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Psychological Horror–The Last 5 Years: A Comprehensive List

Looking for a film or two that’s guaranteed to make you think? Compiled here is a list of films that both scared me to the core and left clean cuts turned infected wounds in my brain. This list will include my recent favorite psychologically scary films that either made my head spin, or made me want to rip my head off altogether. You’ll also find a mentioning of popular films which can be classified as Psychological Horror, but are on many other popular horror movie lists. A bonus Honorable Mention section, just to make sure everyone leaves with a new movie or two to look forward to. This is a SPOILER FREE ZONE. Stay tuned for my upcoming lists!

What is Psychological Horror?

To me, it’s about experience. My experience and how each piece of art tells me a story that transcends time. I want to be tortured and left for carrion, so I put MUCH weight on the way a movie leaves me feeling. I want to go into a film, get excited over dread, and leave the film worse off. If a movie encouraged my heartbeat to join the auditory cues and inspires me to tell someone else about it, you’ll find it on this list. If a film causes me to lose sleep, cry in horror, and pushes me to think about the world around me differently, you’ll find it on my list in the higher numbers. All of the films listed here are rated either R or TV-MA. None of them being kid-friendly.


I will not include certain movies I’ve seen on this list, for various reasons. If I get positive responses on this post, there are plans for many movies not listed here to go on other recommendation lists (i.e. foreign films, movies older than 2015).

I have tried to compile a list of films which are not as popular. I don’t want to take up spaces for the more well known films, so this list serves you best. Except for the final movie on this short list, which is here because I’m not smart enough to review it. Yet.

Those films are:

I did enjoy the movies above, and if you’re missing out on any of them, it’s time to get on it! If you’re looking for MORE. If you need more good, meaningful, horrifying AND terrifying Horror in your life, read on.

Scare Me! Spook Me! Freak Me Out!

In order of their effect on my psyche and my overall rating. Please note that not all of these films are considered as being a part of the Horror genre, but they certainly all hold horrifying stories.

15. The Nun (2018)

Director Corin Hardy adds to The Conjuring Universe with this dark, brutal, horrifying flick. Set in 1952, The Nun is the start to the storyline of Ed and Lorraine Warren’s accounts of life experiences. We follow the investigation of the death of a young nun. And it get pretty damn spooky.

Not only are there Mystery and Thriller qualities, there’s a touch of Psychological Horror, a touch that spreads ’til the very end. In addition to the great use of sound and lighting, the atmosphere is a dread filled and fear inducing promise. The first half is a tad sluggish, which is why it is not a higher number on the list. If you decide to only watch one film from this franchise, make The Nun it.

14. Hush (2016)

Starring Kate Siegel and John Gallagher Jr., this terror of a film is often classified as a Slasher Thriller. Meh. That’s fine, but this movie is much more than an average, surface level Slasher OR Thriller. Our main character being a reclusive author who’s under attack by a sadistic killer. Oh, I forgot to mention, SHE’S DEAF! Can you imagine yourself in her shoes? Just try.

Taken from Blumhouse Productions, Intrepid Pictures/Hush (2016)

The director of Hush, Mike Flanagan, uses lighting and sound in effective, smart ways. The reason Hush is so far back on my list isn’t because I didn’t like it as much as the others, but because it was formulaic and although this movie scares me at points, I haven’t lost any sleep. There’s blood, of course, and a few disturbing scenes, but the reason Hush made this list is purely because of the portrayal of our main character’s resilience. Great place for you to start on this list if you’ve ever felt like you’ve had to fight odds. So, all of you, I assume. It’s currently streaming on Netflix, so watch it while you can!

13. Mother! (2017)

Jennifer Lawrence turns heads with this killer performance. Darron Aronofsky, our writer/director, takes us on the Hellish journey from sanity to complete insanity, without batting an eye. We follow a woman when life abruptly changes because these particular strangers find their way to her doorstep.

With a runtime of over two hours, I’m pleasantly surprised with how much is fit in. The only reason this jaw-dropping film isn’t higher is because as the bloodfest of an end nears, I can see people being turned-off. You should make it out ok on the other side if you prepare to feel hopeless. Oh, and plan on getting offended. It’s available on Hulu at the time of this publication.

12. Cam (2018)

A Netflix movie on a top horror countdown? Yaaassssssss! Cam, directed by Daniel Goldhaber, is a piece of art, the way it weaves in and out of the everyday lives of every American. And in raw story, every human. We follow a ‘cam girl’, played by actress Madeline Brewer, as she desperately struggles to regain control over the recent chaos caused by a…look-a-like? a…doppelganger? an…alien? a…psycho?

Taken from Blumhouse Productions, Divide/Conquer, Gunpowder & Sky, Seer Capital/Cam (2018)

Ripping open the wounds many Americans already have and bringing attention to the fear in everyone else is bottom line. With sophistication and care, Cam gives us little treats along the way, and we get a good sloppy kiss at the end. It’s on Netflix, check it out!

11. Head Count (2019)

Follow me on a mind-bending joyride filled with gorgeous camera work and an even more stellar score, audio cues, and aesthetics. Head Count socks Horror a good black eye in 2019. Our main character, played by Isaac Jay, gets sucked into a new group of friends while visiting his brother, and we’re twisted through the shocking events in the following days.

Elle Callahan, the director of Head Count, had a clear vision, and executed it with passion. I really wish I could put this higher on the list, but the first half is a little slow in getting off the ground. It may look like another Teen Slash ‘Em Up and Dish ‘Em Out by the cover, but the complicated emotions and moral concerns are pushed to the surface. It’s on Netflix!

10. The Blackcoat’s Daughter (2015)

In this dreamy, corrosive flick, we follow a set of girls during winter break at an empty boarding school. Yes…a boarding school. I know, I know. It’s okay, don’t worry, just keep reading. Oh, yeah, and there’s some sort of, well, something’s amiss. I understand, this sounds just like many other horror movies around, but this is superb. A terrifying, concussive look into the eyes of evil.

The director, Oz Perkins, exhibits rich vision in this non-linear story. The beautiful Emma Roberts stars alongside a small cast, and they all give good weight to the severity of silence. I expect more character exploration in such a dark, soul-stirring horror, but the film does invite us for a little dance, and after we agree with excitement, we are thrown in the pit with a lion or two. Currently, it’s available on Netflix.

9. Braid (2019)

Colors, saturated and vibrant, wind us through this radical tale of symbolism and metaphor. Wrapped up in a box and garnished with a bow, I didn’t see how far this film, directed by Mitzi Peirone, stretches. After my first viewing, I left unsatisfied. I distinctly remember thinking “Huh. What the fuck? Okay…”, which is similar to my thoughts after my first viewing of Enemy (2013). And just like I did with Enemy, I gave Braid another chance.

Taken from Wandering Bard, Somnia Productions/Braid (2019)

We follow three friends on a hallucinatory kick, and over time it’s almost as if we begin to question the sanity of the film. Brilliant. It’s like watching a poem. A poem in a different form. I love very much when I gain more insight and can find literature in film during a second, sometimes third viewing, so yeah, totally, these movies should continue to be made. But it is not near the top of the list simply because the value isn’t as…accessible. I’m watching for Peirone’s next piece, watch her bloom into her final form. Available on Amazon Prime currently.

8. The Wind (2019)

IFC Films! I seem to be enjoying more and more of these in recent years. You too? We follow a hardworking woman, played by the gorgeous Caitlin Gerrard, try to live in the boonies during the American frontier. The dread peeks in and pushes through, little by little, until it’s got you by the throat. Director Emma Tammi knows how to create claustrophobia in isolation. Talent.

Sweet, sweet metaphor. This may take a second watch to fully comprehend each capsule of vital information, the deep scarring; and at times the film seemed long and tedious, which is why it’s sitting near center. The complicated relationships and tensions developed in each is a brilliant addition to this slow burn.

7. The Invitation (2015)

Paranoia festers as we follow a man, played by actor Logan Marshall-Green, attend a dinner party at, wait for it…his ex wife’s house. As his suspicion of his ex grows, we flip-flop in our loyalties. How cool is that? A movie can induce an experience like this?! Cool.

Although I wish lighting and sound were utilized more, Karyn Kusama, the director, knows how far in each direction to pull us. Very clever. The epic final few seconds of The Invitation is guaranteed to invoke a little smile. It’s available on Netflix, but has been for a while. If you haven’t seen it yet, now’s your chance!

6. The Neon Demon (2016)

Nicolas Winding Refn executed his clear vision in this slow burn Horror flick. The atmosphere brings a dream-like, visceral experience. We follow a character, played by Elle Fanning, and her spiral into conformity. The film feels vain, but I mean, the tension and point blank reality leaves a bleak outlook on humanity.

Taken from Wild Bunch, Gaumont, Space Rocket Nation, Vendian Entertainment, Bold Films, Danish Film Institute/The Neon Demon (2016)

I’m impressed with the patience in The Neon Demon, the twisty, sometimes questionable pacing, leads to a grim payoff. To improve the film, there should be more given to us from the characters. I see development, but character depth isn’t fully realized. The possible political agenda is evident, but doesn’t take from the film’s gravity. It’s about time for a re-watch, it’s on Amazon Prime, anyone want to join me?

5. Green Room (2015)

Patrick Stewart a neo-Nazi? This alone rocks my world. We follow Anton Yelchin’s (miss you, buddy) character move through the consequences of the situation he’s found himself in. Stuck in a room at a punk rock spot, he and his buddies are forced to do what they can to simply survive. The special effects, the violence, looks real. Like, REAL. I found myself wondering if this is the most disturbing, graphic, fucked up movie I’d ever seen. I’m not certain to this day, but it’s definitely high up on that list.

Want a movie that may make you question those around you and uncover motives of even the most mundane of behaviors? Watch Green Room. Make sure you have plenty of time to decompress afterward, and you should enjoy this with at least one other person who’s not seen it. There are some horrifying pieces in this film, but I have yet to discover implicative horror that I should be considering for life. Oh! And it’s on Netflix!

Wait. A little disclaimer. If you puke during a viewing of Green Room, sorry. Heed my warning.

4. Unsane (2018)

Unnerving and unapologetic, Steven Soderbergh’s Unsane follows a woman who is (un)?voluntarily committed to a mental health facility, where she finds her stalker working the floor. The film screams for change and evolution of both ourselves and systems in power. Gorgeous.

Taken from Regency Enterprises, Extension 765/Unsane (2018)

It’s scary, haunting, and demands attention. Not only is it a mind bendy adventure from a little town between desperation and Hell, but it pushes us there with gentle nudges. Unsane is shot from an iPhone, neat! Making this piece even more relevant. I wish this was higher on the list, I just had a serious love affair with the remaining three features…Shh! Don’t tell my spouse. Please?

3. Daniel Isn’t Real (2019)

This beauty is guaranteed to please fans of Psychological Horror, Cosmic Horror, and Body Horror combined. Feast on this grisly tale of a guy reconnecting with a childhood imaginary friend. In this hypnotic witch hunt, we fight with ourselves while trying to figure out what, exactly, Daniel is.

Daniel Isn’t Real showcases the reason why movies are made. Just grab a beer, pack a bowl, and sit back and enjoy. I’d find myself questioning some aspects Adam Egypt Mortimer included, but those aspects found their way to reason. After you try this film, move on to my number two choice, which was an earlier release from the same team of people.

2. Mandy (2018)

Nicholas Cage is still around? Apparently so, and boy am I glad. The film he was born to make. A role that could be filled by none other. In this trippy, heavy metal inspired piece, we follow a man (Cage) and his lover as their world is turned upside down by a travelling cult. Here, one of those films I said made me want to just rip my head off completely and let it roll across the wood floor. Okay…and we’re moving on…

Taken from SpectreVision, Umedia, XYZ Films/Mandy (2018)

It’s common to be unable to genre classify masterpieces, and Mandy is no exception. Panos Cosmatos knew exactly what he wanted to create, and did it. Flawlessly. I STILL think about this film, over a year later. The neon red glow mixed with the stylish, insightful score. Allow yourself to let go of all preconceived thoughts on what a movie should be before you sit down to watch this, and your mind will be blown. Find it on Shudder.

Psychological Horror: Honorable Mentions

And my top Psychological Horror movie of the last five years is…..

1. First Reformed (2017)

Oh, how my psyche has suffered. Talk about someone born for a role…Ethan Hawke brings pain and severity to Paul Schrader’s lacerating direction. And a gift to humanity is born, a film we’d all be good to study. We follow a self reflecting pastor spiral after a meeting with an environmental activist. And it’s damn good. Dark and deceptive. Perfection.

Taken from Killer Films, Omeira Studio Partners, Fibonacci Films, Arclight Films, Big Indie Productions/First Reformed (2017)

I see so much of myself in Ethan Hawk’s character, and this scares the living shit out of me. It was a ‘paranoia obsessed and couldn’t find motivation to push forward in life until I broke down my feelings on this piece’ kind of thing. I lost sleep, my appetite, and felt pure hopelessness. Days later, after my thoughts were arranged in a manageable manner, I of course moved on. Every once in a while this piece pops back up in my mind.

But Ethan Hawke’s portrayal of turmoil in First Reformed is beyond something you can practice. It’s something only another who has first hand experience with torturous thoughts can reproduce. I feel…undeserving of this film. Now it’s time for you to experience this too.

PARZZ1VAL–How To Connect:

I’m real interested on your thoughts on this list. What would you add or take away? Did you find anything to add to your queue? Argue me in the comments why your list is better!

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  • Follow me on Twitter @Parzz1V to catch my next Horror-ific list.
  • Comment below what you’d like to see from me next!

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  1. Evelyn C

    January 2, 2020 at 10:43 am

    The Nun? Noooooooo. I giggled the entire time watching that movie. Everything was so trite and predictable. Hush I loved, but I remember watching a video on Youtube in which a deaf person explained their dislike of how deaf people are portrayed.

    The higher up the list I see movies that I know are just awesome no matter what anyone says and a lot are ones I haven’t seen. The Nun though. . . I wouldn’t even want it on the honorable mentions list. (I guess it really is one of those love it or hate it movies.

  2. Pingback: Top 15 Scariest Foreign Horror Movies - Haunted MTL

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Movies n TV

Smile 2: A Poor Rate Second.

“Break a leg out there.”



Smile 2, a psychological supernatural horror, released in October 2024 just in time for Halloween, sees director Parker Finn (Smile, Laura Hasn’t Slept) return with a sequel starring Naomi Scott (Aladdin) as pop star and recovering addict Skye Riley. While Smile 2 boasts a talented cast, it ultimately falls short of its predecessor, offering a familiar storyline with minor variations and a predictable finale. The film attempts to introduce a new method to combat the parasitic ‘Smile Entity’, but this addition fails to elevate the sequel beyond a pale imitation of its chilling predecessor.

The Plot.

Smile 2 begins shortly after the end of the original; just six days after Rose Cotter’s death. During a short interlude scene, we watch as the now cursed Joel attempts to pass the Smile Entity on by killing one criminal in front of another. The plan backfires spectacularly, inadvertently passing the curse onto an innocent bystander named Lewis Fregoli.

The film then shifts gears, introducing Skye Riley, a singer and performer making a triumphant return to the spotlight with a comeback tour after a tumultuous past. During a candid interview on the Drew Barrymore Show, Skye opens up about her struggles with addiction and the devastating loss of her boyfriend in a car accident. Her sobriety journey, however, faces a severe setback when she seeks pain relief from her old high school friend, the unwitting Lewis Fregoli. In a chilling turn of events, Lewis takes his own life while Skye watches, passing the Smile Entity onto her.
Unaware of her new cursed existence Skye gets on with rehearsing for her tour, but she begins to notice that strange things are happening. People are smiling at her in an unnatural way and she becomes the target of anonymous attacks and aggressions. When text messages begin to arrive from an unknown number, Skye decides to get some answers.


Let’s not beat about the bush. I found Smile 2 difficult to finish and was struggling at about the hour-and-a-half mark to stay awake. That being said it’s worth watching because everyone needs to see the 3-minute scene of the ‘smilers’ chasing Skye through her apartment. This was possibly the creepiest thing I’ve seen on a screen.  The buildup, the synchronicity of the movement of the actors and their positioning, the camera work, and the lighting. I have rewatched it several times and it doesn’t get old. If you are only interested in watching this, fast forward to the 123-minute mark and get ready to be impressed.


Where do I start?

My primary concern with Smile 2 is its striking resemblance to its predecessor. The narrative follows a familiar pattern: an attractive woman fleeing a supernatural force, grappling with hallucinations, experiencing a mental health decline, and culminating in the revelation someone close to Skye was the Smiling Entity after all. This repetitive structure diminishes the film’s impact.

  • Sosie Bacon, Jason T. Usher, Kyle Gallner (Actors)
  • Audience Rating: R (Restricted)

Last update on 2025-01-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

While the introduction of a new method for shedding the entity initially offered a glimmer of hope this concept wasn’t fully realized. It just served to add names to the line of people that the entity has infected in the past.

Furthermore, the film’s pacing suffers from excessive focus on Skye’s musical career. Scenes showcasing her stage rehearsals and music videos, while intended to establish her identity as a performer, feel unnecessary and detract from the narrative momentum. Yes, we understand she’s a performer, you told us, you don’t need to prove it. These scenes appear to artificially inflate the film’s runtime, suggesting a lack of confidence in the core story.

The Final Take.

Ultimately, Smile 2 fails to expand upon the established lore of the franchise. The film’s conclusion feels contrived, with a blatant setup for a third installment. Hopefully, if a ‘Smile 3’ is inevitable, the creative team will bring fresh ideas and avoid simply retreading familiar ground.

2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

Both Cthulhu’s granted for that one scene.

Smile 2
  • Amazon Prime Video (Video on Demand)
  • Kyle Gallner, Naomi Scott (Actors)
  • Parker Finn (Director) – Parker Finn (Writer) – Parker Finn (Producer)

Last update on 2025-01-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Movies n TV

Goosebumps, Stay Out Of The Basement Pt 2, could have just been one part



We’re back again with Goosebumps The Vanishing, episode two. A story too big for one episode, apparently.

Or, maybe this is just a nod to the fact that Stay Out Of The Basement was a two-part episode in the original 1995 show. Either way, after seeing this episode, we could have kept it to one.

The story

We begin this second episode with Anthony investigating the parasitic plant taking over his body. Rather than, I don’t know, going to the hospital, he’s decided to phone a colleague and send her some samples from the bulb he pulls out of his arm with a handheld garden trowel.

David Schwimmer in Goosebumps The Vanishing.

Meanwhile, Devin is having his own worries. He’s haunted by what he saw in the sewers. So, he gets CJ to go with him to investigate. What they find is more of the tendrils of the plant that dragged him down through the manhole last episode.

I sure would have liked to see more about that.

Instead, we see Devin pivot to flirting with a newly single Frankie. Because teenage hormones I guess.

Meanwhile, Trey is having a terrible day. First, his girlfriend leaves him. Then, Anthony breaks his car window.

Needing a way to deal with his frustration, Trey decides to break into the Brewers’ basement. There, he starts wrecking up the place. Until he meets the plant creature and has an unfortunate accident.

What worked

The big difference between this episode and the last is the increased gross-out factor. This episode had some straight-up cringy moments. From the tendrils waiving from Anthony’s arm to the whole goat he brings home to feed his new pet, this episode was skin-crawling gross in the best way possible.

The series is called Goosebumps, after all.

What didn’t work

Unfortunately, that’s where my praise ends. This episode, unlike the last, just wasn’t that great.

To start with, there was a lot of unnecessary drama between characters who are not in danger of being eaten by a plant from the inside out.

 Francesca Noel in Goosebumps The Vanishing.

I especially disliked the focus on the Frankie/Trey/Devin love triangle.

Now, I don’t hate it. This part of the story adds extra emotional depth to the show. We can see why Trey would be especially incensed by his girlfriend falling for the son of the neighbor he’s feuding with. But it would be more enjoyable if it wasn’t so cliche and dramatic.

I hate the way Trey tried to gaslight Frankie. It makes me dislike him when he should be a sympathetic character. I hate how whiny Devin is every time he talks to Frankie. And I hated the impassioned speech Frankie gives after Devin asks her why she was with Trey.

Listen, I understand what we’re going for here. Devin and Cece are not struggling financially. They’re doing alright, and their new friends here in Gravesend are not. We kind of got that without Frankie claiming that her socioeconomic status is why she’s dating a bully and gaslighter. It felt out of place. It felt like pandering. It certainly didn’t feel like something an eighteen-year-old would say. I hated it.

The Vanished Return (Goosebumps: The Vanishing Novel)
  • Howard, Ms. Kate (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 272 Pages – 02/04/2025 (Publication Date) – Scholastic Inc. (Publisher)

Last update on 2025-01-23 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Finally, there was a moment near the end of the episode that irritated me. I don’t want to give too much detail because I wouldn’t dare ruin an R.L. Stine cliffhanger. But, well, it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

I get that we’re watching a show about a carnivorous plant that is going to wreak havoc on this family and neighborhood. I understand the suspension of disbelief. Some might even say I am a little too generous with it. So I can buy into a teenager being absorbed by a plant and turned into a monstrous version of himself.

I can’t buy into what happens at the end of this episode. It doesn’t make sense with the rules established. It certainly doesn’t make any sort of scientific or logical sense. It is a lazy moment meant to further the storyline but threatens the structural integrity of the season.

All in all, this wasn’t the best episode of Goosebumps. But it’s only the second episode. Honestly, the season has plenty of time to go either way.

2.5 out of 5 stars (2.5 / 5)

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Movies n TV

Thriller Nite, Poem by Jennifer Weigel Plus



So, this is a convoluted post, not going to lie. Because it’s Thriller Nite. And we have to kick it off with a link to Michael Jackson in homage, because he’s the bomb and Vincent Price is the master… (If the following video doesn’t load properly, you can get there from this link.)

The movie monsters always approach so slowly.
Their stiff joints arcing in jerky, erratic movements
While the camera pans to a wide-eyed scream.
It takes forever for them to catch their victims.
Their stiff joints arcing in jerky, erratic movements
As they awkwardly shamble towards their quarry –
It takes forever for them to catch their victims.
And yet no one ever seems to get away.
As they awkwardly shamble towards their quarry –
Scenes shift, plot thickens, minutes tick by endlessly…
And yet no one ever seems to get away.
Seriously, how long does it take to make a break for it?
Scenes shift, plot thickens, minutes tick by endlessly…
While the camera pans to a wide-eyed scream.
Seriously, how long does it take to make a break for it?
The movie monsters always approach so slowly.

Robot Dance found subverted street art altered photography from Jennifer Weigel's Reversals series
Robot Dance from Jennifer Weigel’s Reversals series

So my father used to enjoy telling the story of Thriller Nite and how he’d scare his little sister, my aunt. One time they were watching the old Universal Studios Monsters version of The Mummy, and he pursued her at a snail’s pace down the hallway in Boris Karloff fashion. Both of them had drastically different versions of this tale, but essentially it was a true Thriller Nite moment. And the inspiration for this poem.

For more fun music video mayhem, check out She Wolf here on Haunted MTL. And feel free to check out more of Jennifer Weigel’s work here on Haunted MTL or here on her website.

Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.
Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.

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