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To my knowledge, there are no known medical cases linked to viewing Vic Savage’s The Creeping Terror. Nevertheless, I could imagine some debilitating effects from hyper-boredom setting in. Thankfully, this film is available with some Mystery Science Theater 3000 accompaniment, though even then you might require an intermission to gather yourself (assuming you don’t fall asleep while watching).

All that being said, The Creeping Terror somehow manages to have a certain charm, often attributable to these low-quality flicks. There is something slightly humorous about an ultra-slow creature somehow managing to devour people. Do none of these people have functioning legs? Yes, I get that it would be a weird thing to see ambling at me, but would it induce such panic that my fight-or-flight impulse would simply vanish.

Then again, one wonders if this creature sprays out some hidden chemical(s) that renders its targets too pathetic to adequately respond. This film provides no clearcut answers, though. Also, Larry Burrell narrates the living hell out of this movie, clearly violating the standard English Professor’s storytelling rule of showing and not telling.

The Creeping Terror Vaguely Has a Story

So, what kind of characters does The Creeping Terror have? Surely it has some! It does, kind of, I guess. Primarily, there’s a sheriff’s deputy named Martin Gordon (played by none other than Vic Savage), his recent wife, Brett (Shannon O’Neil), and an actual sheriff named Ben (Byrd Holland), who happens to be Martin’s dad. These characters and their quaint town end up dealing with a crashed spaceship and some creeping alien monsters — a scenario that would have even the best of us questioning their resolve, if not sanity. They also call in the military.


On that note: If you are looking for a subversive film that distrusts authority, you really won’t find it here. No one is this movie begins fearing the military men’s intentions, for better or worse. They just show up to deal with the monsters and to maybe assist in further investigation of the crash. In fact, they can’t even be dismissed as particularly incompetent, because the townspeople are apparently too stupid to appropriately flee the scene when the ultra-slow monster begins, well, creeping after them. Seriously, it’s difficult to overstate how slow the monsters are; Like molasses covered in mostly-dried sap.

Final Thoughts

If you manage to follow this movie without dozing off, I commend you. It truly is a hazard. In addition to the slow monsters, there really isn’t any intrigue here. There’s no mad scientist who needs to be taken into custody, no captivating dialogue between, let’s say, an FBI agent and a madman in a specialized prison cell. There’s really nothing to rattle or unsettle the unconscious mind unless you have a significant fear of lumbering space aliens. Basically, it’s something to put on if you’re tired and need to crash.

I suppose that, in the grand scheme of things, the entity that emerged from the craft could be considered interesting or humorous. Also, if you’re an ultra-patriotic type, maybe you’ll get a boner when seeing the military personnel nearing. However, you probably won’t care that much about Ben, Martin, and Brett, or whether the area survives this ambling onslaught. Chances are, you won’t be hiding under your bed after watching this unless maybe you’re 4 years old.

What are your thoughts on the low-key monstrosity that is The Creeping Terror? Let us know in the comments if you ever get around to it.

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Movies n TV

Watching Supernatural, as a Modern Witch



Supernatural is not strictly a show about witchcraft. Or, is it?

Sam, Dean and John Winchester are not witches.

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki in Supernatural.

Or, are they? When you watch Supernatural as a modern witch, you realize that a lot of what the Winchester boys do during their battles to protect the world from monsters are things we do as part of our witchy routines.

Just the facts

Starting in 2005 and running until 2020 for fifteen seasons, Supernatural tells the stories of Sam and Dean Winchester as they protect the world from the forces of darkness. Together with a collection of human and otherworldly allies, they battle demons, ghosts, cryptids and all manner of horrifying dark creatures. It was one of many CW shows that delved into the darker side of the world before committing entirely to bad DC content.


What Supernatural got right

The first thing that jumps out when watching Supernatural is the metric ton of salt used in the show. Specifically, salt is used to protect against any number of ghastly things.

This is very familiar to any modern witch. We have so much salt. Black salt, red salt, blessed salt. Salt to cleanse, salt to banish, salt to protect. When I saw Dean and Sam with massive containers of kitchen salt, I felt like I’d found my people.

Then there is of course John Winchesters notebook. Or, dare I say, grimoire. This also felt familiar. And it’s one of the things I loved the most about Supernatural.

Look, we all want the big family grimoire with the lovely, flowing artwork and beautiful handwritten spells like in Charmed. But in reality, most grimoires look a lot more like the Winchester notebook, with sketches and notes shoved in and held in place with gum bands and paperclips. And while I’m not going to say that my grimoire has daring notes about demonic beings I’ve battled, it certainly has more quick sketches (mostly of plants) than it does beautiful calligraphy. This is supposed to be a useful document full of information we can reference quickly, not an art piece.


Longtime viewers of the show will point out that not only do the Winchesters not call themselves witches, but they often interact with witches. Sometimes as allies, and sometimes as enemies.

Alexander Calvert and Ruth Connell in Supernatural.

The witches in the show are pretty true to life. They are good and bad. They can be anyone, from any walks of life.

The witches use many tools modern practitioners use, including crystals, scrying mirrors and protection symbols. Honestly, they are pretty spot-on. Except for the spectacular TV magic they implement.

Finally, I want to discuss the question I asked at the start. Are the Winchesters witches?

No, they’re not. Because they don’t claim the title. Even if someone does magic, they’re not a witch unless they say they’re a witch. The whole point of witchcraft, after all, is personal power and personal choice.

What Supernatural got wrong


All of that being said, Supernatural was of course not a perfect depiction of witchcraft. For one thing, there is no grand coven of witches. I don’t think enough of us could agree on enough to create one.

But if we did, Stevie Nicks would be the Supreme.

Witches also don’t have to come from a long line of witches or be taught by other witches. Many of us are self-taught from books. And sadly, many of us live in communities where we might be the only witches around.

Thankfully, there are online communities from which to learn and grow. You don’t need to be a generational witch, or even have a close witch mentor. It’s a practice, and practice is all that’s required.

All in all, Supernatural is a fairly good example of modern witchcraft. The show might not be about witches, but it’s a great representation.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

By the way, if you like this you might enjoy my haunted apartment novella, Quiet Apocalypse. The main character is a modern witch, and I share some real magic in this fictional story of an unexpected end of the world.

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Movies n TV

Evil: Genesis 1 (S1E1)

Evil: Genesis 1 (S1E1) is a supernatural drama created by Michelle King and Robert King, starring Katja Herbers & Mike Colter.



Evil: Genesis 1 (S1E1) is a supernatural drama created by Michelle King and Robert King. The central cast includes Katja Herbers, Mike Colter, Aasif Mandvi, Michael Emerson, and Christine Lahti. It originally aired under CBS before moving to Paramount+. As of this review, it’s available through Netflix and Paramount+ and its add-ons. Though this series will earn nominations and awards, I’ll bring them up in relevant points or the end of the season review.

Dr. Kristen Bouchard (Katja Herbers) is a forensic psychologist struggling to financially support four daughters after losing her contract with the prosecution. When a Catholic seminarian (Mike Colter as David Acosta) offers her an opportunity to become an assessor for the Catholic church, she’s in no position to argue. Little does she know; this decision will put her in the crosshairs of Evil.

In a prison interrogation room, a woman stares off against a prisoner.
Katja Herbers as Kristen squares off with Darren Pettie’s Orson

What I Like about Evil: “Genesis 1”

The cast includes heavy hitters and niche delights, such as Aasif Mandvi and Michael Emerson. Mike Colter, recently coming off of Luke Cage, brings his own star power to the cast.

Evil’s Genesis 1 starts strong with its supporting villain, Darren Pettie’s Orson LeRoux, who gives a calm and flowery account of his horrible crimes. Evil balances a light tone with dark material, and this performance does an expert job of setting that standard.

However, Katja Herbers’s Dr. Bouchard brings the central performance to life. Genesis 1 does a great job of planting the seeds of this complex character. From her ability to get shit done to her unsatisfying life, Bouchard has plenty of traits that easily allow for empathy and understanding.


Evil balances the line between real and supernatural horror, allowing viewers to assess a situation with plausible deniability. Seeing through the eyes of a skeptic, Dr. Bouchard, amplifies the fear and trauma a demon’s appearance ought to bring.

In terms of direct horror, Genesis 1 sets up what will come. It often provides an unsettling experience, building tension for future episodes. Where Genesis 1 becomes terrifying are those moments of juxtaposition, such as the initial monologue.

White background, rubber stamp with disclaimer pressed against the white background.
Disclaimer Kimberley Web Design

Tired Tropes and Triggers

While little is shown in the show of Orsen’s crimes, he is a rapist and murderer. To clarify, any depictions mentioned focus more on the murder.

As David aims to become a Catholic priest and the central trio act as assessors on behalf of the Catholic church, there will be religious elements that might rub some the wrong way. An example is the shady history of the church briefly mentioned as a throwaway jab by the antagonists. However, these elements are only lightly touched upon here.

A brief seed remains planted between Kristen and David, an attraction that might indicate an infidelity. This tension plays a role within the series. In my opinion, it’s handled well and adds to the complexity of the characters, but it’s a point worth mentioning for those troubled by such things.

A woman faces the viewer, looking your right, her left
Katja Herbers as Dr. Kristen Bouchard

What I Dislike about Evil: “Genesis 1”

Truthfully, there’s nothing I disliked. The only potential weakness worth mentioning is that the focus on Kristen remains so dominant one might easily assume it’s her story alone. Eventually, Mike Colter’s David becomes a co-lead for the show. While there remains a clear purpose for this decision, it’s the one gripe worth mentioning in terms of fully living up to the premise.

Another nitpick is the court procedure. Kristen gives her statement and is meant to return after new evidence to reaffirm her given statement as if they paused her testimony. Evil doesn’t explain its version of court procedure here.


Final Thoughts on Evil: “Genesis 1”

Genesis 1 provides a great foundation for Evil to thrive, sowing the seeds for future episodes to build upon. The only area that falls short remains communicating its leading cast, which future episodes aim to fix. If you’re hesitant about the series, Genesis 1 provides a great glimpse of what to expect.
5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

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T+E Channel’s My Haunted Hometown: Small Town with Big Secrets



My Haunted Hometown interview – Barb Dexter

To start off check out our exclusive interview with Barb Dexter from My Haunted Hometown! Prepare for spine-tingling tales as Barb Dexter unveils her shocking personal ghost encounters on T+E Channel’s gripping paranormal series, “My Haunted Hometown”. Don’t miss exclusive behind-the-scenes insights and emotional revelations that will leave you questioning reality. Premieres Friday, September 6th at 10 PM ET/PT.

Click the trailer for My Haunted Hometown and set your clocks for the premiere 6 Sept!

Want to know more about T+E Channel’s My Haunted Hometown?? Check out the trailer below (and make sure you watch the show as it airs Friday 6 September, 10PM PT/ET only on T+E!

If you ever wondered what it was like to be in a town with a dark history–and live in a forever home that might be forever occupied by spirit energy, then you need to check this episode out!


Why T+E Channel’s My Haunted Hometown hits

My Haunted  Hometown - A picture of Barb Dexter who is a woman with blonde hair, kind eyes, and glasses.
photo credit: Andrew Curr

The production value works. The camera. The crew. The sound. The editing. The PR team. These are all great assets–and the best asset of them all? The people in the show.

We have all seen shows where the ghost story is made up. It’s usually some quick cash grab for a celeb (although there were some great truly well done celeb ghost stories, too!) or just some channel/content filler type thing. This is not that….this is what every ghost show should be.

The crew sits down. The people are taken seriously. They are giving a channel to voice their story and by sharing their story, they get to grow and sometimes heal from the telling. We draw strength in knowing we are not alone.

When the episode starts, your emotions range from being afraid for the people to being all warm and fuzzy with knowing that these people are opening themselves up to you and you are not alone.

If you have any paranormal experience, these stories will help you feel a bit more whole.

If you are a believer, this is your show.


If you are a doubter, this is your show. You might still doubt, but you won’t doubt that these are real down to earth people giving witness to what they saw.

See why we call the T+E Channel the Blumhouse of TV and catch the free preview on T+E Channel from Sept 2 to Nov 3

My Haunted Hometown - an arial view of a small town covered in snow
photo credit: Andrew Curr

The Setting

I think small towns work well as a setting. If you recall most of Seth Breedlove’s movies are SMALL Town monsters. If you recall our interview with Harker Jones’s interview the scary horror wasn’t the city of LA but the SMALL Town where you are a bit more isolated.

Not only does the setting work because of the more remote feel, but it works because of the people. The people in the show make the show. They are relatable. They are down to earth. They are easily your next best friend after moving into the neighborhood.

My Haunted Hometown - A close up of a cat's fuzzy face.
photo credit: Andrew Curr

Also, if you are a fan of cats and dogs–there are a few of the most adorable furry friends ever in this episode.

The Rating and Where to Watch

After watching the first episode, I can’t wait for the rest! I’m sure to check it out when they drop every Friday in September! Won’t you join me? 🙂

See what all the rave reviews are about (5/5 Cthulhu!) and see why we call the T+E Channel the Blumhouse of TV and catch the free preview on T+E Channel from Sept 2 to Nov 3 – your gateway to the supernatural! Tune in and share the thrills with #MyHauntedHometown and #TEonTV. Are you brave enough to watch? 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

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