A new series based on the Child’s Play film franchise is coming to television according to SyFyWire. Child’s Play is the first film in an iconic...
Sad news in Hollywood as horror icon Julie Adams has passed away at the age of 92. Adams is most recognizable to horror fans for her...
British filmmaker and animator David Firth’s classic creepy web animation staple, Salad Fingers, returns after a 5 year hiatus. “Glass Brother” is the 11th episode of...
Have you ever wanted to kills your boss? What about shove a stapler through the eye socket of that one really annoying co-worker? If you find...
There is frighteningly good news in the world of horror film as Blumhouse will be working with Universal Studios on a series of films adapting their...
There I was, cruising Netflix (Canada, eh) and ran across the Bye-Bye Man. I vaguely recall missing this in the theatres and being upset. Upset I...
Get ready to have a Jill sandwich, Resident Evil fans. Deadline indicates that Netflix is working to develop a TV series based on the classic Capcom...
What do you get when you cross a manic Monday at the office and a virus that causes people to lose all inhibitions be they violent,...
V/H/S: Viral is the third, last and possibly best of the V/H/S franchise (though, admittedly, I have yet to see the second installment). I wouldn’t say...
Fresh off the success of genre-darling Mandy, directed by Panos Cosmatos, Nicholas Cage has his eyes set on the H. P. Lovecraft short story “The Colour...