David Davis talks about his top five kills in the Chucky franchise with Jada Gonsalves, who shares her own selections in this installment of Kids’ Stuff – A Chucky...
Behind the Monsters – “Chucky” is the third installment of Shudder’s horror documentary series, Behind the Monsters, that promises a guide to legendary horror icons. This episode features a...
David Davis talks about Chucky S1 E3 on SyFy with special guest, his wife Holly Hann, in the fifth installment of Kids’ Stuff – A Chucky Podcast. For a...
Welcome to Haunted MTL’s series of Chucky reviews, this week tackling Chucky S1 E1 – “Death By Misadventure.” This series of reviews will be spoiler-free for...
David Davis talks about the 1988 slasher classic, Child’s Play, with special guest Kevin Hayman in the first installment of Kids’ Stuff – A Chucky Podcast....
February is a bounty on Shudder. There is a lot of great content added to the service this month. Some of which is the return of...
I don't dislike the Child's Play film franchise. Why must I say this? Well, there's a weird misconception about me regarding those films.
A new series based on the Child’s Play film franchise is coming to television according to SyFyWire. Child’s Play is the first film in an iconic...