The Andy Griffith Show, the show that was filmed during the tumultuous 60’s, but felt like it was born and bred in the nostalgic 30’s. Even...
John Darnielle’s debut novel, Wolf in White Van, is a New York Times bestseller, finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and a National Book...
Where it all started… The Hellbound Heart started life humbly tucked away in an anthology released in November of 1986. Night Visions Volume 3 featured Ramsey...
You can tell right away that this movie was someone’s baby while watching it because a lot of style and effort went into it. In fact,...
Let’s go back in time to the early 90’s when a TV show about lifeguard shenanigans was the most watched show of all time. I think...
If your show comes out on Friday, and your show has a strong history of referencing the 80’s in every way possible, and you just happen...
The Beginning of a Classic, Ain’t It? Let’s face it, Stephen King is one of the most recognizable authors in our lifetime. He produced such hits...
Rape revenge films ask a lot from their audience. They are some of the most emotionally driven and violent horror movies, and this includes the 2018...
Banana Splits Movie review.
Wicked Pieces by Mary Leoson The crone’s skin sagged like a melting candle. It hung in drips rolling off her face—molten, dying. The eyes were marbles...
Filthy streets, neon lights and drugs These three things combine to create a mental image of a dark, miserable future. Blade Runner offered it to us...
STILL/BORN is a 2017 HORROR film with a short runtime of 87 minutes. Directed by Brandon Christensen and starring the beautiful, strikingly talented, Christie Burke, this...
Mike Mignola presents a one-shot Hellboy tale set in the prime of Hellboy’s career with the B.P.R.D.. While the story reveals little new about that time...
Lately, cinema has been lacking… in its ability to deliver a fresh, never before seen film, that focuses on mystery and murder. Knives Out, the whodunit...
Summer of 84 is a 2018 Drama, Suspense, HORROR film directed by Francois Simard, Anouk Whissell, and Yoann-Karl Whissell. It’s currently available on Shudder, and the...
Love horror? (Duh or you’re in the wrong spot!). Ever wanted to write horror? Maybe a short story? Maybe Flash? Heck, maybe you’re an artist (or...
With directorial credit split between Jack Hill and Stephanie Rothman, Blood Bath was a troubled 1960s Roger Corman production.
I ran into Free League Publishing at GenCon 2019 by mistake. I was looking for another booth and I found this Aliens looking creation. Turns out,...
Trunk Space – Omeleto This video by Omeleto was sent to me by a colleague. I’m not much into YouTube video watching, but I’m damn glad...
The review copy of Stoker and Wells: Order of the Golden Dawn came in the mail and I was stoked. I love Dracula. I love Time...