Stitch, the horror/drama and not the Disney movie (unless Bob Iger took a huge sidestep), was the first full-length feature of Ajai (Ajaya Kumar Mathai) featuring...
“The Keys are Red witih Roses” by Silas Adams He stands and waits. I know to stay out of sight. The lead pipe in my hands...
Like a stereotypical, snobby critic, I wanted to dislike Akiva Schaffer's The Watch. However, I grudgingly admit it was better than expected.
Bonus video poetry reading… if this doesn’t load properly you can find it here. It Was Not Death, For I Stood Up,By Emily Elizabeth Dickinson...
As Thanksgiving is coming up in America, I wanted to take a brief break from my usual complaining and wet-blanketing to give my thanks. My thanks...
MILLERSBURG, OHIO — In a small town located in the heart of Ohio’s Amish country, local resident Nicole Jackson recently reported episodes of paranormal activity taking...
If you haven’t seen Vernon Zimmerman’s film Fade to Black, I recommend you watch it immediately. It is a criminally underrated gem that can only be...
“A Sense of Justice” by Omar ZahZah Sometimes I wonder if part of what draws people in to a good ghost story is a sense of...
As much as Stephen King is known for his books so big they could kill a man, I always feel like his short work is his...
The sixth and final in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem. And feel free to check out more...
Hi everyone, welcome to another Weekly Wail/Fireside Chat with me, your occasional wet blanket and voice of reason, J.M. Brannyk! Happy Trans Week 2020! We’re reaching...
“Early In America” by Ryan Priest Once upon Virginia in the year 1788 there was a five-member family who lived on part of, what would one...
Happy Transgender Awareness Week, horror fam! To celebrate we’re doing a look back at a book by one of horror’s iconic trans authors, Poppy Z. Brite...
The fifth in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem. And feel free to check out more of Jennifer...
“Revenge of the Roses” by Linda M. Crate He called them his roses. The girls that he slaughtered. Their remains were never recovered from the swamp....
Today for your chilling reading pleasure, we have an interview with Lance Reedingee, the author of the creepy horror novella, Goblins. I love that this story...
To my knowledge, there are no known medical cases linked to viewing Vic Savage's The Creeping Terror, aside from maybe hyper-boredom.
The fourth in a six part series of graphic images by Jennifer Weigel revisiting Emily Dickinson’s poem. And feel free to check out more of Jennifer...
Disturbing, gritty, and at times gross, it’s a new take on the serial killer. Based on the novel by Todd Rigney, who also penned the screenplay,...
“:)” by Tim Boiteau Finn: 🙂 Zoe: What happened 2 u? I called and texted a ton of times earlier this wk… Finn: 🙂 Zoe: Ur...