As part of Shudder’s ongoing 61 Days of Halloween, the horror streamer has released a trailer for an upcoming exclusive, Deadstream. Deadstream is a found-footage horror...
September 2022 promises to be one for the books on Shudder. As summer draws to an end, horror fans everywhere turn their attention to the upcoming...
Shudder’s “The 61 Days of Halloween” wraps up this October with a whole (horror) host of premieres and specials across all regions. Let our content guide...
Shudder’s biggest two months begin this September as they kick off the 61 Days of Halloween. This yearly celebration spans September and October and features new...
Welcome to the seventh installment of the series where I rank the films scheduled during Shudder’s 61 Days of Halloween event. What ghoulish delights were on...
Week six of Halloween fun continues with Shudder‘s 61 Days of Halloween. What surprises were in store for us this time and how do they stack...
Another week of horror and intrigue in Shudder‘s own Halloween surprise, the 61 Days of Halloween. How did the movies stack up for week six? Let’s...
The Halloween Gods had struck me down for my hubris during week five with a stomach bug. Thankfully I am all caught up with the 61...
October promises to be fun across all of Shudder’s regions. The US is weeks-deep into the 61 Days of Halloween, but the other regions are not...
Week four of the 61 Days of Halloween includes 8 films instead of seven thanks to a special double feature to celebrate the end of summer....
It’s been three weeks of horror thanks to Shudder so far and I am enjoying the nightly ritual of watching something, oftentimes some film I have...