The third installment of Meg Gardiner’s UNSUB series chronicles the legion of the night – the Midnight Man. Striking in darkness, he invades homes, murders the...
As the biggest Megan Goldin fan, I can truly say that her thrillers never disappoint. Goldin writes perfectly paced, heart-racing novels that keep you turning the...
Does the title of this review not intrigue you enough? Get this. The Plot Wisewood is a no nonsense resort that culls applicants from far and...
The Plot Travis Wren has the ability to find people – by touching items or walking through an environment. He is regularly hired by those who...
The Plot The plot is simple. Chloe Davis was twelve when her father was arrested for serial murder. The worst part is that Chloe herself found...
Joseph Knox devises a new brand of thriller fiction in his newest release True Crime Story. The Guardian called it “ingenious … truly immersive: complex, disturbing,...
Middle aged Mean Girls? Count me all the way in. The Plot Sophie O’Neill is in with the popular girls. Granted, they are all nearly fifty,...
If you enjoyed Adrian McKinty’s The Chain, but it wasn’t as impressive as you’d hoped for, Alison Gaylin swoops into the thriller genre with her newest...
Andrea Bartz’ newest thriller, published in July of this year, follows Kristen and Emily as a best friend backpacking trip goes wrong. The Plot In Chile,...
In Catherine Ryan Howard’s newest thriller, 56 Days, the narrative centers around the pandemic that we are currently still living, years later. Howard saw her opportunity...
Published in June of 2021, Hairpin Bridge is the highly anticipated next novel of Taylor Adams, author of No Exit. No Exit topped charts during its...
Half-hidden by forest and overshadowed by threatening peaks, Le Sommet has always been a sinister place. Long plagued by troubling rumors, the former abandoned sanatorium has...