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I was in a convenience mart when it began, standing at a pastry case looking at the donuts, trying to decide whether I wanted a cake doughnut with sprinkles or a glazed doughnut with chocolate icing.  What I really wanted was a maple-glazed with bacon, but that was apparently too much of a culinary delicacy to ask of a simple gas station convenience mart such as this.

The fluorescent lights flickered in that static greenish way that they do when the ballast is going off.  Nothing unusual.  Then the loudspeaker hummed and crackled as if someone breathed too close to a microphone somewhere in the back and amplified a bit of spittle or a fleck of dust.  The sound jarred me from pondering the doughnut case, and I looked up at a speaker in the ceiling.

It quieted briefly before it buzzed again.

Still, it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.  Just a regular convenience mart with its typical display of overpriced donuts, shipped in too early in the morning and having sat there for half the day until they were now well-past stale…  The loudspeaker continued to hum and crackle intermittently.

I finally decided on the cake doughnut with sprinkles, poured a cup of coffee the consistency of motor oil into a to-go Styrofoam cup, snapped a lid on it (literally and figuratively), and checked out at the counter.  The lights flickered again.  The woman behind the register, who looked as though she hadn’t slept in years, mumbled “have-a-nice-day” as I paid with my Master chip card and left.  At least, I think that’s what she said.  The words fell out of her mouth like too many marbles all at once, slurred together. 


They didn’t make sense.

The sky was overcast. I made my way to my car.  The buzzing hum and crackle followed me.  “ There outside must a speaker be too,” I muttered to myself.  My voice echoed in my head, but talking Yodaesque gibberish with the words disordered and falling out of place and time.

The car was where I left it, second from the right facing the front of the convenience mart, aimed at the building from which the droning hum emanated.  I didn’t remember parking there but then again I didn’t remember parking…  Mine was the only car in the lot so there weren’t any other choices to be made or directions to pursue.   Thank goodness.  I felt a faint flicker of light dance through my periphery, but it was too fast to focus on.  Must be a storm coming in…

I shook it off, unlocked the car with the beep-boop key fob, and got in.  I sat down in the driver’s seat, placed my coffee in the middle cup-holder, and shut the door behind me.  I opened the bag and looked at the doughnut.  Blast it, I had thought I’d gotten one with sprinkles.  But wait – there were sprinkles.  They flickered at me as if coming into and out of being.  They were too difficult to focus on, white, yellow and orange, too similar to the cake color of the doughnut.  They became more white-noise static, further drowning out my ability to focus. 

I could no longer see the doughnut for the sprinkles.

The car radio buzzed at me with the same crackly hum of the loudspeaker.  But the car wasn’t on.  That’s when it hit me.  The… car… wasn’t… on…  A faint flicker lit up the edge of my vision again, and the din of the static grew louder and closer.  The car… still… wasn’t on…  The doughnut-sprinkles flickered at me like points of light on a TV screen un-tuned to snow.

I tossed the bag with the doughnut in the passenger seat.  I wasn’t in the mood to sit and eat it.  Not now.  Something was very wrong.  The hairs on the backs of my arms prickled as they rose.  But why?  I opened the door as if to go back in, but changed my mind.  What was I going to look for there?  The confusion and uncertainty wouldn’t be any clearer.  It wasn’t as if buying a chocolate iced doughnut would change anything.  Or would it?  That didn’t make any sense. 


None of it made any sense.

I sat still and looked out over the dashboard at the building.  The static grew louder.  Everything was snow now.  The doughnut-sprinkles, the bag, the passenger seat, the coffee, the dashboard, the car, the convenience mart…  Even my own hand was flickering as I extended it out in front of me.  The buzzing crackling hum had taken the shape of light as well as sound, and it was everywhere.

My surroundings seemed to flatten as they grew more and more disjointed, the flicker setting in like an old movie reel zoetrope.  It was as if everything I saw was just a painting or a photograph, a stage prop and not a true-to-life experience.  The scenery around me rippled like a plastic tarp over a swimming pool or a clear carnival bag bulging with water needed to sustain the goldfish within it, with me being the goldfish.

I noticed it faintly at first.

There was a crack or a fold in the space-time continuum…  No, it was a small gash…  It seemed to almost float in the midst of my vision.  It followed wherever I turned.  I was trapped underneath and within the tent of my reality, watching it bulge and flicker above and around me as the tear grew wider, threatening to burst and spill everything through me.  My heart fluttered but I was frozen to the spot, unable to move.

The tarp of my consciousness ripped open in a sweeping encompassing motion and gave way completely.  My surroundings pulsed into themselves before they swelled and broke loose.  The convenience store, the car, the dashboard… all flew past me like a million star-points of light and shadow and flowed away.  I was enveloped in light.  A quiet solace engulfed me as I was bathed in the bright white curtain, feeling cold and warm at the same time, distant and wholly present.

Slowly, fuzzy shapes emerged from the light.

Murmured talking began to take form around me, as well as a rhythmic beeping coming into focus.  “It’s going to be okay,” one of the softly silhouetted shapes spoke as it grew clearer and formed itself into a doctor in a white lab coat.  “You had a minor stroke and have been in a coma for a few days.  You’re going to pull through.”


I looked around.  The room was sterile and white with a sickly blue-green-gray partition preventing me from seeing the other side.  A series of plastic looking machines with all sorts of knobs, buttons, and switches beeped and lit up beside me.  The doctor held one of those hand flashlights towards me to look into my eyes.  She spoke but seemed very far away.

As the light flashed in my eyes, a buzzing hum began to emerge, quietly at first.  The rhythmic beeping of the machines receded and gave way to the static drone.  It grew louder and louder as I became attuned to the constant flicker of fluorescent lights.  The humming sound grew, emanating from everywhere and burying itself behind my eyes to pulse through my being.  The fluorescence soon began to engulf everything and the room flickered to steady snow. 

Everything went fuzzy again, lost to the flickering fluorescent din.

Doughnut with sprinkles and tentacles around bloodshot eye peering through the hole

A crackling loudspeaker jars me out of my reverie, amplifying dust, or spittle.

I look up at the speaker above me, standing in front of a convenience mart doughnut case.  An underwhelming array of stale mid-day donuts scattered on trays calls for my consideration… do I want a cake doughnut with sprinkles or a glazed doughnut with chocolate icing?

A doughnut display at an askew angle looking up at the ceiling illuminated with unnatural fluorescent light
Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.

Jennifer Weigel is a multi-disciplinary mixed media conceptual artist residing in Kansas USA. Weigel utilizes a wide range of media to convey her ideas, including assemblage, drawing, fibers, installation, jewelry, painting, performance, photography, sculpture, video and writing. You can find more of her work at:

Original Series

Nightmarish Nature: Giants Among Spiders



So, as you may have noticed, we have a special fondness for spiders here on Nightmarish Nature.  Well, they are kind of the spokes-critters for horrifying animalia, perhaps because they are so freakishly different from us.  Or maybe it’s because I find them a little disconcerting for all that I try to take the “you mind your business, I’ll mind mine” approach, at least if they stay outdoors. Or just because I really like to draw spiders for all that I prefer not to find them sharing my home (though I’ll gladly take spiders over other bugs or mice or larger critters who didn’t get an invite).

Anyway, this segment is devoted to the largest Giants Among Spiders, as if you didn’t have enough to worry about already.  And the top place is contested based upon body mass or leg length.  Most of these are tarantulas, which globally take top place among the large arachnids.

Goliath Birdeater Tarantula
I’m hungry… I bet you are…

Goliath Birdeater Tarantula

The Goliath Birdeater Tarantula of South America is the biggest brute of spiderdom, weighing in at over 6 ounces.  They build funnel burrows and are known to eat birds (although rarely), mice, lizards, frogs, and snakes, but largely any big insects including other species of spiders.  They have urticating barbed hairs that they fling at would-be attackers as an irritant to escape.  And people even eat them after they singe the bristles off. Here’s a National Geographic video showing this spider in action, in case you wanted to see a giant spider take out a mouse.

Giant Huntsman Spider drawing by Jennifer Weigel
Creepy crawly at it’s worst…

Giant Huntsman Spider

And with the longest legs, we have the Giant Huntsman Spider of Laos, with a leg-span of 12 inches.  Their legs have twisted joints and they move in a crab-like manner, which furthers their impressive appearance. ‘Cause they’ve got legs, and know how to use ’em.  They prefer to live in underbrush and cave entrances.  These are like the big relatives of their Australian cousins, which we’ve all seen online and developed a healthy aversion to.

Everything's cuter when it's fuzzy, right? tarantula drawing by Jennifer Weigel
Everything’s cuter when it’s fuzzy, right?

Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater & Brazilian Giant Tawny Red Tarantulas

Next we have two more South American species: the Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater, which boasts one-inch fangs, and the Brazilian Giant Tawny Red, believed to be the longest-lived spider with a lifespan of up to thirty years.   Both are in the tarantula family and have urticating hairs, a word you probably never read much before today unless you are in the hobby.  So apparently South America is not the best travel destination for you if you struggle with arachnophobia, though I suspect you’d figured that out already.  (I wouldn’t recommend Australia or Southeast Asia either.)

Face Size Tarantula drawing by Jennifer Weigel
Face-Size, sorry no Face or Face Hugger for scale

Face Size Tarantula

And finally the Face Size Tarantula, which has a very terror-inducing name reminiscent of the Face Huggers of Alien-glory.  Anyway, these spiders have an 8-inch leg-span and live in India and Sri Lanka.  They look kind of like big hairy wolf spiders with stripey legs, sometimes with pink and daffodil coloring.

If you enjoyed this eight-legged segment of Nightmarish Nature on Giants Among Spiders and their larger than life kin, please check out past segments:

Vampires Among Us


Perilous Parenting

Freaky Fungus

Worrisome Wasps


Terrifying Tardigrades


Reindeer Give Pause

Komodo Dragons

Zombie Snails

Horrifying Humans

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Original Series

AI journey: Little Red Riding Hood, Part 3 Final



So here is our last installment of our AI journey exploring the idea of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad wolf being one and the same. All of these are based upon the AI generated art and prompts using NightCafe and then created as posters in Canva. Feel free to check out Part 1 and Part 2 of this exploration if you missed them.

Forget this talk of sheep, it isn't helping..., Dark Fantasy style, Aug. 1, 2023
Dark Fantasy style, Aug. 1, 2023

A non sequitur I know, but I couldn’t resist. If you picked up where we left off you’ll get it.

So what about Little Red Riding Hood as a wolf?, Dark Fantasy, Aug. 1, 2023
Dark Fantasy, Aug. 1, 2023

Seriously?! Again with the cropped off head cop out…

Little Red Riding Hood as a wolf, seriously we want to see her face!, Artistic Portrait, Aug. 1, 2023
Artistic Portrait, Aug. 1, 2023

Finally! That was a journey. And not even worth the result, in my opinion.

Anyway, here is a bonus montage I made out of a bunch of additional Red Riding Hood prompts for an article that never happened…

Little Red Riding Hood AI art montage, Nov. 4, 2023
AI art generated Nov. 4, 2023

Prompts for Montage:

1.) What if Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf were one and the same being?
2.) Her wolf face peering out of her red cloak, fangs dripping with the blood of another victim, lost in the forest and never found.
3.) Little Red Riding Hood closes in for the kill, lunging from her red cloak, her wolf fangs dripping with blood.
4.) I am Little Red Riding Hood. I am the Big Bad Wolf. I am coming for you.
5.) Howling within, the rage sears forth from the red cloak, discarded in the deep woods. Red Riding Hood succumbs to the lycanthropy.
6.) Heaving breaths. Dripping blood. Red Riding Hood is not what she appears. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
7.) Her red cloak masks the fangs hidden below the surface.
8.) It starts with a long sighing breath. Waiting. The wolf within stirs.
9.) Red Riding Hood trembles. She succumbs to the lycanthropy.
10.) The wolf bursts forth from within. It takes over Little Red Riding Hood’s mind, her body, her being.
11.) Red Riding Hood howls. She is ravenous with hunger for blood. The wolf within has taken over. Mind, spirit, body. She feasts on the blood of the moon.
12.) Big Bad Wolf Red Riding Hood ravenous blood moon feast
13.) Blood moon beckons. I. Little Red Big Bad Riding Hood Wolf. Freedom howling night curse.
14.) Beware. Bewolf. BeRedRidingHood. Betwixt. Beyond.
15.) I pad quietly as the forest dissolves around me. Red Riding Hood and Wolf, one and the same.
16.) Wolf within howling dark recesses of the mind, Red Riding Hood lost
17.) Red Riding Hood HOWL wolf bane true existence polymorph within-and-without.
18.) Red howl Riding Wolf dark existence brooding within

So thank you for joining us on another AI art journey. You can still catch the last AI art journey on Haunted MTL here.  To see more such devolutions into AI generated art, check out the Will the Real Jennifer Weigel Please Stand Up? blog.

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Original Series

AI Journey: Little Red Riding Hood, Part 2



Continuing our AI journey from last time exploring Little Red Riding Hood herself as the Big Bad Wolf… All of these are based upon the AI generated art and prompts using NightCafe and then created as posters in Canva.

Little Red Riding Hood as a wolf, Sinister style, Aug. 1, 2023
Sinister style, Aug. 1, 2023

How very… Phantom of the Opera predatory… this is definitely not what I had in mind. Maybe something more cutesy?

Little Red Riding Hood woman with wolf head instead of her own, Anime V2 style, Aug. 1, 2023
Anime V2 style, Aug. 1, 2023

Ugh. Maybe not.

Wolf face peering out of red hooded cape, Sinister style, Aug. 1, 2023
Sinister style, Aug. 1, 2023

Wow, that seems like such a cop out, cropping off the head so you don’t have to depict it. And I don’t want to lose the Little Red Riding Hood reference completely.

Wolf in sheep's clothing as Little Red Riding Hood, Artistic Portrait style, Aug. 1, 2023
Artistic Portrait style, Aug. 1, 2023

So no surprise there, I knew that was too many references to work.

And we continued to devolve, join us again next week for the final installment to see how this ended… And again, if you want to catch the last AI art journey, you can find it on Haunted MTL here.  To see more such devolutions into AI generated art, check out the Will the Real Jennifer Weigel Please Stand Up? blog.

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