The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs continues with its diverse movie selections as well as the informative, and sometimes on-topic, rants Joe Bob is prone...
The Noonday Witch (known as Polednice in its original Czech title) is a beautifully bright and quiet folk horror film. Directed by Jiří Sádek and written by Michal Samir (II), the story follows...
The Top Horror of 2023 show caps off our year that’s seen some great and not-so-great moments of horror. Join the Demons as they, with their...
Welcome to our exclusive interview with acclaimed horror author, Isaac Thorne. Known for his spine-chilling narratives and masterful suspense (check out Hell Spring now!!), Thorne has...
The A24 film Men (2022) is Alex Garland’s newest and third directorial project. His previous works include Ex Machina and Annihaliation. It is evident that weird,...
Shudder has another new acquisition for their streaming library this month. Earlier this month it was announced that the horror streaming service had acquired The Cellar...
A24’s newest addition to strange horror is the Icelandic folk film Lamb, a quiet, eerie story of motherhood’s clash with nature. This is Valdimar Jóhannsson’s feature-length...
I’m struggling with this story, Killer Queens, I really am. Not because it’s freaking me out. Far from it. I just don’t care. We start with...
Despite how much I hate Christmas in July, I do seem to be reviewing a lot of Christmas stuff this month, Killer Queens. But that’s alright,...
Back in its heyday in the 80’s and 90’s, the mall was bustling with all kinds of activity, mostly teens hanging out, browsy shoppers with or...
Happy Halloween fellow Haunted readers. On this month’s final installment of “Treehouse of Horror,” we’re going to take a look at four of my favorite stories...
Today’s “Treehouse of Horror” (TOH) recap is going to be a little different. Rather than go over every individual segment in episodes 9-11, I have picked...
I finished reading Andy Davidson’s “The Boatman’s Daughter” in mid-March, but I’m already declaring it one of the best novels of 2020. And I’m not alone...
Please Welcome my Guest, Brian Coldrick… This week, I have the pleasure of interviewing one of my favorite horror illustrators, Brian Coldrick. The first time I...
An author who considers the need to write as being a “bug” is surely one who interests us. From taking eight years to write his first...
If you’re into true crime, Yvonne Mason’s work shouldn’t be missed. Her ability to translate a story the world thought was over is both necessary and...
By the release of Penny Dreadful: City of Angels on April 26th it will be almost four years since the end of the first series. I’m...
Haunted MTL interview with Isaac Thorne, author of horror stories such as The Gordon Place, Road Kills, The Murder of Crows, Dislike and Hoppers.
When Hollywood runs out of ideas (on a daily basis) it turns to the tried and true formula of The Remake. The new Poltergeist movie seems...
The Golem (2019) is a folk horror film directed by Doron and Yoav Paz, starring Hani Furstenberg and Ishai Golan.