Episode two of Wheel of Time felt like the beginning of a long journey. Stories are unfolding, lives are changing, and blood is spilling. Let’s discuss....
Wheel of Time is back for season three. There are mixed feelings regarding this. Last season, there were some serious pacing issues. And some serious sticking...
We’ve come to the last episode of Wheel of Time, season two. And if you like epic battles and visually gorgeous visual effects, then you’re going...
The seventh episode of Wheel of Time was a wild right. A lot happened, and it happened kind of fast. So if you felt lost after...
Episode six of Wheel of Time was exciting, fast-paced, and engaging. These are all good things, usually, Whether they are here or not is somehow up...
We’ve reached episode five of Wheel of Time. And I’ll warn you, this episode moves considerably faster than the rest of the season. Brace yourself. The...
We’ve reached episode four of Wheel of Time, which means we’re halfway through the season. While it doesn’t seem like much has happened so far, this...
Episode three of Wheel of Time was easily my favorite so far. It’s dramatic, dark, and speaks to the growing concerns about evil invading the world....
Episode two of Wheel of Time, widened the divide between the show and the books. Things are happening out of order, people are acting out of...
The long awaited season two of Wheel of Time has arrived, and fans are breaking the internet over it. After watching the first episode, I’m comfortable...
The final episode of Wheel of Time has aired, and it was quite a bloody battle. Whether you’re a fan of the show or the books,...
This episode of Wheel of Time was not exactly a nonstop thrill ride. Save for when Lan had his shirt off, it was rather dull. We...
Spoiler alert! After last week’s rather dull offering, this episode of Wheel of Time was explosive. We start by meeting a new character named Siuan Sanche....
We’ve come now to the fifth episode of Wheel of Time. And for an episode that began and ended with funerals, this was kind of dull. ...
There was a lot of misdirection in this episode of Wheel of Time. If you read the books, you’re probably really annoyed with the people who’ve...
If you marathoned the first three episodes of Wheel of Time like I did, then you saw A Place of Safety after two hours of exploring...
After watching the second episode of Wheel of Time, Shadow’s Waiting, I have one fact clear as crystal in my mind. The White Cloaks are fucking...
(Spoiler warning!) Wheel of Time might seem out of place on a site devoted to blood, guts, and glorious bone breaking. It won’t seem out of...