How far would you go to right a perceived wrong against you? Satanic Panic (2019), a Shudder exclusive film, follows a pizza-delivery girl who, when stiffed...
It’s a very special rundown of what Shudder has on offer for the month of April. Why is that you ask? It’s because Joe Bob is...
Day 16 As the last of the ghouls had begun to round the corner, Edgar and Jimmy dropped low to the roof, out of sight of...
The horror world is grappling with a traumatic loss with the passing of director Stuart Gordon. According to his family (per Variety), he died Tuesday night...
As part of a larger “Halfway to Halloween” theme, Shudder announced the return of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs. Bloody Disgusting broke the news...
Hey, so, you’re probably still practicing that social distancing thing, right? It’s a weird time. So, to ease the pressure of being locked in your house...
I think, therefore you are. Sutter Cane, In the Mouth of Madness (1994) Look, if you offer me a movie that features the involvement of John...
Day 16 Dani stepped toward the gate, gun drawn and peered through a gap in the metal. There was some motion from something but it wasn’t...
My day job as a teacher has gone on pause due to campus closure, y’all are hoarding toilet paper, and I am wary of anyone who...
Be aware that this edition of the “Weekly Wail” is a discussion of a very big spoiler regarding the recently released film The Invisible Man (2020)....
Welcome to Haunted MTL’s monthly rundown of the latest releases on our favorite horror streaming service, Shudder. So, what is on offer for March? Read on...
There is a lot riding on the success of The Invisible Man for Director Leigh Whannell. However, perhaps more weighs on the shoulders of the Invisible...
No, I’m not talking Eminem. I’m running with Hitchcock. I saw someone has posted this album to Twitter the other day and having not heard it...
Day of the Dead (1985), while not as highly regarded as Night of the Living Dead or Dawn of the Dead, is fairly well-regarded among zombie...
Welcome back to Haunted MTL’s comic reviews. For this installment, we continue Killadelphia‘s “Sins of the Father” arc with this third part, ominously titled “Abaddon.” Do...
Day 16 The sound of the gate, under some form of duress, caught the attention of Dani and Bob. Within an instant, they dashed out of...
One genre I am interested in exploring further is Social Media horror. This is something that is of course fairly recent in the horror world. I’m...
Well, here we are. Issue four of four. Does Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter present a satisfying conclusion to the story, or does it lean...
Day 16 The noise generated by the rolling door of the storage unit was enough to tighten anyone’s ass given the situation. The storage facility made...
A24 recently posted a teaser for their upcoming summer film The Green Knight. There is a lot to talk about regarding this upcoming film. Check out...