Featuring Shannon LeGro and author Aaron Deese, Dogman Territory: Werewolves in The Land Between the Lakes follows the pair in search of what many believe to be a...
Heading into New Mexico, the crew of STM look for information pertaining to the mysterious figure of Native American culture - the skinwalker. Through eyewitness accounts...
Brannyk talks about Small Town Monsters: Werewolves Unearthed and, woof, there's a lot to talk about.
Gear up! Small Town Monsters heads back into the Alaskan wilderness to seek out Bigfoot in On the Trail of Bigfoot: Land of the Missing!
Welcome to another episode of Brannyk talks about Small Town Monsters! Today we watch The Dogman Triangle by Small Town Monsters!
Welcome to another episode of Brannyk talks about Small Town Monsters. We’ve explored aliens giving boo boos to cows, totally Bigfoot, a big ol’ stinky doggo,...
ON THE TRAIL OF UFOS: NIGHT VISITORS was generously offered as a screener to HauntedMTL by 1091 Pictures. You know how you go into one movie...
SKINWALKER: THE HOWL OF THE ROUGAROU-Down by the crawdads of the bayou waters in Louisiana lives a dark and fearsome monster…er, well, maybe. He could be...
Full disclosure: I’m a fan of writer/director Seth Breedlove’s ‘Small Town Monsters‘ series. I’ve written about it (see Momo here) and I’ve talked about it (see...
With a big thank you to @ARROW_Player (Arrow)–J.M. Brannyk and Audrey III dive into the newest addition to the Small Town Monsters, MARK OF THE BELL...