Welcome back to Graphic Content. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? 2020 has been an odd, challenging year threatening to kill us all and I haven’t written...
Just when I think I can walk away, they pull me back in. Episode five of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina was well worth the agony...
People seem to have Lovecraft on the mind lately, for more than one reason. Horror is receiving a new wave of appreciation and creators have gotten...
Launching directly into 2021 this new episode of Streamin’ Demons takes us into the world of #Xmen’s New Mutants, the amazing new series #TruthSeekers, and a...
That’s right! @StephenKing in overalls. This is the best horror book you’ll never buy. Only a lucky few have a copy of this page turner and...
Episode four of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina was a huge disappointment. The best thing about this episode was the intro, which continues to be perfect. ...
These images are from a photo shoot I did awhile back at Missouri State Penitentiary reflecting on how places are imbued with the spirits of those...
What happens when a shy teenage girl gets stabbed with an ancient ceremonial dagger by a middle-aged serial killer? Hijinks, of course! Also intimidating a teenage...
Let’s start with the basics here. A Creepshow Holiday Special: Shapeshifters Anonymous is a Christmas story of sorts. I’m not one of those people who...
Episode three of this season was probably my favorite so far. Though this could be because I’m a big fan of Lovecraft and octopuses. (Yes, I...
The third episode of the Stand was, in a word, forgettable. It was hard to remember events and the whole episode came and went like a...
Welcome to the year 2021. We’re continuing our monthly highlights on Shudder into the new year. So what is going to be streaming this month in...
I hate trashing movies. I really do. Even some of the worst films in existance are redeemable in some way, but Smiley Face Killers is a...
Oh, it’s a wedding episode! A double wedding episode, even! Who doesn’t love wedding episodes? Of course, this being The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, nothing goes...
A rising sun peers over the horizon, as carved into a memento mori period gravestone in Salem, MA (USA), now featuring the following text: We are...
The Premise The premise is simple: Wainwright, a social media/pop culture internet sensation invites four of the most famous living horror writers to an overnight interview...
Season four of Netflix’s The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina started pretty much exactly how I thought it would. The main character continues to be a selfish...
NVK is the sultry, dark, luscious vampire tale we have been dreaming of. Released in 2019, this novel is the tale of Naemi Vieno Kuusela, a...
In a story about family and the aging process, Relic hits in places where most don’t. People always die in horror movies but most aren’t designed...
I was in a convenience mart when it began, standing at a pastry case looking at the donuts, trying to decide whether I wanted a cake...