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Welcome to the first installment in an ongoing series spotlighting original horror creations. The first piece we have is an illustration titled “Summon” by UrbanKnightArt on DeviantArt. Be sure to read out exclusive interview with the artist as well.
“Summon” by UrbanKnightArt
What was your inspiration for “Summon”?

Honestly, it was just one of those illustrations that developed itself as it went. Most of my art I don’t plan out ahead, I have a base idea, and then I let it emerge as I draw. I wanted to use my goat monster (‘The Eyeless One’ as I refer to him) in a scene with a human, just to put his size and presence into perspective.

What sort of tools did you use for the piece?

Pigma Micron pens for the sketch and details, and Winsor & Newton ink and a brush to fill in the bigger spaces. I use paper around 140gsm to be able to take the ink.

Do you have any projects you are working on?

Yes! The illustration is foreshadowing for a graphic novel I launched recently, titled ‘Terms and Conditions’. The best way to describe it would be a Lovecraft inspired Faustian story, about a girl who gets involved with these creatures from a dark parallel world. It mainly focuses on character progression and the darker side of the human existence, through both humans and how these creatures perceive and live alongside humanity.
Being my first graphic novel, it’s certainly a learning curve, but it already made me grow a lot as both an artist and a writer. 

Do you have any particular horror themes you like to explore in your art?

I enjoy creating creatures and stories that are related to the occult.I always had an interest in exploring unsettling themes and monster designs, but never really had the confidence or means to up until the past few years. I’ve been trying to push my designs and illustrations more and more as I get braver with the topic and my ideas. People usually have strong feelings and opinions about occult themes, which makes for interesting insights and conversations. I enjoy making an impact.

Do you have any particular horror films/books/movies you particularly love?

As cliche as that sounds with horror artists, H.P. Lovecraft is definitely among my biggest inspirations. Other books that I still hold dear are The Silence of the Lambs and the Hannibal series by Thomas Harris, and some of Stephen King’s work. With movies I prefer some of the old classics, such as An American Werewolf in London, The Fly, The Thing, and the Alien series. I also enjoy horror video games, particularly inspired by the mood and designs of the Souls series.

Have you ever experienced something supernatural? Anything you would like to experience?

Nothing grandiose or noteworthy, honestly. There were a few instances that left me to wonder, but I still have an open mind about the supernatural. I mean, as humans we’re surprisingly not that perceptive! As for wanting to experience… as long as it’s not a ten foot monster out for my blood, why not!

. . .

For more of UrbanKnightArt’s work, you can follow them on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and DeviantArt. You can also check out the webcomic Terms and Conditions.

If you have an original creation you would like us to spotlight here on Haunted MTL please let us know!

David Davis is a writer, cartoonist, and educator in Southern California with an M.A. in literature and writing studies.

Original Creations

All That Remains, an Afterlife Story by Jennifer Weigel



Here’s another view of Heaven in this twisted little afterlife story from Jennifer Weigel, titled All That Remains. Trigger warning: religious themes, suggestions of rape & murder.

Aspiring digitally manipulated photo of a spire from Jennifer Weigel's Reversals series
Aspiring digitally manipulated photo from Jennifer Weigel’s Reversals series

I didn’t remember dying.  I only vaguely remembered the thread of my life being weighed at the pearly gates.  And now, here I was, in awe of the splendor of it all.  I looked at the Heaven all around me.  Everything was light and love.  The sunlight sparkled off of the hills and valleys of the clouds, casting everything in a gossamer glow.  Angelic faces shone with mirth and merriment from their depths.  It was the most beautiful visage I had ever seen.

Until he showed up.

“Hey there, glad to see you made it,” Sebastian said.  His words slithered off his tongue, just as they had during the trial.  “I’m here to serve as your guide, to show you around Eternity.”

“But…” I stammered, looking at my feet.  I still felt repulsed by him, couldn’t stand to look him in the eye.  I wanted to strangle him, but I managed to tamp that feeling down by averting his gaze.  “How did you get here?”

“I accepted Christ into my heart, just as you did.  Isn’t it beautiful?”  He grinned.  His red hair bobbed up and down as he nodded.  “Forgiveness is a blessing.”

“One you didn’t deserve,” I muttered under my breath, unsure of the proper etiquette or protocol for engaging with others in this place, or just how and why he would ever have been forgiven for his sins.  “Where is my daughter?”

Sebastian frowned.  “I’m sorry to say she never accepted Christ into her heart, and so she isn’t here,” he answered.

“What?” I seethed, anger bubbling from where it had roiled just below the surface.  “How can this be?”

“Look, I don’t make the rules,” Sebastian spoke.

“But you’re here.  And she’s not.  No thanks to you!”  My voice trembled as it rose.

“I understand your frustration.  But it is what it is,” he replied.

“You’re the one who killed her!” I yelled, no longer able to contain my fury.  No one else seemed to notice, too wrapped up in their own afterlives to care.

“Yes, but that was before.  And I paid for that with my own life.  In the electric chair.  Your justice was served,” Sebastian said.

“I know, but…” I sighed.  “Why isn’t Julianne here?”

“Like I said, she didn’t accept Christ into her heart as we did.  It’s that simple,” Sebastian reiterated.  “We just went through this.”

“Don’t you regret that?” I asked.

“Regret what?  That she hadn’t accepted Christ?  How would I have known?  And it wouldn’t have mattered at that time, anyway – I was a different person then.  Regret is an interesting concept; I never really did get it.”  Sebastian pondered aloud.  “Even after I became a Christian.  I suppose I knew I’d done wrong as far as anyone else was concerned, that I acted from a place of selfishness when I raped and killed those girls…  Inner turmoil.  Let’s call it inner turmoil.  But that was in the past.”

I began to hyperventilate.  This just couldn’t be happening.  My beautiful daughter, her golden blonde hair and blue eyes forever etched into my memory.  My baby girl, so sweet and innocent and naïve.  She never should have hitchhiked that ride.  If only I’d known what she was up to…  She hadn’t even seen her sweet sixteen, she was only fifteen and a half at the time of the assault.

“It doesn’t matter now.  Had Julianne accepted Christ into her heart, she’d be here with us now.  She did nothing else wrong,” he continued, interrupting my reverie.  “I suppose then I’d have done her a favor.”

“Wait.  What?!” I asked, obviously fuming.

“I know now that she hadn’t.  But I would have had no way of knowing that then.  And it was before I converted,” he went on.  “If I regret anything, it’s the two that came after.”

“After what?” I harped at him.  “After my daughter!  You killed four more girls since then.”

“No,” he whispered.  “After I accepted Christ.  I slipped up.  I tried; I really did.  But my needs weren’t being met and I found ways to justify it at the time.”

“You disgust me,” I spat.  “How can you even consider yourself a Christian?”

“I am no less so than you at this point, considering where we are,” he replied.  “We are both here now, are we not?”

“I suppose, but still…” I answered, taking inventory of my surroundings.  I was sure I’d been granted admittance into Heaven, that I passed the test.  I vaguely remembered having done so, and walking through the pearly gates.  Was this all an illusion?

“I am a true Christian, as you are,” Sebastian continued.  “Just as I’m still a Scotsman no matter how I take my tea.  Shall we begin our tour?”

He reached out to me, palm extended in a gesture of grace.  I wasn’t wholly sure of where I was, which version of Eternity I’d landed in.  Everything about this place was still so glorious, peaceful and serene.  And yet…

Hallowed Ground digitally manipulated photo of a spire from Jennifer Weigel's Reversals series
Hallowed Ground digitally manipulated photo from Jennifer Weigel’s Reversals series

If you enjoyed this story, please feel free to check out Heaven (based on the Talking Heads song) and Angels Meeting in the Hallways. And feel free to check out more of Jennifer Weigel’s work here on Haunted MTL or here on her website.

Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.
Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.

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Original Creations

Yearning, Poem by Jennifer Weigel based on Andrew Wyeth’s Christina’s World



I have recently begun exploring Fibonacci poetry and penned this as a consideration for the Lovecraftian terrors while considering that Kansas was once an inland sea. It is also based on the beloved and enigmatic painting of Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth.

the landscape
yawns ever further
spanning the distance between us
and that deep unthinkable unknowable abyss.
This plain was once an inland sea,
a vast ocean filled
with terrors

still for
none of us.
It marches towards
our inevitable decay.
Our fragile flesh succumbs to the horror of the void,
cradling our fallen progeny
and yearning for home.

The farmhouse beckons
from its horizon vantage point,
thousands of blades of grass groping like tiny tendrils.
The ancestors grasping at straws,
hoping to evade

sounds beyond
our comprehension.
Their silent screams fall on deaf ears.
We cannot interpret their guttural languages
or understand their diminutive cries
this far from the tide.
depths still

and flow
roil and churn
with water’s rhythms,
caress the expanse of grasses
covering this now fragile and forsaken ocean.
The landscape gapes and stretches wide,
reaching to grab hold
of her dress,

Christina's World Lost digitally manipulated photograph of a field of grass by Jennifer Weigel from her Reversals series
Christina’s World Lost: digitally manipulated photograph by Jennifer Weigel from her Reversals series

I hope you enjoyed this jaunt through Christina’s World into pure terror. Feel free to check out more of Jennifer Weigel’s work here on Haunted MTL or here on her website. Or go on a trip to the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve.

Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.
Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.

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Original Series

Nightmarish Nature: Monstrous Mimicry



So what better follow up to Invisibles Among Us in Nightmarish Nature than Monstrous Mimicry? Further exploring the leaps that critters will go to in order to eat and not be eaten. This time we’re focusing on those creatures that want to intentionally be mistaken for one another.

Insects Pretending to Be Insects

This is a pretty common subgroup in the mimicry set. Featuring such celebrities as the Viceroy Butterfly, which looks an awful lot like the Monarch. Why? Because everyone knows Monarch Butterflies taste nasty and cause indigestion. Duh? Though it appears the Viceroy took further cues from this and is not all that tasty in its own right either. Dual reinforcement is totally the way to go – it tells predators not to eat the yucky butterflies regardless. But some bugs go a bit further in this, imitating one another to seek out food or protection. Various wasps, spiders, beetles, and even some caterpillars impersonate ants for access to their nest or because ants aren’t as appetizing as their buggy counterparts to much of anything outside of the myrmecophagous crowd (as shared before, here’s a fun diversion with True Facts if you have no idea), though some also have nefarious plans in mind. And similarly, the female photoris fireflies imitate other firefly signals luring smaller males to try to mate with them where they are instead eaten.

Aunt Ant introducing herself
Aunt Bee

Kind of Weird Mimicry: Insects Pretending to Be Animals

Moths are pretty tasty, as far as many birds and small mammals are concerned, so several of them find ways to appear less appetizing. Using mimicry in their larval form, they may try to look specifically like bird scat or even like snakes to drive away predators, with elaborate displays designed to reinforce their fakir statuses. And once they emerge as moths, they continue these trends, with different species flashing eye spots to look like owls, snakes, cats, and a myriad of other animals most of their predators don’t want to tangle with. But other insects pretend to be larger animals too, with some beetles and others producing noises often associated with predator, typically towards the same end – to deter those who might otherwise eat them.

Caterpillar with thought bubble I'm a snake
Hiss. Boo. Go away!

Animals Pretending to Be Animals

Similarly some animals will mimic others. Snakes may resemble one other, as seen in the Milk versus King versus Coral Snakes and the popular rhyme, Red with Black is safe for Jack or venom lack, but Red with Yellow kills a fellow for all that it isn’t 100% accurate on the Red-Yellow end (better to err on the side of caution than not – so assume they are deadly). Fish and octopuses will imitate other fish for protection status or to conceal opportunistic predatory behaviors. And lots of animals will mimic the sounds others make, though Lyrebirds tend to take the cake in this, incorporating the vocalizations into mating rituals and more.

Octopus with speech bubble "I'm a fish"
No octopussy here

Really Weird Mimicry: Animals Pretending to Be Insects

Some of the weirdest mimicry comes out in animals pretending to be insects or small fish, where a predator will flick its strangely formed tongue that looks like a fish or water nymph to draw in more tiny critters that feel safe with their own, only to find themselves snapped up as dinner. Snapping turtles are notorious for this, disguising themselves in the muck to make their big asses less obvious and reinforce the ruse. Even some snakes do this.

Turtle with thought bubble I'm fishin
Worm-baited lure

Weirder Still

Then there are things that pretend to be plants. Like orchid mantises. Or sea slugs that look like anemones (some of which eat anemones and have stingers to match). I mentioned a few of these in the Invisibles Among Us segment last time, because some are highly specialized to look like very specific things and others just aren’t. Essentially, nature loves to play dress up and be confusing and adaptive. It’s like Halloween year round. And who can really argue with that?

Orchid Mantis mimicry with speech bubble "I'm an alien"
This is just about right.

Here’s a fun video from Animalogic exploring some of these themes. And feel free to check out more Nightmarish Nature here.

Vampires Among Us

Perilous Parenting

Freaky Fungus

Worrisome Wasps


Terrifying Tardigrades

Reindeer Give Pause

Komodo Dragons

Zombie Snails

Horrifying Humans

Giants Among Spiders

Flesh in Flowers

Assassin Fashion

Baby Bomb

Orca Antics

Creepy Spider Facts

Screwed Up Screwworms

Scads of Scat

Starvation Diet

Invisibles Among Us

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