shrine maiden from within the mist that envelops the mountain. Something about her seemed somehow… unnatural. I’ve been told there are no more shrine maidens on the mountain now.

Would that then imply they are trapped within the mist?”

The next notebook is far newer than the others. There’s no dust on it, as if someone had just written in it.


“It’s said that human sacrifice was once practiced through this region. Rather than returning people to the water upon death, the ritual involved placing so called “Pillars” in special reliquaries and sending them to the water while still alive.

It’s the role of shrine maidens to become such Pillars. They would take on the memories of the dying, and thereafter return to the water themselves.

In doing so, the subject would continue living on as Pillars.

But what did these maidens who became Pillars fear, or hope to appease?

There are various teaching in Japan about where the afterlife, also known as the Netherworld, or the hereafter, is located.


Some teaching say it is above the mountains or across the sea, where others claim it lies underground, within the very earth itself.

Here on the mountain its’ said to lie within the water, implying a close link between water and death.

The Pillars within the reliquaries would be in a place close to death, but would go on living.

Perhaps it was the special reliquaries that allowed them to evade death and continue living, frozen in time.

It’s thought that perpetuating these Pillars allowed those close to death to live longer lives.


In a sense it was believe that proximity to death helped develop a resistance to it.”

Ah. So, they were submerging these shrine maidens alive. For what purpose, though? Why did they need to become pillars? Why would they need to carry the memories of the dead with them?

In the side room we hear a low murmuring. Ren opens it, and the head of a doll rolls off its shoulders, onto the floor. This is the room that leads to the attic. To the place where the explorer was attacked.

But on the shelf is another cassette tape, and Ren plays it, putting off the inevitable.

“The shrine maidens were sacrificed as Pillars… but to what purpose? Pillars from shrines of other mountains, too, were routinely brought up in this custom.


But through sacrifice… what did the aim to appease?

Those who died but were revied were considered strong pillars. Being touched by death must create a strong pillar.”

Well, looks like Keiji has the same questions I do. But that gives me hope that they’ll eventually be answered.

With nothing left to distract him, Ren mounts the ladder, lifting his head up into the attic.

There’s something, no, someone here. The man from the videotape. He lunges towards Ren, crawling on his stomach, but just before his out reached hands can claw at Ren’s face he vanishes.


Beneath him is another of Keiji notebooks.

The notebook reads:

“Mt. Hikami seems to have been both revered and feared as a “mountain of death,” where only those prepared to die may enter, and those who visited were never allowed to leave.

Visitors to the mountain had to pass through the shrine grove at the foot of the mountain, where shrine maidens kept strict watch in allowing only the qualified – that is, the dying – to enter.

Today, the shrine at this grove has been rebuilt as an inn, whose innkeeper kindly let me borrow records of the time period.


The records from the shrine’s final year list one individual who was able to leave the mountain alive.

Kunihiko Aso.

After taking his Postmortem Photographs, it seems he was invited to the mountain to photograph the maidens.

I have heard his research into the hereafter allowed him to develop a special camera.

If I could see these photos of the shrine maidens taken with this special camera, I’m certain I could come closer to unraveling the mysteries of Mt. Hikami.


When invited to the mountain, it is said he was allowed into a house visited only by a select few individuals.

If I were invited to the mountain, would I be able to reach this place, too?

I truly wish I would.”

Kunihiko Aso? The creator of the camera obscura?

But Ren doesn’t have time to contemplate it. The room begins to fill with mist. And the maidens seem to move through mist, like they’re able to move through water.


Sensing that things are getting very dangerous, very quickly Ren quickly descends the stairs, headed back to the house’s entrance.

… It’s locked. Of course it’s locked.

Cautiously Ren turns back around, and opens the closed living room. Within is a black box. A reliquary. Its lid opens and a man comes sliding out of it.

Ren dispatches him, and sees the last moments of Keiji. Keiji… was he put into the reliquary? Is that where he’s been all this time?

The vision of Keiji’s moments are black and white static, slowly coming into focus.


“I made it… at last. She’s waiting for me inside this house,” Keiji gasps. He clutches the postmortem photo of the shrine maiden.

A door slides open for him, and she sits there in the room waiting for him. For a brief moment she is beautiful, dresses in the white bridal kimono. And in the next she is ghastly, her face grey, her lips black.

“You came for me me… Will you end yourself with me? After all this time,” the maiden croons.

He’s dragged into the room, screaming.

But where the ghost of Keiji was is another book. It reads:


“On the way to the summit, I found a photo on a small path lined with spider lilies. The path seemed to head into the forest, but it has become overgrown and is unpassable. Could it lead to that mansion, that only the invited can find?

It is different from the other Postmortem Photographs. I can only describe it as being beautiful. It had a beauty and a sadness unlike the others I’ve seen.

Was she alive?

As soon as I thought how beautiful she was, I was bound. I heard whispers of love from the photograph. They were the words of a curse.

Love after death.


I must go to that place.”

There’s also another cassette tape accompanying the notebook.

“There is a ceremony to bind doomed men with the shrine maidens, to keep them secure once they have become Pillars.

…Ghost Marriage.

A man’s fate is sealed once he recognizes a shrine maiden’s beauty. Whispers of love come from the photographs. They are a curse. The words are a curse. And yet… my heart is drawn to one word they utter. Suicide.”


Ren is desperate to leave this place. But before he can even try the door again, a wall is torn down, and the man with the tattooed face stampedes through it, attacking Ren. Why is he here? I don’t know.

Rui’s cluelessness is highlighted in this fight, as she stands there, looking vaguely uncomfortable. Occasionally the tattooed man swings through her, and she shouts.

But once the fight is over, she still doesn’t say anything.

And yet if we peek out of the massive hole in the wall that the tattooed man makes, we can see a tall woman that is surely meant to be Hachishaku-sama, the eight-foot tall woman.

urban legend easter egg!
Well, that’s a cool easter egg.

She wears the same hat and everything. (I’d post a link of her but it’s a lot of weird fanservice. Go look her up if you like giant women, I guess. Or listen to her cool urban legend!)

Ren, instead of walking through the giant hole in the wall and out of the house, goes back for the front door.


But now there’s a new box, and it opens. A woman floats upwards, as if caught in the eddies of water. I’m so tired of fights.

She floats around, teleporting before before diving in, like a miserable little barracuda.  But finally she goes down, and Ren and Rui are able to escape. But the moment they step out the door the house vanishes into the mist, leaving nothing but an empty space where it had once been.

“Was that the folklorist?” Rui asks.

“I guess so.”

“What’s going on on this mountain?”


“I’m not sure.”

“Is Mr. Sakaki here on the mountain, too? Just like the folklorist.”


Great. Scintillating conversation. Wait to show you care about your friend, Ren.

But they run towards the forest station, where a  decrepit train waits for them.


I don’t trust this train. But that’s the end of the fifth drop.

Final Verdict

Welp. The final verdict on Fatal Frame 5: Fifth Drop Gameplay… Ren’s drops are always a little… lackluster, I suppose’s the word. Maybe it’s because he’s the folklorist, his drops are always full of exposition. But the entire drop was paced very poorly.

The Shrine of Dolls and the game of hide and seek now feel very repetitive, even if this might be the most relevant time for it to happen. Keiji Watarai’s house felt like a huge exposition drop that wasn’t really “earned”. And a lot of what we read felt repetitive, much like the ghosts.

The end of the chapter was also too fight heavy. Why was the tattooed man here? His bursting through the wall like the Koolaid man just felt ridiculous.

I really enjoy lore, so I’ll give it a 3 out of 5… but that’s very generous. I think Yuri’s drop will be better. I just hope we don’t have to go back to the Shrine of Dolls.


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Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (2019), a Game Review

Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (2019) is a tactical role-playing video game developed by Cultic Games, evoking Lovecraftian horror.



Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones (2019) is a tactical role-playing video game developed by Cultic Games, evoking Lovecraftian and cosmic horror. Published by Fulqrum Publishing, this game is available through Linux, macOS, and Windows. This review will cover the $19.99 Steam release.

The Great Old Ones have awakened, exiling Arkham after the events of Black Day. Design your character and face the abominations of Arkham. Explore the 1920s through a Lovecraftian aesthetic as you unravel the secrets that plague Arkham, facing unknowable cosmic horror and malicious abominations.

The eye icon with tentacles reads Stygian: Reign of the Old Gods. To the left hand side is a woman in a 1920s dress. To the right is a blue abomination.
Stygian Promotional Art

What I Like Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones

The depth of character creation starts the game off on the right foot. While appearance has various options, the game provides greater variety in motives, age, and origins, adding different gameplay elements. For example, age reflects lived experience and physical competency. The younger your character, the less experienced but more physically capable. This dynamic requires trial and error to find the best choice for you.

The paper cutout art provides a unique interpretation of a familiar (but stylish) Lovecraftian aesthetic. While not the most haunting execution of the Lovecraftian, it still manages to unsettle and unnerve while maintaining visual interest. That said, if the style doesn’t suit the player’s taste, Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones might leave that player wanting.

While I find the story engaging and the mysteries worth exploring, there’s a massive caveat to that claim. Regardless, if you fancy the Lovecraftian, few care as deeply and express as much knowledge of the genre as Cultic Games in this installment. This love and knowledge shines through in the often subtle allusions and references to the expanded universe. It may earn its place as the most Lovecraftian game out there.


The characters vary in interest and likability, but there’s usually something about them to add to the overall mystery. Naturally, this remains most evident in the companions that accompany the player on their journey.

In terms of horror, Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones achieves notable success. Despite the subjective points of aesthetics, the game brings out the most unsettling and uncomfortable elements of Lovecraftian and cosmic horror.

White background, rubber stamp with disclaimer pressed against the white background.
Disclaimer Kimberley Web Design

Tropes, Triggers, and Considerations

With an understanding of the Lovecraftian comes the question of how to deal with racism. Most properties try to remove this context, but Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones recognizes the text and era (the 1920s) with caricatures such as a lunatic in blackface. I won’t say it fully explores these toxic elements, but it’s not painted in a positive light.

Insanity and mental illness play a large role in the mechanics of the game, such as becoming a key component of casting spells. Loosely related, drug addiction and usage are mechanics with varying degrees of necessity depending on your build.

If these are deal breakers, perhaps give Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones a skip.

Several listed classes on the left hand side. At the center of the screen shows the Explorer class with their dog.
Stygian Character Selection

What I Dislike about Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones

In terms of story, this game is unfinished, leaving many plots, quests, and arcs with unsatisfying cliffhangers. My understanding is that Cultic Games planned to finish the game, but money ran out, and the focus shifted to an upcoming prequel. I imagine the goal is to use this new game to support a continuation. But that doesn’t change the unfinished state of Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones. The beginning and middle remain filled with content, but the final act (loosely stated) falls monstrously short.

While this unfinished state mostly affects content, I did run into game-breaking bugs. From my understanding, these bugs completely hinder progress. Most are avoidable, but some are unlucky draws.


It’s these points that make this a challenge to recommend, requiring the potential player’s careful consideration.

Final Thoughts

Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones accomplishes what many games fail, bringing to life the Lovecraftian. Unfortunately, this game falls short at the end and leaves game-breaking bugs as potential deterrents for full enjoyment. If what you read above entices you, it may be worth the investment. However, it’s unfair to recommend this game within its compromised state.
2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

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Ashen (2018), a Game Review

Ashen (2018) is a souls-like action RPG developed by A44 and published by Annapurna Interactive available across all platforms.



Ashen (2018) is a souls-like action RPG game developed by A44 and published by Annapurna Interactive. This game provides a single-player and multiplayer experience with passive multiplayer mechanics. For this review, I am discussing the 39.99 Steam release, but it’s also available in the Epic Game Store, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation.

In this bitter world, your character seeks to make a home for yourself and others. This goal requires you to fight for every inch of land, building connections and alliances to maintain a thriving village. Venture further to make the world a more hospitable place, but know the further you travel, the greater the threats.

The beginnings of a small village. A man waits by a pillar, facing the player.
Ashen Vagrant’s Rest

What I Like about Ashen

In 2017, Ashen earned a nomination for the Game Critics Awards’ “Best Independent Game.” It would later earn several more nominations in 2019. At the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers Awards, it received nominations for “Game, Original Role Playing” and “Original Light Mix Score, New IP.” It was nominated for “Most Promising New Intellectual Property” at the SXSW Gaming Awards. Finally, at the Golden Joystick Awards, it earned a nomination for “Xbox Game of the Year.”

The multiplayer experience remains essential for Ashen, focusing on you and a partner venturing together to explore an open-world environment. However, the single-player experience is my focus and the game accounts for this gameplay. Ashen often pairs you with a villager who helps with the challenges.

The art style remains a plus throughout the gameplay. Though muted in colors and lacking finer details, the style creates a unique world that allows players to get lost along their journey. If the aesthetic doesn’t evoke that curiosity, then Ashen becomes hard to recommend.


Vagrant’s Rest and the inhabitants remain a strong incentive to continue on your journey. Seeing the progression of the town and building connections with the people provide the most rewarding experience.

In terms of horror, the art style often evokes an eerie atmosphere. However, I won’t go so far as to say the game is haunting. Instead, it evokes emotions that can unsettle and unnerve the gamer.

White background, rubber stamp with disclaimer pressed against the white background.
Disclaimer Kimberley Web Design

Thoughts and Considerations

The souls-like influence remains straightforward. Progression requires the player to defeat enemies and collect currency for weapons or certain item upgrades. Ashen simplifies and focuses its gameplay, reducing variety to polish its choices. The gameplay remains fluid, with a few hiccups that might be a computer issue.

If you prefer magic or defined classes, the gameplay doesn’t enable this variety. Item upgrades and choices define your playstyle, allowing most items to be playable at any stage of gameplay.

Weapons make a greater difference in playstyle. Most of these differences are self-evident (i.e. blunt weapons are slower but stun), but upgrades make any weapon viable. You pick an aesthetic and function, sticking with it until something better catches your eye.

A character helps another limp away, using a spear to help walk. Above reads Ashen.
Ashen Promotional Art

What I Dislike about Ashen

As mentioned, the game had some technical issues. I often assume this to be my computer, but I did note a few others mentioning similar issues. The gameplay remains fluid, so take this comment as a small point of consideration.

With limited roleplay options, liking the characters or art style remains essential for your time and money investment. As mentioned, the game doesn’t hold the variety of FromSoftware, which means their selling point comes from that unique art style and world. 


Passive multiplayer is a major part of the marketing for Ashen. While I don’t mind this mechanic, 6 years after release reduces the overall impact. When so few wanderers appear in your game, it’s hard to see the overall appeal.

Final Thoughts

Ashen delivers a highly specialized souls-like experience, preferring to perfect what it can at the cost of variety. If the art appeals and the thirst for a souls-like has you wanting, Ashen stands as a strong contender. However, there are many contenders which make this hard to overtly recommend.
3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

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I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995), a Game Review

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995) is a point-and-click horror game based on Harlan Ellison’s award-winning short story.



I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995) is a point-and-click horror game based on Harlan Ellison’s award-winning short story of the same name. Developed by Cyberdreams and The Dreamers Guild, this adaptation brings a new perspective to a familiar story. I heard of free purchasing opportunities for this game but cannot verify the quality. For this review, I played the 5.99 Steam release.

Play as one of the remaining humans on earth: Gorrister, Benny, Ellen, Nimdok, and Ted. Each faces a unique challenge from their common torturer, the AI supercomputer known as AM. Chosen by AM to endure torment, these challenges require the participants to face their greatest failures and tragedies.

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream Cover Art. A mutilated face with no mouth.
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream Cover Art

What I like about I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

Having experienced this story a few times, Harlan Ellison provides the most substantive execution of his vision and moral questions in this game. While all have individual merits, I assume the added content and context better dive into the relevant points he hoped to explore. He also played the voice of AM, giving us the emotional complexity of the machine as he saw it.

As the above comment indicates, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream remains a faithful adaptation with only one notable change. While that one change does reflect in that character’s journey, it uses that opportunity to the fullest. Where the short story left room for potentially inaccurate interpretations of the characters, this added context makes us better understand them.

The game’s writing remains a selling point for this story-driven experience. It dives further into the lore of the human characters and even allows further development of AM in the process. There are many ways to progress, and the multiple characters allow gamers to adventure further if stuck. That said, progressing individual characters to complete their journey remains essential for the true ending and experience.


As a point-and-click game made in 1995, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream holds up well. In many ways, it pushed the genre in its time with dynamic storytelling and game features. Harlan Ellison was someone who pushed boundaries to challenge himself and others. He saw the gaming industry as another opportunity to evoke story-driven art, a focus reflected here.

White background, rubber stamp with disclaimer pressed against the white background.
Disclaimer Kimberley Web Design

Thoughts, Triggers, and Considerations

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream adapts a dark and bleak story from an author notorious for his dark material. This game is no exception to that standard. Mental illness, sexual assault, genocide, and torture envelop the game. These elements are handled with attention but remain triggering to those sensitive to such dark material.

If these are deal breakers, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream will likely earn a skip.

A cartage with red flames, a face in a circuit.
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream Game Cartage

What I Dislike, or Considerations, for I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

While the short story remains a haunting example of fiction in every sentence, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream doesn’t evoke the same tension. It allows room to breathe or refocus on another character, which reduces the horror such a story evokes. While the characters participate in their torment, the loss of agency and hopelessness doesn’t translate in the execution.

Some mechanical and gameplay issues are noteworthy. For example, the saving mechanic remains dated, piling up if you save often or for specific reasons. Most of the mechanical issues stem from outdated UI from a gamer of a more modern era. Play it long enough, and elements start to click, but it needs that user investment.

Point-and-click caters to a niche audience, so modern gaming audiences aren’t inherently the demographic. The puzzle-solving and gameplay won’t win you over if the genre isn’t to your taste. Even within the genre, many of the puzzles remain challenging. For fans of the genre, this likely earns a positive merit. For those looking to continue the short story, this challenge will prove an obstacle.

Final Thoughts

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream provides a new opportunity for the award-winning story to reach new audiences and continue to grow. Not satisfied with repeating his story in a new medium, Harlan Ellison expands this bleak world through the point-and-click game. While not as haunting as the short story, this game provides the most context and development of any adaptation before it. 4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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