Martin Scorsese is known for crime thriller films based on true stories, and The Departed doesn’t defy those expectations. In this film, a police recruit named...
If you grew up in the 90s you will know one thing–ol’ Jimbo used to have ‘trunk rides’ through the north woods with people in various...
Joseph Knox devises a new brand of thriller fiction in his newest release True Crime Story. The Guardian called it “ingenious … truly immersive: complex, disturbing,...
In Catherine Ryan Howard’s newest thriller, 56 Days, the narrative centers around the pandemic that we are currently still living, years later. Howard saw her opportunity...
Incredibly vivid, heavily detailed, brilliantly written and fast-paced, Columbine is one of the best true crime books I’ve ever read. Written like a thriller, Dave Cullen,...
Spoilers You click on HauntedMTL because you’re into horror. You scroll through the feed, wondering which review to read. You find one about a book that...
Every Secret Thing (2014) is a crime thriller directed by Amy J. Berg and written by Nicole Holofcener, based on Laura Lippman’s novel.
Hoppy Easter and welcome to another exciting episode of the Streamin’ Demons Podcast, where we delve into the captivating world of cinema and share our thoughts...
Stephen King is known for his gruesome imagination, unique prose, frightening monsters, and a narrative voice that gently borders on breaking the fourth wall. You can...
Welcome back to “Notes from the Last Drive-In,” Haunted MTL’s review and recap series for The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs, a Shudder exclusive. This...
The journey of horror in cinema has carved its path through the hearts of audiences for over a century, evolving from ground-breaking classics to modern thrillers...
Leonardo Dicaprio’s films rarely disappoint. It was interesting to see him flex different acting muscles in this psychological thriller Shutter Island alongside Mark Ruffalo and Michelle...
00:00.00jim_phoenixHey, everybody welcome back to another exciting episode of what’s cracking. It’s me Jim Phoenix actually now this is an invasion as ijmbrannicck control the airwaves...
The Plot In Elle Marr’s latest release The Family Bones, we follow Olivia, a member of the notorious family of Eriksens. The Eriksen clan are known...
This science fiction thriller explores what it means when money is valued over everything. Wealth means there are no consequences… Watch the official trailer below —...
Are their traditions innocent or are they darker than they seem? The Plot Harry, short for Harriet, is a British writer gaining popularity after the publishing...
On the 11th day of Christmas Shudder gifted me, new series and movies! Why hello fellow mutants and Shudder aficionados, winter has fast fallen upon us...
The Plot Rachel Krall is the host of her own true crime podcast, Guilty or Not Guilty. She became an overnight sensation after the first season...
As spooky season is upon us, what would we rather do than read about the creepiest haunted house and its history? The Plot Simone St. James’...
Taboo (2017) is a drama thriller, created by Steven Knight, Tom Hardy and Chips Hardy. Distributed through BBC, HULU and FX. This review covers Episode 8.