Season 3, Episode 7 is the second installment of the Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror.” The episode begins with Marge beginning to warn the audience about the...
Happy October! Every day this month we are going to do a deep dive of the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror. And yes, I know I’m starting...
October promises to be fun across all of Shudder’s regions. The US is weeks-deep into the 61 Days of Halloween, but the other regions are not...
Week four of the 61 Days of Halloween includes 8 films instead of seven thanks to a special double feature to celebrate the end of summer....
“Nigh” by Berni E. Carrol ‘You’ll die in the ocean,’ the fortune cookie reads and as the table laughs while sharing their own, my breath catches...
These photographs are from the first of a series of figure modeling sessions I did for a local art center. The skeleton is a very good...
This is a pickle of a movie. Simple in design but surprisingly profound. So obvious in its meaning yet still managing to distract you enough that...
SALEM, Mass. — Members of a local coven report that their group is in an awkward position now that one of the witches has joined a...
“Hide and Seek” by Chloe Ballew I stood on the edge, tremors racking my body. My best friend bet me he could beat me in a...
There’s so much news that we need to share it all at once. We have a very special milestone reached by Shudder as well as a...