Shudder has another acquisition for us this month to build their library of cutting-edge streaming horror. Last week Shudder announced that it had acquired the film...
Graphic Content #25 this week explores Marvel’s sci-fi horror comic Alien #5. We last off with the fourth issue, introducing a fearsome new Alien to this...
Find the previous episode recap here before reading on. This episode does the switcheroo, revealing to us that the man Jason hitchhiked with, who we (I)...
This is second third installment in a Valentine’s Day series of shorts by Jennifer Weigel in which unsuspecting lovers succumb to deadly gases. You can read...
You read that right – forgettable. Not unforgettable. Forgettable. Rachel Hawkins’ thrillers are always super buzzworthy when they are released. As someone with serious FOMO, I...
For those of us who live off horror and gore, there’s not much that is shocking. At least so long as it’s confined to a screen...
Haunted MTL’s horror comic review column, Graphic Content, returns after a significant hiatus to review Killadelphia #13. It’s been a while since there was a comic...
Shudder has landed another exclusive film for the streaming catalog with The Cellar (2022). They have announced this new addition to the library prior to the...
Few things are more frightening than a lost child. Children go missing every day, and often it’s in the woods. And as always, Killer Queens, the...
Ed Wood's classic clunker Plan 9 from Outer Space dares to ask that question: If two easily-defeated, more-mindless-than-usual zombies attacked a few townsfolk, would it be...