Heads will roll in this terrifyingly wild ride from Joe Hill… Plot Summary In September of 1983, June Branch comes to visit Liam – her boyfriend...
We’re back. it’s been a few too many weeks for my liking, but Graphic Content returns with another pair of reviews. I think the paired reviews...
Enter Manny, the mannequin the group of five teens finds in a creek. Manny is their new best friend, a mannequin to pull pranks with —...
In Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud, and the Last Trial of Harper Lee, Casey Cep takes on a journalistic approach, weaving together the stories of a murderous...
Most people can’t fathom the idea that their significant other might harbor a dark secret. You live with your spouse, eat with them, sleep beside them,...
Like Flies from Afar by K. Ferrari is a little hardboiled noir thriller set in the backdrop of Argentina. Our protagonist, Mr. Luis Machi, who finds...
Told between alternating chapters of the present day and a published book manuscript, this thriller explores what can be living inside a home and how it...
Sisters tells the story of September, July, and their mother Sheela. Something unspeakable has happened to September and July in the town where they used to...
Swallowing knives, a fork up the anus and children vomiting fetuses are just the cusp of this book of medical mysteries. Author and medical historian Thomas...
Stephen King is known for his gruesome imagination, unique prose, frightening monsters, and a narrative voice that gently borders on breaking the fourth wall. You can...
The Plot A stranger approaches our nameless narrator at her movie theater job selling popcorn in the middle of nowhere. She doesn’t have any family or...
Mariana Enríquez, an Argentinian journalist is well known for her macabre fiction heavily influenced by sociopolitical issues and events. Translated from Spanish by Megan McDowell, The...
Welcome back to the Haunted MTL comic review column, Graphic Content, as we continue our special series that covers just Swamp Things! This week we cover...
The Plot In Beukes’ novel Afterland, most of the world’s men came down with a mutated disease that resembled extremely aggressive prostate cancer. Women around the...
Welcome back to Graphic Content where we cover comics, and this week we tackle Hellblazer and Killadelphia My initial impulse after the last article was to...
Welcome back to the wonderfully weird world of Graphic Content. We’re expanding to cover additional titles in the rotation and this week features two newer series...
A sequel to the highly acclaimed Bird Box, a film following in its same name. In Bird Box, we saw Malorie traverse a developing world like...
For being known as an author of heavy tomes, Stephen King has a little-known secret. His short stories are hidden gems. Many are well known. Movies,...
As a huge fan of VanderMeer, his Southern Reach trilogy in particular, I was so excited for this sequel to one of my favorites. Borne –...
Welcome to the second installment of Graphic Content‘s “Just Swamp Things.” Why is Swamp Thing fighting mutants atop a gothic castle? Who is the strange crone-like...