TODAY’S THE DAY!!! It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, Total Monster Makeover is up and rolling… Remember to keep all hands, feet, arms and...
And finally, here are the last of the coloring pages… To finish out your preview of Total Monster Makeover! With Meet the Team and cast, crew,...
Welcome back to Total Monster Makeover! You’ve met the amazing cast here on Total Monster Makeover, and caught glimpses of their likenesses in their coloring page...
More coloring pages!!! Featuring the rest of the Total Monster Makeover team, as outlined in the Meet the Cast earlier this month and as seen in...
And we’re back! Last time we met the Total Monster Makeover team… This time we have some coloring pages for you, featuring some of the incredible...
WELCOME TO TOTAL MONSTER MAKEOVER!!! This Halloween special spans the month of October with all sorts of extras including today’s Meet the Cast and coloring pages...
Well, I’ve got myself a room hereat the Heartbreak Hotel,down at the end of Lonely Streetpast the Third Mission well…For I was just so very lonely,...
If the video doesn’t load you can find it here. I hate the song Baby It’s Cold Outside… so I reworked the lyrics. Now it’s...
Bonus video poetry reading… if this doesn’t load properly you can find it here. It Was Not Death, For I Stood Up,By Emily Elizabeth Dickinson...
The sixth and final in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem.
Hush little baby don’t you cry. Momma’s gonna buy you an alibi. And if anyone should question you, Momma’s gonna give them a talking to. We’ll...