Released in September of this year, Lucy Undying is the latest release by horror author Kiersten White. This is the same author who brought us Hide...
Let the Wrong One In is a horror comedy directed and written by Conor McMahon, starring Karl Rice, Eoin Duffy, and Anthony Head.
Sharkula is a 2022 film where two men take jobs in an isolated seaside town. The town is revealed to be ruled by Dracula and a...
Buffy S1E12 – As Buffy struggles with her mortality, the crew struggles with Jim’s watching. Will the final episode of the season be the key? Buffy...
Horror and comedy blend like chocolate and peppermint. Both because they’re a great combination and because they’re all but impossible to avoid during the holidays. Sometimes...
Buffy S1E11 Jim finally gets the name right as he invites people into the behind the scenes, in a way. The two superfans are in full...
This review will discuss the season finale of Showtimes' Let the Right One In, “What’s Done in the Dark." The tenths episode of season 1.
This review will discuss “Monster,” the ninth episode of Let the Right One In released on December 4th, 2022.
It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections of Horror is a splendid and unique collection of essays by LGBTQ+ writers new and known to the literary...
This review will discuss “Or Stay and Die,” the eighth episode of Showtime's Let the Right One In series released on November 27th, 2022.
This review will discuss “More than You’ll Ever Know,” the seventh episode of Let the Right One In released on November 20th, 2022.
Buffy S1E9 recap springs off with the Muppets! Ohh..errmmm…wait…the puppets. Is this the episode that will make Jim watch the show or take him to the...
Let the Right One In is a 2022 TV series released as a SHOWTIME® Original Series. This review will discuss episode 6, “Stargazers."
November 2022 may signal the end of the recognized Halloween season, but Halloween continues to live in our hearts, especially on Shudder this month. Just what...
Let the Right One In is a 2022 TV series released as a SHOWTIME® Original Series. This review will discuss “Outings."
Let the Right One In is a 2022 TV series released as a SHOWTIME® Original Series. This review will discuss “Broken Glass."
Buffy S1E5: After slaying a vampire, Buffy and Giles find a ring that they link with a prophecy of the Anointed One, who can free the...
Buffy S1E2 – Buffy and company tip their toes into the second episode as the crew try to figure out who would win in a fight:...
When I last left Graphic Content, I had just finished up Sink, one of my favorite horror and crime comics of recent years. Since then, I...
It is 1990s indie night at The Last Drive-In, and we’re here to cover the fun, COVID-be-damned. The review/recap this week might be lacking a little...