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Manga lovers everywhere know the bittersweet pain of following a fantastic manga that’s ongoing. Sometimes it’s better to wait… and sometimes it’s better to go along for the ride. So, is The Summer Hikaru Died worth following?

This horror manga follows Yoshiki and Hikaru, two boys who live in a rural village, enshadowed by a mountain no one may step on. One year ago, Hikaru vanished onto that mountain. What returned is a mysterious entity who’s occupied Hikaru’s body, possessing all his memories, and all his love, for Yoshiki.

Yoshiki knows that his best friend Hikaru is dead. He’s known from the very start. And though he’s certain the impostor is dangerous… he’s set on being beside him. Even as their small town slowly descends into madness and the death count starts rising. It’s the classic case of “I can change him”.

The Summer Hikaru Died is ultimately the complicated romance between two high schoolers(/a terrifying, formless entity) that is codependent, touching, and likely doomed. But unlike The Night Beyond The Tricornered Window, Yoshiki and Hikaru’s relationship is gripping and genuine.


The art style and atmosphere are one of the most beautiful aspects of this series, from the omnipresent serenade of cicadas and frogs, to the dramatic angles and shadowing. Even mundane scenes can seem ominous and full of symbolism. But The Summer Hikaru Died truly shines in its surreal and horrific moments.

Hikaru's true self. He shows his swirly bits in the first chapter, don't worry.
This is what love looks like, probably.

In terms of plot, the first few chapters have provided a great foundation for Yoshiki and Hikaru’s relationship, their friend group, and the town… and not much else. But it’s still meaty enough to feel satisfying. I’m not clinging to the edge of my seat, desperately refreshing, but I’ll definitely be checking out the subreddit every other week to see if the next chapter has been translated.

So, is The Summer Hikaru Died worth following? I’d say so, if you enjoy casual spooky romances with monsters and the boys who love them.

Released in August 2021, there are currently nine chapters translated and freely available. New chapters are released monthly but translations may take longer.

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Horror in graphic novels

Bad Dreams in the Night



Published in April of this year, Bad Dreams in The Night is a collection of horror comics by the artist and author Adam Ellis. With the description stating that it is a graphic novel version of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, I had to get my hands on it. And it did not disappoint.

The stories

Bad Dreams in the Night consists of eleven short horror stories. I honestly don’t think there’s a bad one in the whole bunch. So let’s just highlight a few.

Easily my favorite story in the book was Little House in the Sea. It’s a sweet, eerie little tale that seems like a pinprick view into a dark and horrifying world. It left me with so many questions that I fear will never have answers. The story is about a young woman and her mother, who live on a little island all alone. The young woman is never to ask about what is on the other side of the sea. Then, her mother dies. And everything changes, but not by a lot.

Green Ribbon was another great story. It’s a retelling of the classic Girl With a Ribbon story from the original Scary Stories book, in which a man is confused and eventually angry that the love of his life wears a ribbon around her neck and won’t tell him why. I liked this updated version. It’s a stark reminder that just because we marry someone, we aren’t owed all of their secrets.

Page from Bad Dreams in the Night.

What worked

Of course, the first thing I have to point out about Bad Dreams in the Night is the fantastic artwork. Ellis was a cartoonist first, and it shows.

The artwork is part of the storytelling as well. The best example of this is the story Better Kate Than Never. The younger sister character, Taffy, has such an animated face during the scenes with a ‘studio audience’. When she is just herself, her face is flat, and far more mature than we’d expect for a girl her age.

Though, I suppose based on the story, she might be any age.

Another really enjoyable thing was the mini-essays at the end of each story. As a creator myself, I love the little peeks into the creative process. I know how I come up with stories. But it’s different for everyone, and the story behind the story is often just as fun.

Finally, I have to praise a feature that applies to Ellis’s work overall, not just this book. Whenever he writes scary stories (and he has posted quite a few on his social media) they are a fascinating blend of cute and horrifying. The artwork always has a lovely, innocent, cartoonish look. The children always look like cartoon children, with exaggerated large heads and wide circular eyes.

Page from Bad Dreams in the Night.

At the same time, Ellis doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to the blood and gore. One story in particular, Milk Door, is a perfect example of this. I don’t want to spoil the ending for you, but it is graphic, horrifying, and wonderful.

What (kind of) didn’t work

I only have one issue with this book. If you follow Ellis on social media, you’ve likely seen at least some of these stories before.

Though, even as I say this, I’m not sure what could have been done about it. Only the beginnings were shown on Instagram. This was a marketing tactic and an effective one. You get the setup for free, but you have to read the book for the punchline.

Bad Dreams in the Night was a really enjoyable way to spend a few hours. In the end, my only real complaint is that it could have been longer. But of course, that is one of the chief rules of entertainment. Always leave people wanting more.


(usr 5)

By the way, if you like this you might enjoy my haunted apartment novella, Quiet Apocalypse. The main character is a modern witch, and I share some real magic in this fictional story of an unexpected end of the world.

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Book Reviews

Vermis I: Lost Dungeons and Forbidden Woods, a Novel Review



Vermis I: Lost Dungeons and Forbidden Woods is a graphic novel by Plastiboo. The team behind the work includes Plastiboo as the artist, Hollow Press as the publisher, Michele Nitri as the editor, Marco Cirillo Pedri as the graphic designer, and a mysterious E.R. as the English proofreader. While I found the book available across outlets, I would recommend going directly to Hollow Press as I am unsure of the reliability of these other options.

Which flesh is your flesh? Come traveler and pick between several distinct classes to explore the bleak world of Vermis. Catastrophe and calamity dictate the lands you travel to, warring to break all living here. Venture forth, but be forewarned, hope remains a distant memory.

Vermis written in an algae-like font. Below in red reads, Lost Dungeons and Forbidden Woods. Below displays a knight fighting skeletons within a dimly lit castle. The enemies appear with a light red while the backgrounds shows a prominent green.
Vermis 1 Cover Art by Plastiboo

What I Love About Vermis I

The premise of this book was that of “an official guide of a game that doesn’t exist.” I was reminded of countless nights studying such books for every drop of lore I could. It paid passionate respect to these guides, bringing to life a retro game inspired by Dark Souls but entirely its own. The concept creates an interesting and interactive fiction, requiring readers to build an understanding of mechanics and gameplay that doesn’t actually exist.

The art style evoked a green-saturated pixel-apocalypse in a fantasy setting. This premise likely evoked your interest or turned you away. Vermis I committed to this style, so that desire remained an important part of your enjoyment.

When I learned of the Infant Seeker class, I had to admit a curiosity. The “classes” are unique, painting a perspective and “playstyle” that fleshes out this imagined world. To be clear, this isn’t a “choose your own adventure” experience. The book is informative, with some options sprinkled in. However, these options are purposefully limited, revealing little for possible interpretations.


While Vermis I was not a large graphic novel, I couldn’t put it down. On the first day I held it in my hands, I finished it. There were sections and natural break points to help pace the material, but it kept me engaged throughout.

Vermis I evoked a bleak horror all too familiar to those of the Dark Souls fandom. While I couldn’t call this a Soulslike, as it doesn’t provide any mechanics associated with the genre, Vermis I follows the story trends and themes closely.

White background, rubber stamp with disclaimer pressed against the white background.
Disclaimer Kimberley Web Design

Tired Tropes and Considerations

Aside from the bleak world, there’s little to discuss in triggers and tropes. It’s worth mentioning that infants were considered a delicacy to witches in this world, but that’s not given much time or focus.

The biggest consideration was the purchasing process. It was largely seamless through PayPal, but American audiences would need some third party to convert payment. Wait time lingered between 15 to 45 days with no notifications to alleviate worries. I didn’t blame this experience on Hollow Press, but it was certainly a drawback.

For transparency, my purchase arrived ahead of the latest mark, ranging within 20 days. There was also an additional purchase option for a price increase that might have resulted in notifications.

An older woman in robes, pulling the robes tighter around her. Text beneath her reads "Infant Seeker" and the below description reads: "A mother on a quest to retrieve her lost child, taken from her by a witch.
Infant Seeker in Vermis I

What I Dislike About Vermis I

Readability remained my only major concern and issue throughout the text. This issue stemmed from creative decisions and art style choices that make reading certain sections difficult. The retro art also left some room for misinterpretation. Vermis I’s title represented this issue perfectly. Yes, it’s artistic and haunting but challenging to read.

Vermis I appealed to a rather specific niche. It had room to further develop this informative aspect but reached its intended goal in an arena of limited competition. In fact, the specifics made Vermis I the only such contestant in its arena. Outside this niche, there’s retro gaming art and a heavy influence of Dark Souls to appeal further. Regardless, it’s a specific experience that either sounds interesting or unappealing.


Though enjoyable, this wasn’t a perfect parallel to reading those official guides. Vermis I provided a more obtuse experience compared to other such books. However, this might better represent the Dark Souls influence. Vermis I’s “game” would be a linear experience with replay value. It’s a funny way of looking at the content, but that’s the premise one buys into.

As unique as this graphic novel turned out to be, and how enjoyable the content remained, Vermis I left much room to further explore a dynamic it partly founded. I do hope Vermis II expanded on the material as either a companion piece or an original setting.

Final Thoughts

Vermis I: Lost Dungeons and Forbidden Woods delivered a unique graphic novel experience. Part guidebook and adventure novel with sprinkles of Dark Souls influence, this graphic novel provided an enjoyable and haunting world that evoked the imagination. While it felt condensed for a sole project, it catered to a focused niche while creating a market.
3.5 out of 5 stars (3.5 / 5)

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Horror in graphic novels

Creepy Comics Collages by Jennifer Weigel, Part 5



Well, you won’t get rid of me that easily… Ha ha, I lied about coming to the end and the afterlife in the Creepy Comics Collages segment, it was just an opportunity for rebirth. Besides, it’s World Collage Day! So having come into another comic book to rework, here we go again…

The Voice creepy comics collage by Jennifer Weigel
The Voice creepy comics collage by Jennifer Weigel

Creepy Comics Story 9: The Voice (of God or Reason or perhaps an homage to my ex)

“Come to me my children, the voice of God awaits!… Don’t let them escape!” Please beam me up out of this weird comic collage alternate reality. “God I am your hand! Lift me… to your place. I commend my spirit!” I want to go back to dreaming about starfish.

The computer programmer behind the scenes turns to face us and smiles. “Guardians! This is a place of God!… Come to the true voice of God!” “I am everything.” “Come to the voice!” And the horrific AI generated creatures abide by his every coded word.

Just like last night in the — signs posted for Nightmare, No Exit. The deer spirit faun screams in surprise, “Eeek!” “No! I defy you!” She returns to the form of a little girl with arms outspread to the open sky. “Y’know, a day like today makes all the stuff that happened last night seem just like a bad dream!” The dream seems so real…

Somewhere in the city, the computer programmer sits up at night in pensive monologue, “You try to make a difference… But it doesn’t really matter.”

The City creepy comics collage by Jennifer Weigel
The City creepy comics collage by Jennifer Weigel

Creepy Comics Story 10: The City (Metropolis becomes self-aware)

This segment is brought to you by Dead Artists and Talking Dinosaurs. No really, wait for it…

Woooooo Uhhhh Wooooooo Uhhhh… Wump! Uff! Wump! Uff! “She belongs to The City!” The Glenn Fry 1985 hit single looms ominously overhead as Metropolis becomes self-aware. “The City… will live!… The City… will breathe!” The City gasps for air, “Got to… breathe!… Got to… Breathe!

Her breath is the wind… Her eyes are windows. Her heart pumps fluid through buried plumbing… “I’m The City!” Her mind is The City!

And we have a celebrity appearance by Rich Koz “Son of Svengoolie” WFLD 1973: “I take a nap for 10,000 years and look what happens… some-body builds a city!” Kerwyn chimes in, “Geez! Somebody’s been busy!” And we cut out to a scene of Svengoolie standing alongside his coffin.

Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.
Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.

Well, that’s all folks. Or is it? For now, any way… until I get more comic books… Duh duh DUHHHH…

If you want to see more art, check out more of Jennifer Weigel’s work here on Haunted MTL or on her writing, fine art, and conceptual projects websites.

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