Slasher S4E6 examines what really happens if you violate Apple’s terms of service and why you should never ever throw away a receipt after buying a...
One of the things I like about Dexter is the blend of drama and comedy. This episode was a great example. We start with the drama....
This episode of Double Feature clocked in at one of the shortest episodes of AHS ever. After seeing it, I think it would have been a...
We have news of a new Shudder premiere, this one set for November 4th. Dead & Beautiful looks like it will add to Shudder’s array of...
Josey is spooked by a creepy diner experience. The MIG are collecting, and a new member of the community comes to visit.
Tommy finds himself trapped, yet again, by his parents. As he fights the chain around his neck that Joe Lee is choking him with, it seems...
Welcome back to Graphic Content’s “Just Swamp Things,” where this week we cover Swamp Thing Vol. 1 #5, released August of 1973. Swamp Thing #5 (August 1973) “The Last...
We’ve come to the end of Coven, Killer Queens. Sad to say. The ending wasn’t what I expected. It wasn’t bad, by any means. The word...
Martin Scorsese is known for crime thriller films based on true stories, and The Departed doesn’t defy those expectations. In this film, a police recruit named...
Slasher S4E5 gives a rare glimpse of what I think most survival nuts think they look like. Picture it, you’re in the middle of the woods...
The Slasher S4E4 exploration of Nature v Nurture continues the science experiment from Trading Places. I’m not sure what about rich white folk that makes them...
There are only two episodes left in Coven, Killer Queens. I feel like this season has gone by so fast. I’m sad to say, we’re almost...
Dexter isn’t doing so well at the start of this episode. He’s doing his best to follow the strict rules Deb’s put in place to keep...
After being confronted with the truth of who Dexter is, Deb’s come to an interesting decision. She could have turned Dexter in. She could have forgotten...
An eco horror tale of a man just doing his job… until the unthinkable happens… It was a long, sultry day. Hot and humid, sweat-inducing balminess...
This episode brought up a lot of emotions. As American Horror Story tends to do. In case you missed it last night, let’s discuss. We start...
AKA: I can be your Angel… or I can be your devil The Rule of Three We begin not with Angel, but with the underground crew. The...
During a football game Josey’s curiosity gets the better of her. She asks the question we’re all asking. What are you people?
Season seven of Dexter starts in medias res. Dexter is rushing to the airport. He tries to stop and get gas, but his card is declined....
The Mistress of the Dark, Elvira, will be celebrating her 40th anniversary of horror hosting fun on Shudder on September 25th. That’s right! 10 days away...