The Noonday Witch (known as Polednice in its original Czech title) is a beautifully bright and quiet folk horror film. Directed by Jiří Sádek and written by Michal Samir (II), the story follows...
Whatever Happened to Baby (1962) is exemplary in cinematic history – the grotesqueness of a crazed Bette Davis serving a dead rat to her sister, Jane...
Game Over is an Indian Horror film based around the New Year, and as we all know: new year = new you. This indie gem is...
1944's "Cry of the Werewolf" isn't the best werewolf film of all time, but it's noteworthy for being the oldest surviving film to depict a female...
We’ve come now to the end of season one of Netflix’s The Witcher. I’m warning you now that season two isn’t slanted for release until 2021....
I will confess that, while I enjoy the various flavors of Star Trek (Picard’s wit, Seven of Nine, Kirk’s goofiness, and also Seven of Nine), I...
This is the second to last episode of season one of Netflix’s The Witcher. So, of course, everyone’s story arch is coming to their head. And...
Jack Pollexfen's Indestructible Man is a quirky blend of a crime movie, horror and science fiction with a light noir edge.
Has anyone ever heard of the 2014 New Zealand film The Dead Lands? It was written by Glenn Standing, directed by Toa Fraser, and was selected...
The Lighter Side of Dark… I’m not sure what it was about January 2020 that made it feel so dark. Perhaps it’s the excessive reports of...
Bong Joon-ho (Snowpiercer, Okja) writes and directs Parasite (2019), a darkly comic thriller. Bong and screenplay co-writer Han Jin-won explore the intersection of those on opposite...
Dragons! Sorry, let me start over. Episode six of Netflix The Witcher revolves around Geralt and Jaskier going on a dragon hunt. It shouldn’t be a...
The Turning is the epitome of how January feels: cold, dreary, anticlimactic, endless. Since the film is loosely based on Henry James’ classic gothic tale, The...
In the vein of Idiocracy (2006), Atomic Zombies (2016) and The Poor Guy series weaves Horror through creative zest, humor, and passion. In these little to...
The Discovery… So, picture a Wednesday night by yourself. You’re on the road and you don’t really have the energy to go out after your day...
In the fifth episode of The Witcher, two of the main characters are finally meeting each other. That’s right, Yennifer and Geralt finally come face to...
2020 splashes in with a spelunk of a deep water Sci-Fi Horror. Underwater hit theaters on January 10th, and it’s no shut-out. Fans are taking to...
When I feel like trash, I watch The Love Witch. There’s something so cathartic about a dreamy, rose-tinted tragedy with witches and sex. Horror and feminism...
I am appalled, fellow Homo sapiens, that this movie is not cherished more. Appalled and aghast! Boo, humanity, for not cherishing the disco fae magic of...
'Nosferatu' isn't a classic film simply because it;'s an old movie. Let's look at what makes it work!